Class CompositePackage

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurationItem, Serializable, Comparable<BaseConfigurationItem>

@Metadata(description="(Deprecated) A container of DeploymentPackages that is a DeploymentPackage itself. ") @Deprecated public class CompositePackage extends Version
Using dependencies and multi-application deployments you can now do what you previously needed udm.CompositePackage s for.
A Version of an Application which can contain a list of other Versions, as well as artifacts and resource specifications (a collection of Deployables) that can be deployed onto a Container. Please note that the word package can be used to refer to a Version. In this case the definition makes more sense, as a CompositePackage can contain a list of other packages.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CompositePackage

      public CompositePackage()
  • Method Details

    • getPackages

      public List<Version> getPackages()
      The list of member packages (Version objects).
    • getDeployables

      public Set<Deployable> getDeployables()
      Specified by:
      getDeployables in class Version
      A collection of artifacts and resource specifications (Deployable objects)