Interface CreatorDescriptor

public interface CreatorDescriptor
Encapsulates the metadata about the creator of a type in the XL Deploy type system. Creators allow actions to be executed on CIs when they are created. Arguments are configured in the control task definition in the synthetic.xml file. Arguments are specified as attributes on the synthetic method definition XML and are passed as-is to the control task.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      The name of the method if class based or delegate name if synthetic based.
    • getAttributes

      Map<String,String> getAttributes()
      A map of arguments to be passed to the method call. An entry key represents the name of the argument, and an entry value is the value of the argument.
    • invoke

      void invoke(CreatorContext context)
      context - The CreatorContext on which to invoke the creator.
    • getFqn

      String getFqn()
      The fully qualified name of the creator. This is the type name followed by a dot and then the creator name. For example: k8s.ResourcesFile.creator