Release Manual 10.0.x

    Upgrade instructions

    For upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrade Deploy. Deploy 10.0.0

    XL Deploy 10.0.0 is a long-term support (LTS) version that will be supported until it is superseded by the long-term support (LTS) version. For more information, refer to Short-term support/Long-term support policy. Deploy 10.0.0 new features


    As of Deploy 10.0, Stitch is out of beta now with the availability of a new workbench that will allow users to create/edit rules within Deploy. Further, the publish feature will allow users to validate rules before it gets published. This feature will make sure the rules/macros are not available in production until it is published.

    Improved Performance

    With Version 10.0 we have addressed various performance and scalability aspects which will allow customers to utilize the hardware resources effectively. Also, users should notice an improved response time during the stressed conditions.

    Master/Worker Enhancements

    Reworking parts of the product to improve the robustness of the master-worker feature should increase the product quality, reducing the amount of issues customer experience and report related to this functionality

    Enabling Release and Deploy hosting on k8s and OpenShift

    Deploy 10.0 officially supports installing Deploy and Release in Kubernetes and AWS EKS environment with install guides and step-by-step instructions on how to set up the machines. Deploy 10.0 also has settings that are tuned for scalability and performance on the k8s and OpenShift platforms.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    If you have hotfixes installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading. Deploy 10.0.0 release notes

    New features

    • [DEPL-16298] - Artifact-copy-strategy works on satellites
    • [ENG-1482] - Move to JDK 11 in dev environment
    • [ENG-1483] - XL-Deploy can now connect with Artemis cluster using a UDP address.
    • [ENG-1610] - Added support to fetch configuration from well-known oidc-configuration URI
    • [ENG-2039] - Implemented persisted JMS queue to write records in Reporting Database
    • [ENG-2040] - Generate documents based on the content of the deployment
    • [ENG-2044] - Added support for Terraform deployments
    • [ENG-2091] - License check queries improved
    • [ENG-2180] - Migrated XLD Booting to Spring Boot
    • [ENG-2185] - Identified the key areas where we miss logs or have not human readable logs (on backend)
    • [ENG-2187] - Investigated how to save logs in database (and how to configure log level for that)
    • [ENG-2224] - Upgraded SMBJ to 0.10.0
    • [ENG-2236] - Migrated Worker Booting to Spring Boot
    • [ENG-2238] - Migrated of Satellite Booting to Spring Boot
    • [ENG-2263] - Added API for preview of stitch transformations with additional rules
    • [ENG-2264] - Added a new rule file
    • [ENG-2301] - Bumped to Gradle 6.5.1
    • [ENG-2317] - Added Jython CLI support for Stitch Preview and Dry Run API
    • [ENG-2330] - Updated frontend libraries for xl-react-components
    • [ENG-2331] - Updated frontend libraries for xld-ci-explorer
    • [ENG-2333] - Updated xl-deploy backend libraries
    • [ENG-2336] - Upgraded groovy to the latest version
    • [ENG-2345] - Update dfrontend libraries for xld-stitch-workbench
    • [ENG-2352] - Updated jackson to 2.11.x
    • [ENG-2444] - Enabled DataSourceAutoConfiguration in XLD
    • [ENG-2445] - Enabled DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration in XLD
    • [ENG-2489] - Implemented functionality to enable admins to set password str* [ENGth criteria
    • [ENG-2497] - Made SQL integration tests re-runnable
    • [ENG-2520] - Added documentation on SQL server specific properties, setup and settings
    • [ENG-2528] - Reduced time required for reading satellite and satellite groups and enahnced the performance of XL-Deploy
    • [ENG-2530] - Updated the Jasmine libraries to latest
    • [ENG-2550] - Improved the exception handling in the code
    • [ENG-2567] - Enabled token authentication using OAuth
    • [ENG-2576] - Identified what is missing in xld-lock-plugin
    • [ENG-2597] - Updated the Webpack to latest
    • [ENG-2686] - Added ability to postProcessing stitch transformation (in k8s plugin)
    • [ENG-2687] - Added stitching support for YAML objects added during the preProcessing
    • [ENG-2688] - Added implicit "PRE_FLIGHT" processing for AddYamlObject if explicit one is missing
    • [ENG-2698] - Made a new significant tag/id for deployment tasks
    • [ENG-2720] - Automated OSS generation in XL Devops Platform release template
    • [ENG-2742] - Added XL CLI support for Stitch Dry Run
    • [ENG-2784] - Fixed a creation of branches during the release for maintenance branches
    • [ENG-2808] - Added ability to run Dry Run against a Git Source branch
    • [ENG-2887] - Made release 9.7.10
    • [ENG-2895] - Added branch selection for the add Rule screen
    • [ENG-2897] - Added main branch definition to GitSource
    • [ENG-2898] - Added stitch branch regexp to GitSource
    • [ENG-2900] - Added a change set view
    • [ENG-3001] - Added ability to publish a change set


    • [ENG-2216] - Enabled special tags in YAML files
    • [ENG-2356] - Improved the performance of deployment/exists API
    • [ENG-2358] - Improved the performance of deployment/prepare/deployeds API
    • [ENG-2359] - Improve the performance of deployment/validate API
    • [ENG-2360] - Improve the performance of xldeploy/deployment API
    • [ENG-2364] - Improved the performance of "Register deployeds" step
    • [ENG-2705] - Improved the performance of deployment/prepare/update API
    • [ENG-3229] - Made Akka Chunking timeout configurable

    Bug fixes

    • [ENG-1648] - Fixed unused handlers in authentication plugins
    • [ENG-1821] - CLI doesn't get task state on master/ external worker setup
    • [ENG-2127] - Missed scheduled tasks never gets executed
    • [ENG-2171] - XLD REST APIs not working as expected
    • [ENG-2363] - Unable to undeploy application that contains big number of deployeds
    • [ENG-2892] - Can not export duplicate application
    • [ENG-2932] - Non admin user can start new tasks while XLD is in maintenance mode(K8 on-prem)
    • [ENG-3555] - Newly created user gets error upon logging in

    Known issues

    • [ENG-3822] - HTTP 400 error while exporting release audit report
    • [ENG-3818] - Users with empty roles are not able to login with OIDC Plugin
    • [ENG-3817] - Stitch - when branch is pending sync, Dry Run button on the Branch/rules screen is enabled
    • [ENG-3816] - Stitch - When branch is not synced, the view log button is enabled and throws error
    • [ENG-3805] - When trying to sync branch there is no feedback if user has no correct permissions
    • [ENG-3780] - Stitch: Able to perform different stitch operations with read only permissions.
    • [ENG-3740] - Show latest version in "Deploy latest" option
    • [ENG-3636] - For initial sync of git source with more than 5 branch showing pending status and we could see error "duplicate key value violates unique constraint "XLD_ST_NAMESPACES_NAME_IDX" error in view log.
    • [ENG-3930] - HTTP Error 500 after Deploy Upgrade in Chrome browser Deploy 10.0.1 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [ENG-5351] - Fixed the issue of was.WmqActivationSpecification fails discovery when "connectionNameList" property has more than one host for WAS Plugin.
    • [ENG-6609] - Fixed failed rollbacks of J2CResourceAdapterSpec deployments for WAS Plugin.
    • [ENG-6748] - Fixed the issue on status check during Start and Stop Server control task runs for WLS Plugin.
    • [ENG-6997] - Fixed the issue of was.SibQueueSpec failing during undeploy with cluster mode for WAS Plugin. Deploy 10.0.2 release notes

    New features

    • [AET-144] - Added modal for branch deletion on publishing the change set
    • [ENG-2312] - Updated: Avoid additional copy of OverthereFile on placeholders replacement
    • [ENG-2498] - Improved performance of repository/read (list)
    • [ENG-2518] - Added index on XLD_CIS for name column
    • [ENG-3033] - Added modal for branch deletion on publishing the change set
    • [ENG-3768] - Fixed JDK11 related errors


    • [ENG-2362] - Improved performance of deployment/dictionary
    • [ENG-2925] - Improved performance of "Deployment" API during Undeploy
    • [ENG-4251] - Updated to support batch read checks for Permission API
    • [ENG-4261] - Improved how we do reflections (synthetic improvement)
    • [ENG-4278] - Improved row mapper
    • [ENG-4995] - Improved placeholders replacement performance

    Bug fixes

    • [AET-246] - Fixed: On change set row - disabled button is clickable
    • [ENG-3343] - Handle 'TypeNotFound', 'CannotLocateArtifactException' and 'NullPointerException' occurred while upgrading
    • [ENG-3658] - View selection and date range is not persistent in Calendar if you move across tabs
    • [ENG-3792] - On change set row - disabled button is clickable
    • [ENG-3865] - Sync sources doesn't work on master/worker
    • [ENG-3866] - Failed Source sync doesn't show it is failed on GUI
    • [ENG-3962] - Fix validation when saving a rule file
    • [ENG-4050] - Remove unnecessary library from XLD dist
    • [ENG-4142] - Fix multifile error for proper multifile yaml documents
    • [ENG-4148] - Deployit1000ReadOnlyRoleUpgrader failing
    • [ENG-4229] - Add scalac-scapegoat-plugin in thirdPartyLicense ignoredGroups list
    • [ENG-4757] - Fix terraform hcl2json failing on type transformation
    • [ENG-4817] - SQL error thrown in repository/cis/read
    • [ENG-4891] - Backpot ENG-2090 MSSQL driver performance improvement
    • [ENG-5316] - aws.rds.DBInstanceSpec subnet group marked as required for AWS Plugin Deploy 10.0.4 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [ENG-2022] - Fix made to ensure multiple updates to the same CI will pick the latest key and token from the previous update for WAS Plugin.
    • [ENG-2570] - Updated the file.Folder error message.
    • [ENG-2618] - Fixed an issue that prevented users from creating deployment packages that consist of a single file with no content (0 bytes) on Deploy sites that use the Oracle database.
    • [ENG-4509] - Fixed a security vulnerability to prevent directory traversal attacks. Deploy 10.0.5 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [FI-496] - Fixed Deploy versions 9.7.10 and 10.0.0 performance issues.
    • [FI-659] - Fixed the issue with large DARs that caused the Deploy application to go down.
    • [FI-753] - Fixed the Deploy Connection Lost Error.
    • [FI-813] - Fixed a session time out issue due to which the Deploy application stopped abruptly. Deploy 10.0.6 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [FI-744] - Fixed the issue where XL-deploy failed when configured to start the JMX.
    • [FI-746] - Fixed the RabbitMQ max message size exceeded error.
    • [FI-785] - Fixed the issue that prevented environment export if the name has spaces.
    • [FI-787] - Updated the task.step.execution-threads property in xl-deploy.conf file.
    • [FI-800] - Fixed the placeholders issue where the empty folders are deleted.
    • [FI-829] - Fixed the "Cannot be cast error" when upgrading XLD from 9.5.3 to 10.2.2. Deploy 10.0.7 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [ENG-7904] - Fixed the issue with stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in the Maintenance banner.
    • [ENG-7980] - Fixed the broken Jython patch for issues 2618 and 2894. Deploy 10.0.8 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [FI-851] - Fixed the memory consumption issue caused when upgrading to Deploy 10.0.5. Deploy 10.0.9 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [FI-868] - Fixed the OIDC session time out upon inactivity issue. Fixed the issue with user session timeout handling where user had to re-login despite OIDC session being active. Deploy will now use the already active OIDC session without forcing user to re-login.
    • [FI-869] - Fixed the issue with importing file.Folder CI that has accented characters.
    • [FI-880] - Fixed the issue with scheduled tasks where user with proper permissions is not able to see them.
    • [FI-910] - Fixed the issue where the accented characters were not displayed in Dictionary upon saving. Deploy 10.0.10 release notes

    Note: We recommend that you do not upgrade to this version due to a known issue with Oracle database where the application fails to authorize the user in case of non-admin users. Instead, we recommend that you install the next maintenance version that includes the fix.

    Field incidents

    • [FI-847] - Fixed the issue where invalid archive is not copied when Replace Placeholders is enabled.
    • [FI-853] - Fixed the latency issue that caused some delay in loading the Deploy application logo.
    • [FI-856] - Fixed the issue where the non-admin users cannot view the old archived tasks that were visible before the upgrade.
    • [FI-897] - Updated warnings for unresolved placeholders when updating the deployment.
    • [FI-934] - Fixed the crowd integration issue.
    • [FI-936] - Fixed the issue that limited maximum number of expressions in a list to 1000.
    • [FI-938] - Fixed the deployment issue that occurred when Deploy is started as a service.
    • [FI-951] - Fixed the latency issue that caused some delay in loading the Deploy application logo.
    • [FI-955] - Fixed the Task archive issue with mysql database.
    • [FI-963] - Deploy and Release are not susceptible to log4j vulnerability. Though Deploy and Release were bundled with log4j-to-slf4j and log4j-api files, these JAR files cannot be exploited. While neither these files nor Deploy and Release are susceptible to attack due to this log4j vulnerability, some threat detection systems may flag these files. To avoid any such false positive threat indications in future, the latest log4j library files (interface and supporting third party libraries) were bundled with both Release and Deploy. For more information, see Log4j Vulnerability to Zero-Day Exploit and Release and Deploy. Deploy 10.0.11 release notes

    Field incidents

    • [FI-954] - Fixed a UI issue that prevented automatic user session timeouts past the threshold idle time. Deploy 10.0.12 release notes

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.0.12

    • ENG-9080 — Fixed an issue where the cluster data was not properly persisted in the database.
    • FI-982 — Fixed an issue that displayed an error in the Register Deployed section even after deployment was cancelled.
    • FI-1006 — Fixed an issue that prevented the display of a particular activity in the monitoring and report pages.
    • FI-1011 — Fixed an issue that prevented the command from starting the satellite with wrapper Java options. Deploy 10.0.14 release notes

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.0.14

    Note: There is no Deploy version 10.0.13.

    • ENG-7906 - Fixed an issue due to which only users with Report-View permission were able to download the gene