OpenShift Plugin Reference 9.7.x

    The XL Deploy OpenShift plugin enables XL Deploy to work with Red Hat OpenShift v3 cloud PaaS. The plugin uses the kubernetes and openshift API libraries to communicate with OpenShift. For information about the plugin features, refer to Introduction to the XL OpenShift plugin.


    • XL Deploy 7.5.0 or later
    • A valid OpenShift account and a user with admin rights associated to it
    • xld-kubernetes-plugin 8.5.0
    • OC v3.7.0 or later

    Important: To use the XL Deploy OpenShift plugin with XL Deploy 7.1.0 or earlier, you must download the Jython jar file and replace jython-standalone-2.7.0.XXX.jar under the lib directory of the XL Deploy installation with it. This is not required for XL Deploy 7.2.0 or later.

    Important: The XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 7.2.0 no longer supports individual YAML CIs for Pod, Development, Image Stream, and so on. Instead, there is single CI for YAML configurations, which supports all types of OpenShift configurations. This is a breaking change; you must delete and recreate packages when upgrading from 7.1.0 to 7.2.0

    Release notes

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 9.7.0

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-1476] - Describing service failed. Load Balancer not ready!
    • [ENG-731] - 9.7.0 Openshift plugin can't deploy openshift.TemplateResourcesFile

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 9.6.0

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-1373] - Fix parallel deployments to openshift containers fail with random 401 error

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 9.5.2

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-512] - Update Kubernetes Plugin to Support Latest Version
    • [XLINT-1199] - Update/remove annotations from an Openshift/k8s resource
    • [XLINT-1226] - Using a Valid Template in Openshift Fails When Deployed via XLD

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 9.5.1

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-1007] - Make OpenShift types order configurable

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 9.5.0

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-885] - Fix wait scripts for the changes in kubernetes plugin
    • [LOVE-1186] - Add support to yaml List kind
    • [LOVE-1286] - Add patch dictionary support in kubernetes plugin

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 9.0.5

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-860] - Use patch_type and propagation_policy on openshift
    • [XLINT-871] - Add option for user to select the desired update method

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 9.0.2

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-864] - YAML format does not support List

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 9.0.0


    • [XLINT-508] - Add OpenShift proxy server configuration

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-536] - Validate deployment of deploymentconfigspec

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 8.6.0


    • [XLINT-535] - ServiceType should be optional when defining CIs that contain PodSpec

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-474] - Modifying k8s.ContainerPortSpec host port or container port not seen as modification requiring redeploy
    • [XLINT-531] - Fixed errors when deploying k8s manifests with UTF-8 encoding

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 8.5.1

    Bug Fixes

    • [XLINT-390] -Connections are not closed post XLD tasks

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 8.5.0

    New features

    • [DEPL-13716] - Add support for all resource types in k8s.resourceFile dynamic
    • [DEPL-13608] - Add support for deploying templates to OpenShift
    • [DEPL 13718] - Add DeploymentConfig property-based-CI in OpenShift plugin


    • [DEPL-13991] - Automatically expose container ports as service
    • [DEPL-12695] - ProjectSpec is a DeployableContainer

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 8.0.1

    Bug Fixes

    • [DEPL-13315] - Check connection fix for windows


    • [DEPL-13276] - Supporting version of API as preferred by Openshift Cluster.

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 8.0.0

    New features

    • [DEPL-12947] - Add support to create/destroy Cron Jobs
    • [DEPL-12946] - Add support to create/destroy Stateful Sets
    • [DEPL-12945] - Add support to create/destroy Storage Class
    • [DEPL-13036] - Support for multi-document Yamls


    • [DEPL-12968] - Multiple api version support for YAML based deployables. Latest api versions will be used for property based deployables.
    • [DEPL-13053] - Update wait logic to use the count of unavailable pods while updating the deployment
    • [DEPL-12764] - Restart Pod/Deployment when an associated Config Map is modified
    • [DEPL-12766] - Improve error logging

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-13099] - Remove redundant deployment orders fields in k8s.ResourcesFile Artifacts

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 7.5.0

    New features

    • Supports various Kubernetes objects like Pod, Service etc via property-based-deployables
    • [DEPL-12201] - Deploy/Undeploy an image stream to OpenShift cluster using property-based-deployables
    • [DEPL-12401] - Client certificate authentication support added
    • [DEPL-12199] - Deploy/Undeploy a route to OpenShift Server via property-based-deployables

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 7.2.0

    New features

    • [DEPL-12119] - Deploy/Undeploy k8s Pod using CI
    • [DEPL-12128] - Deploy/Undeploy k8s Deployment Config using CI
    • [DEPL-12198] - Single CI for YAML-based configurations

    XL Deploy OpenShift plugin 7.1.0

    New features

    • Deploy/Undeploy Build Config
    • Deploy/Undeploy Deployment Config
    • Deploy/Undeploy Image Stream
    • Deploy/Undeploy Pod
    • Deploy/Undeploy Route
    • Deploy/Undeploy Service
    • Deploy/Undeploy List of items

    CI Reference

    Configuration Item Overview


    openshift.DeploymentConfigSpec OpenShift DeploymentConfig Template (deployable)
    openshift.ImageStreamSpec Specification for an OpenShift project.
    openshift.ProjectSpec Specification for an OpenShift project.
    openshift.ResourcesFile OpenShift Generic Resource Template (deployable)
    openshift.RouteSpec Specification for an OpenShift project.
    openshift.TemplateResourcesFile OpenShift Generic Resource Template (deployable)


    openshift.DeploymentConfig OpenShift DeploymentConfig Template
    openshift.ImageStream OpenShift Image Stream.
    openshift.Project OpenShift Project.
    openshift.Resources OpenShift Generic Resource Template
    openshift.Route OpenShift Route.
    openshift.TemplateResources OpenShift Generic Resource Template


    openshift.Project OpenShift Project.
    openshift.ProjectSpec Specification for an OpenShift project.
    openshift.Server OpenShift server

    Other Configuration Items

    openshift.CustomDeploymentStrategyParams CustomParams are the input to the Custom deployment strategy, and may also be specified for the Recreate and Rolling strategies to customize the execution process that runs the deployment.
    openshift.CustomDeploymentStrategyParamsSpec CustomParams are the input to the Custom deployment strategy, and may also be specified for the Recreate and Rolling strategies to customize the execution process that runs the deployment.
    openshift.DeploymentStrategy Strategy describes how a deployment is executed.
    openshift.DeploymentStrategySpec Strategy describes how a deployment is executed.
    openshift.DeploymentTriggerPolicy Triggers determine how updates to a DeploymentConfig result in new deployments.
    openshift.DeploymentTriggerPolicySpec Triggers determine how updates to a DeploymentConfig result in new deployments.
    openshift.RecreateDeploymentStrategyParams RecreateParams are the input to the Recreate deployment strategy.
    openshift.RecreateDeploymentStrategyParamsSpec RecreateParams are the input to the Recreate deployment strategy.
    openshift.RollingDeploymentStrategyParams Description unavailable
    openshift.RollingDeploymentStrategyParamsSpec RollingParams are the input to the Rolling deployment strategy.

    Configuration Item Details


    Type Hierarchy openshift.DeploymentStrategy >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    CustomParams are the input to the Custom deployment strategy, and may also be specified for the Recreate and Rolling strategies to customize the execution process that runs the deployment.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    annotations: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Annotations is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods.
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Command is optional and overrides CMD in the container Image.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    environment: LIST_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerEnvVar>
    Environment holds the environment which will be given to the container for Image.
    image: STRING
    Image specifies a Docker image which can carry out a deployment.
    Labels is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods.


    Type Hierarchy openshift.DeploymentStrategySpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    CustomParams are the input to the Custom deployment strategy, and may also be specified for the Recreate and Rolling strategies to customize the execution process that runs the deployment.

    environment: LIST_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerEnvVar>
    Environment holds the environment which will be given to the container for Image.
      Public properties
    annotations: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Annotations is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods. (map_string_string)
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Command is optional and overrides CMD in the container Image. (list_of_string)
    image: STRING
    Image specifies a Docker image which can carry out a deployment. (string)
    Labels is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods. (map_string_string)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.OrderedBaseDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    OpenShift DeploymentConfig Template

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    createOrder: INTEGER = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    deploymentConfigName: STRING
    Name of the DeploymentConfig. It must match [a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    min_ready_seconds: INTEGER
    The minimum number of seconds for which a newly created pod should be ready without any of its container crashing.
    paused: BOOLEAN
    Indicates that the deployment config is paused resulting in no new deployments on template changes or changes in the template caused by other triggers.
    readinessProbeRetry: INTEGER = 36
    Number of retries until readiness probe check passes. The interval between each try is 5 seconds
    replicas: INTEGER
    The number of desired replicas.
    revision_history_limit: INTEGER
    The number of old ReplicationControllers to retain to allow for rollbacks.
    selector: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Selector is a label query over pods that should match the Replicas count.
    strategy: SET_OF_CI<openshift.DeploymentStrategySpec>
    Strategy describes how a deployment is executed.
    template: SET_OF_CI<k8s.PodSpec>
    Template is the object that describes the pod that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected.
    test: BOOLEAN
    Test ensures that this deployment config will have zero replicas except while a deployment is running.
    Triggers determine how updates to a DeploymentConfig result in new deployments.
    validatePodsCreation: BOOLEAN = true
    Check that pods are ready and running after deployment.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    OpenShift DeploymentConfig Template (deployable)

    strategy: SET_OF_CI<openshift.DeploymentStrategySpec>
    Strategy describes how a deployment is executed.
    template: SET_OF_CI<k8s.PodSpec>
    Template is the object that describes the pod that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected.
    Triggers determine how updates to a DeploymentConfig result in new deployments.
      Public properties
    createOrder: STRING
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation. (integer) default(60)
    deploymentConfigName: STRING
    Name of the DeploymentConfig. It must match [a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)* (string)
    destroyOrder: STRING
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation. (integer) default(40)
    min_ready_seconds: STRING
    The minimum number of seconds for which a newly created pod should be ready without any of its container crashing. (integer)
    modifyOrder: STRING
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation. (integer) default(50)
    paused: STRING
    Indicates that the deployment config is paused resulting in no new deployments on template changes or changes in the template caused by other triggers. (boolean) default(false)
    readinessProbeRetry: STRING
    Number of retries until readiness probe check passes. The interval between each try is 5 seconds (integer) default(36)
    replicas: STRING
    The number of desired replicas. (integer)
    revision_history_limit: STRING
    The number of old ReplicationControllers to retain to allow for rollbacks. (integer)
    selector: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Selector is a label query over pods that should match the Replicas count. (map_string_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    test: STRING
    Test ensures that this deployment config will have zero replicas except while a deployment is running. (boolean) default(false)
    validatePodsCreation: STRING
    Check that pods are ready and running after deployment. (boolean) default(true)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Strategy describes how a deployment is executed.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    annotations: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Annotations is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    Labels is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Strategy describes how a deployment is executed.

      Public properties
    annotations: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Annotations is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods. (map_string_string)
    Labels is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods. (map_string_string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Triggers determine how updates to a DeploymentConfig result in new deployments.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    automatic: BOOLEAN
    Automatic means that the detection of a new tag value should result in an image update inside the pod template.
    container_names: LIST_OF_STRING
    ContainerNames is used to restrict tag updates to the specified set of container names in a pod.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    from_object: MAP_STRING_STRING
    From is a reference to an image stream tag to watch for changes. From.Name is the only required subfield - if From.Namespace is blank, the namespace of the current deployment trigger will be used.
    last_triggered_image: STRING
    LastTriggeredImage is the last image to be triggered.
    type_of_trigger: STRING
    Type of the trigger


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Triggers determine how updates to a DeploymentConfig result in new deployments.

      Public properties
    automatic: STRING
    Automatic means that the detection of a new tag value should result in an image update inside the pod template. (boolean) default(false)
    container_names: LIST_OF_STRING
    ContainerNames is used to restrict tag updates to the specified set of container names in a pod. (list_of_string)
    from_object: MAP_STRING_STRING
    From is a reference to an image stream tag to watch for changes. From.Name is the only required subfield - if From.Namespace is blank, the namespace of the current deployment trigger will be used. (map_string_string)
    last_triggered_image: STRING
    LastTriggeredImage is the last image to be triggered. (string)
    type_of_trigger: STRING
    Type of the trigger (string)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.OrderedBaseDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    OpenShift Image Stream.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    createOrder: INTEGER = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    imageNameAndTag: STRING
    Image and tag name in format :. e.g. alpine:latest
    imageSourceUrl: STRING
    The hostname and port name where repository server is located. e.g.
    imageStreamName: STRING
    Name of the Image Stream. It must match [a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    verifyCertificates: BOOLEAN
    Validate certificates?
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an OpenShift project.

      Public properties
    createOrder: STRING = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation. (integer) default(60)
    destroyOrder: STRING = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation. (integer) default(40)
    imageNameAndTag: STRING
    Image and tag name in format :. e.g. alpine:latest (string)
    imageSourceUrl: STRING
    The hostname and port name where repository server is located. e.g. (string)
    imageStreamName: STRING
    Name of the Image Stream. It must match [a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)* (string)
    modifyOrder: STRING = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation. (integer) default(50)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    verifyCertificates: STRING = false
    Validate certificates? (boolean) default(false)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy k8s.BasePodContainer >> udm.BaseDeployedContainer >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Taggable

    OpenShift Project.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    createOrder: INTEGER = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    projectName: STRING
    Project Name
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description: STRING
    projectDisplayName: STRING
    Project Display Name
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
      Hidden properties
    containerHelper: STRING = xld.openshift.project.helper.ProjectHelper
    Container Helper
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployableContainer >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableContainer, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an OpenShift project.

      Public properties
    containerTags: SET_OF_STRING
    The tags to copy to the Deployed Container
    createOrder: STRING = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation. (integer) default(60)
    description: STRING
    Description (string)
    destroyOrder: STRING = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation. (integer) default(40)
    modifyOrder: STRING = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation. (integer) default(50)
    projectDisplayName: STRING
    Project Display Name (string)
    projectName: STRING
    Project Name (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container. (set_of_string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy openshift.DeploymentStrategy >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    RecreateParams are the input to the Recreate deployment strategy.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    annotations: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Annotations is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    Labels is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods.
    Mid is a lifecycle hook which is executed while the deployment is scaled down to zero before the first new pod is created.
    Post is a lifecycle hook which is executed after the strategy has finished all deployment logic.
    Pre is a lifecycle hook which is executed before the strategy manipulates the deployment.
    timeout_seconds: INTEGER
    TimeoutSeconds is the time to wait for updates before giving up. If the value is nil, a default will be used.


    Type Hierarchy openshift.DeploymentStrategySpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    RecreateParams are the input to the Recreate deployment strategy.

      Public properties
    annotations: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Annotations is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods. (map_string_string)
    Labels is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods. (map_string_string)
    Mid is a lifecycle hook which is executed while the deployment is scaled down to zero before the first new pod is created. (map_string_string)
    Post is a lifecycle hook which is executed after the strategy has finished all deployment logic. (map_string_string)
    Pre is a lifecycle hook which is executed before the strategy manipulates the deployment. (map_string_string)
    timeout_seconds: STRING
    TimeoutSeconds is the time to wait for updates before giving up. If the value is nil, a default will be used. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.AbstractResources >> udm.BaseDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    OpenShift Generic Resource Template

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    createOrder: INTEGER = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    mergePatchType: ENUM [json, merge, strategic] = strategic
    Merge patch type, see
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    propagationPolicy: ENUM [Foreground, Background, Orphan] = Foreground
    Propagation policy at the moment of deletion, see
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    displayResourceOnLogs: BOOLEAN
    Log the resource specification while waiting for it to be ready.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    readinessProbeRetry: INTEGER = 36
    Number of retries until readiness probe check passes. The interval between each try is 5 seconds
    updateMethod: ENUM [apply, patch, replace] = patch
    k8s update method; patch updates might not remove certain fields from deployment.
    validatePodsCreation: BOOLEAN = true
    Check that pods are ready and running after deployment.
    waitServiceLoadBalancerIngress: BOOLEAN = true
    Wait Service Load Balancer Ingress
      Hidden properties
    resourceFactory: STRING = xld.openshift.resource.factory.OpenShiftResourceFactory
    Resource Factory
    resourceWaitTime: INTEGER = 50
    Resource Wait Time
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy k8s.AbstractResourcesFile >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    OpenShift Generic Resource Template (deployable)

      Public properties
    createOrder: STRING
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation. (integer) default(60)
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    destroyOrder: STRING
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation. (integer) default(40)
    mergePatchType: STRING
    Merge patch type, see (enum) values(json, merge, strategic) default(strategic)
    modifyOrder: STRING
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation. (integer) default(50)
    propagationPolicy: STRING
    Propagation policy at the moment of deletion, see (enum) values(Foreground, Background, Orphan) default(Foreground)
    updateMethod: STRING
    k8s update method; patch updates might not remove certain fields from deployment. (enum) values(apply, patch, replace) default(patch)
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    displayResourceOnLogs: STRING
    Log the resource specification while waiting for it to be ready. (boolean) default(false)
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    readinessProbeRetry: STRING
    Number of retries until readiness probe check passes. The interval between each try is 5 seconds (integer) default(36)
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    validatePodsCreation: STRING
    Check that pods are ready and running after deployment. (boolean) default(true)
    waitServiceLoadBalancerIngress: STRING
    Wait Service Load Balancer Ingress (boolean) default(true)
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.( json | yml | yaml )
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy openshift.DeploymentStrategy >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Description unavailable

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    annotations: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Annotations is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    interval_seconds: INTEGER
    IntervalSeconds is the time to wait between polling deployment status after update.
    Labels is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods.
    max_surge: INTEGER
    MaxSurge is the maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the original number of pods. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of total pods at the start of the update (ex: 10%).
    max_unavailable: INTEGER
    MaxUnavailable is the maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of total pods at the start of update (ex: 10%).
    Post is a lifecycle hook which is executed after the strategy has finished all deployment logic.
    Pre is a lifecycle hook which is executed before the strategy manipulates the deployment.
    timeout_seconds: INTEGER
    TimeoutSeconds is the time to wait for updates before giving up. If the value is nil, a default will be used.
    update_period_seconds: INTEGER
    UpdatePeriodSeconds is the time to wait between individual pod updates. If the value is nil, a default will be used.


    Type Hierarchy openshift.DeploymentStrategySpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    RollingParams are the input to the Rolling deployment strategy.

      Public properties
    annotations: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Annotations is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods. (map_string_string)
    interval_seconds: STRING
    IntervalSeconds is the time to wait between polling deployment status after update. (integer)
    Labels is a set of key, value pairs added to custom deployer and lifecycle pre/post hook pods. (map_string_string)
    max_surge: STRING
    MaxSurge is the maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the original number of pods. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of total pods at the start of the update (ex: 10%). (integer)
    max_unavailable: STRING
    MaxUnavailable is the maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of total pods at the start of update (ex: 10%). (integer)
    Post is a lifecycle hook which is executed after the strategy has finished all deployment logic. (map_string_string)
    Pre is a lifecycle hook which is executed before the strategy manipulates the deployment. (map_string_string)
    timeout_seconds: STRING
    TimeoutSeconds is the time to wait for updates before giving up. If the value is nil, a default will be used. (integer)
    update_period_seconds: STRING
    UpdatePeriodSeconds is the time to wait between individual pod updates. If the value is nil, a default will be used. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.OrderedBaseDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    OpenShift Route.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    createOrder: INTEGER = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    serviceName: STRING
    Primary service name for traffic routing.
    serviceWeight: INTEGER = 256
    Primary service weight determines the relative traffic to be routed to this service.
    terminationType: ENUM [None, Edge, Passthrough, ReEncrypt] = None
    Termination type specifies how the TLS termination occurs.
    alternateServices: MAP_STRING_STRING
    List of alternate services for splitting the traffic. The key-value represents the service name and service weight.
    caCertificate: STRING
    Certification authority certificate (ca.crt) to validate router certificate.
    certificate: STRING
    TLS certificate for router (apiserver.crt).
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    destinationCACertificate: STRING
    Certification authority certificate (ca.crt) to validate the endpoint certificate, securing the connection from the router to the destination.
    hostName: STRING
    Public hostname for the route. If not specified, a hostname is generated.
    insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: STRING
    It specifies the desired behavior for insecure connections to a route.
    key: STRING
    TLS private key for router (apiserver.key).
    path: STRING
    Path that the router watches to route traffic to the service.
    routeName: STRING
    Name of the route.
    targetPort: STRING
    The target port on pods selected by the service this route points to.
    wildcardPolicy: STRING
    Wildcard policy for traffic routing. A wildcard policy allows a user to define a route that covers all hosts within a domain.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an OpenShift project.

      Public properties
    alternateServices: MAP_STRING_STRING
    List of alternate services for splitting the traffic. The key-value represents the service name and service weight. (map_string_string)
    caCertificate: STRING
    Certification authority certificate (ca.crt) to validate router certificate. (string)
    certificate: STRING
    TLS certificate for router (apiserver.crt). (string)
    createOrder: STRING = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation. (integer) default(60)
    destinationCACertificate: STRING
    Certification authority certificate (ca.crt) to validate the endpoint certificate, securing the connection from the router to the destination. (string)
    destroyOrder: STRING = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation. (integer) default(40)
    hostName: STRING
    Public hostname for the route. If not specified, a hostname is generated. (string)
    insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: STRING
    It specifies the desired behavior for insecure connections to a route. (string)
    key: STRING
    TLS private key for router (apiserver.key). (string)
    modifyOrder: STRING = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation. (integer) default(50)
    path: STRING
    Path that the router watches to route traffic to the service. (string)
    routeName: STRING
    Name of the route. (string)
    serviceName: STRING
    Primary service name for traffic routing. (string)
    serviceWeight: STRING = 256
    Primary service weight determines the relative traffic to be routed to this service. (integer) default(256)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    targetPort: STRING
    The target port on pods selected by the service this route points to. (string)
    terminationType: STRING = None
    Termination type specifies how the TLS termination occurs. (enum) values(None, Edge, Passthrough, ReEncrypt) default(None)
    wildcardPolicy: STRING
    Wildcard policy for traffic routing. A wildcard policy allows a user to define a route that covers all hosts within a domain. (string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy k8s.Cluster >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Taggable

    OpenShift server

      Public properties
    serverUrl: STRING
    Url of the OpenShift server
    caCert: STRING
    Certification authority certificate(ca.crt) for server
    debug: BOOLEAN
    Dump request/response for troubleshooting purposes.
    openshiftToken: STRING
    Openshift Token
    proxyServer: CI<credentials.ProxyServer>
    Proxy Server
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    tlsCert: STRING
    TLS certificate for master server(apiserver.crt)
    tlsPrivateKey: STRING
    TLS private key for master server(apiserver.key)
    verifyCertificates: BOOLEAN = true
    Validate certificates?
      Hidden properties
    clientFactory: STRING = xld.openshift.factories.client_factory.OpenShiftClientFactory
    Client Factory
    containerHelper: STRING = xld.openshift.server_helper.ServerHelper
    Container Helper
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription

    delegate = jythonScript, script = xld/openshift/

    Verify the connection to the Openshift Cloud.


    Type Hierarchy openshift.Resources >> k8s.AbstractResources >> udm.BaseDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    OpenShift Generic Resource Template

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    createOrder: INTEGER = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    mergePatchType: ENUM [json, merge, strategic] = strategic
    Merge patch type, see
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    propagationPolicy: ENUM [Foreground, Background, Orphan] = Foreground
    Propagation policy at the moment of deletion, see
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    displayResourceOnLogs: BOOLEAN
    Log the resource specification while waiting for it to be ready.
    json: STRING
    parameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Parameters to add/override in the template. The key-value represents the service name and service weight.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    readinessProbeRetry: INTEGER = 36
    Number of retries until readiness probe check passes. The interval between each try is 5 seconds
    updateMethod: ENUM [apply, patch, replace] = patch
    k8s update method; patch updates might not remove certain fields from deployment.
    validatePodsCreation: BOOLEAN = true
    Check that pods are ready and running after deployment.
    waitServiceLoadBalancerIngress: BOOLEAN = true
    Wait Service Load Balancer Ingress
      Hidden properties
    resourceFactory: STRING = xld.openshift.resource.factory.OpenShiftResourceFactory
    Resource Factory
    resourceWaitTime: INTEGER = 50
    Resource Wait Time
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy openshift.ResourcesFile >> k8s.AbstractResourcesFile >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    OpenShift Generic Resource Template (deployable)

      Public properties
    createOrder: STRING
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation. (integer) default(60)
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    destroyOrder: STRING
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation. (integer) default(40)
    mergePatchType: STRING
    Merge patch type, see (enum) values(json, merge, strategic) default(strategic)
    modifyOrder: STRING
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation. (integer) default(50)
    propagationPolicy: STRING
    Propagation policy at the moment of deletion, see (enum) values(Foreground, Background, Orphan) default(Foreground)
    updateMethod: STRING
    k8s update method; patch updates might not remove certain fields from deployment. (enum) values(apply, patch, replace) default(patch)
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    displayResourceOnLogs: STRING
    Log the resource specification while waiting for it to be ready. (boolean) default(false)
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    parameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Parameters to add/override in the template. The key-value represents the service name and service weight. (map_string_string)
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    readinessProbeRetry: STRING
    Number of retries until readiness probe check passes. The interval between each try is 5 seconds (integer) default(36)
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    validatePodsCreation: STRING
    Check that pods are ready and running after deployment. (boolean) default(true)
    waitServiceLoadBalancerIngress: STRING
    Wait Service Load Balancer Ingress (boolean) default(true)
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.( json | yml | yaml )
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    json: STRING
    Json (string)