Kubernetes Plugin Reference 7.5.x

    The XL Deploy kubernetes plugin adds capability for creating Pods, ReplicationController and Service on kubernetes container cluster manager. The plugin uses the kubernetes api libraries to communicate with kubernetes container cluster manager. For information about the plugin features, refer to Introduction to the XL Kubernetes plugin.


    • XL Deploy 6.2.0 or later
    • kubernetes v1.2.5 or later

    Release notes

    XL Deploy Kubernetes plugin 7.5.3

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-13315] - XLD Openshift/ Kubernetes connection check fails while XLD being on Windows

    XL Deploy Kubernetes plugin 7.5.2

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-12767] - Changed logic for check connection control task
    • [DEPL-12772] - Jython should verify certificate using both hostname and IP

    If you are using Kubernetes plugin along with Docker plugin, please upgrade the Docker plugin version to 7.5.1

    XL Deploy Kubernetes plugin 7.5.1

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-12709] - Cannot connect GKE cluster using certificate
    • [DEPL-12740] - Fixed the bug in config map
    • [DEPL-12762] - Volume attached to Deployment object

    XL Deploy Kubernetes plugin 7.5.0

    New features

    • [DEPL-12423] - Add support for Persistent Volumes


    • [DEPL-12427] - Wait step added for destruction of resources from YAML
    • [DEPL-11974] - Added support to rollback multiple resources from a single resource file
    • [DEPL-12492] - Added support for environment variables on POD

    XL Deploy Kubernetes plugin 7.2.0

    New features

    • [DEPL-11992] - Deploy/Undeploy Namespace and Pod
    • [DEPL-11993] - Capability to mount volume on Pod
    • [DEPL-11995] - Deploy/Undeploy Deployment Config
    • [DEPL-12158] - Add control task to check connection to K8s

    CI Reference

    Configuration Item Overview


    k8s.AbstractPodSpec Abstract type which acts as parent for Pod and Deployment (deployable)
    k8s.AbstractResourcesFile K8S Abstract Resource Template (deployable)
    k8s.ConfigMapSpec The ConfigMap API resource holds key-value pairs of configuration data that can be consumed in pods. (deployable)
    k8s.DeploymentSpec Specifies kubernetes deployment (deployable)
    k8s.NamespaceSpec Specification for a Kubernetes namespace.
    k8s.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec Specification for Kubernetes Persistent volume claim. (deployable)
    k8s.PersistentVolumeSpec Specification for Kubernetes Persistent Volume. (deployable)
    k8s.PodSpec Pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed with Kubernetes (deployable)
    k8s.ResourcesFile K8S Generic Resource Template (deployable)
    k8s.SecretSpec Specification for Kubernetes Secret. (deployable)
    k8s.ServiceSpec Specification for Kubernetes Service. (deployable)


    k8s.AbstractPod Abstract type which acts as parent for Pod and Deployment
    k8s.AbstractResources K8S Abstract Resource Template
    k8s.BasePodContainer Base container that acts as a container for Pod.
    k8s.ConfigMap The ConfigMap API resource holds key-value pairs of configuration data that can be consumed in pods.
    k8s.Deployment Specifies kubernetes deployment
    k8s.Namespace Namespace that acts as a container for all other CIs like Pod, service etc.
    k8s.PersistentVolume Specification for Kubernetes Persistent Volume.
    k8s.PersistentVolumeClaim Specification for Kubernetes Persistent volume claim.
    k8s.Pod Pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed with Kubernetes
    k8s.Resources K8S Generic Resource Template
    k8s.Secret Specification for Kubernetes Secret.
    k8s.Service Specification for Kubernetes Service.


    k8s.BasePodContainer Base container that acts as a container for Pod.
    k8s.Cluster Description unavailable
    k8s.Master The controlling unit in a Kubernetes cluster which serves as the main management contact point for administrators.
    k8s.Namespace Namespace that acts as a container for all other CIs like Pod, service etc.

    Other Configuration Items

    k8s.ConfigMapFile Description unavailable
    k8s.ConfigMapFileSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    k8s.Container Description unavailable
    k8s.ContainerEnvVar Container envionment variable.
    k8s.ContainerEnvVarSpec Container envionment variable. (deployable)
    k8s.ContainerPort Port binding.
    k8s.ContainerPortSpec Specification for a Kubernetes container port binding.
    k8s.ContainerProbe Container Probe.
    k8s.ContainerProbeSpec Specification for a Kubernetes container probe.
    k8s.ContainerSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    k8s.ExecProbe Execution Probe that executes a specified command inside the Container. The diagnostic is considered successful if the command exits with a status code of 0.
    k8s.ExecProbeSpec Specification for Execution Probe
    k8s.HTTPGetProbe HTTP Get Probe that performs an HTTP Get request against the Container’s IP address on a specified port and path. The diagnostic is considered successful if the response has a status code greater than or equal to 200 and less than 400.
    k8s.HTTPGetProbeSpec Specification for HTTP Get Probe
    k8s.LivenessExecProbe Execution Probe for Liveness
    k8s.LivenessExecProbeSpec Specification for Liveness Execution Probe
    k8s.LivenessHTTPGetProbe HTTP Get Probe for Liveness
    k8s.LivenessHTTPGetProbeSpec Specification for Liveness HTTP Get Probe
    k8s.LivenessTCPSocketProbe TCP Socket Probe for Liveness
    k8s.LivenessTCPSocketProbeSpec Specification for Liveness TCP Socket Probe
    k8s.MatchExpression Specfies the deploument selector expression
    k8s.MatchExpressionSpec Specfies the deploument selector expression (deployable)
    k8s.MountedVolume Description unavailable
    k8s.MountedVolumeSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    k8s.PVCMatchExpression Specifies the persistent volume claim selector expression.
    k8s.PVCMatchExpressionSpec Specifies the persistent volume claim selector expression. (deployable)
    k8s.ReadinessExecProbe Execution Probe for readiness
    k8s.ReadinessExecProbeSpec Specification for Readiness Execution Probe
    k8s.ReadinessHTTPGetProbe HTTP Get Probe for Readiness
    k8s.ReadinessHTTPGetProbeSpec Specification for Readiness HTTP Get Probe
    k8s.ReadinessTCPSocketProbe TCP Socket Probe for Readiness
    k8s.ReadinessTCPSocketProbeSpec Specification for Readiness TCP Socket Probe
    k8s.SecretFile Description unavailable
    k8s.SecretFileSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    k8s.ServicePort Port binding for Service
    k8s.ServicePortSpec Specification for a Kubernetes Service port binding.
    k8s.TCPSocketProbe TCP Socket Probe that performs a TCP check against the Container’s IP address on a specified port. The diagnostic is considered successful if the port is open.
    k8s.TCPSocketProbeSpec Specification for TCP Socket Probe
    k8s.Volume Specification for a Kubernetes volume.
    k8s.VolumeSpec Specification for a Kubernetes volume.

    Configuration Item Details


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Abstract type which acts as parent for Pod and Deployment

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    containers: SET_OF_CI<k8s.Container>
    List of containers belonging to the Pod
    volumes: SET_OF_CI<k8s.Volume>
    List of volumes that can be mounted by containers belonging to the pod.
      Public properties
    podCreateDeleteRetryCount: INTEGER = 20
    Number of retries to check if pod is created or deleted.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    hostNetwork: BOOLEAN
    Host networking requested for this Pod. Use the host's network namespace. If this option is set, the ports that will be used must be specified. The default is 'false'.
    Specifies the labels for selector match values.
    podName: STRING
    Pod name after creation.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Abstract type which acts as parent for Pod and Deployment (deployable)

    containers: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerSpec>
    List of containers belonging to the Pod
    volumes: SET_OF_CI<k8s.VolumeSpec>
    List of volumes that can be mounted by containers belonging to the pod.
      Public properties
    hostNetwork: STRING
    Host networking requested for this Pod. Use the host's network namespace. If this option is set, the ports that will be used must be specified. The default is 'false'. (boolean) default(false)
    Specifies the labels for selector match values. (map_string_string)
    podCreateDeleteRetryCount: STRING
    Number of retries to check if pod is created or deleted. (integer) default(20)
    podName: STRING
    Pod name after creation. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    K8S Abstract Resource Template

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    K8S Abstract Resource Template (deployable)

      Public properties
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.( json | yml | yaml )
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployedContainer >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Taggable

    Base container that acts as a container for Pod.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Taggable

    Description unavailable

      Public properties
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    The ConfigMap API resource holds key-value pairs of configuration data that can be consumed in pods.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    propertyFiles: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ConfigMapFile>
    Property Files
      Public properties
    configMapName: STRING
    Name of config map
    Contains the configuration data
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.


    Type Hierarchy udm.EmbeddedDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Description unavailable

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>


    Type Hierarchy udm.EmbeddedDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployable, udm.SourceArtifact

    Description unavailable (deployable)

      Public properties
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact for placeholders when it is imported
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    The ConfigMap API resource holds key-value pairs of configuration data that can be consumed in pods. (deployable)

    propertyFiles: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ConfigMapFileSpec>
    Property Files
      Public properties
    configMapName: STRING
    Name of config map (string)
    Contains the configuration data (map_string_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Description unavailable

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
    envVars: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerEnvVar>
    Container environment variable.
    ports: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerPort>
    List of ports to expose from the container.
    probes: LIST_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerProbe>
    Periodic probe of container.
    volumeBindings: SET_OF_CI<k8s.MountedVolume>
    Pod volumes to mount into the container's filesystem.
      Public properties
    image: STRING
    Docker image name
    args: LIST_OF_STRING
    Arguments to the entrypoint.
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Entrypoint array
    containerName: STRING
    Name of the container.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    workingDir: STRING
    Container's working directory. If not specified, the container runtime's default value will be used, which might be configured in the container image.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Container envionment variable.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Container envionment variable. (deployable)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Port binding.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    containerPort: INTEGER
    Number of port to expose on the Pod’s IP address
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    hostIP: STRING
    What host IP to bind the external port to.
    hostPort: INTEGER
    Number of port to expose on the host. If specified, this must be a valid port number, 0 x 65536. If HostNetwork is specified, this must match ContainerPort. Most containers do not need this.
    protocol: STRING = TCP
    Protocol for port. Must be UDP or TCP. Defaults to 'TCP'.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for a Kubernetes container port binding.

      Public properties
    containerPort: STRING
    Number of port to expose on the Pod’s IP address (integer)
    hostIP: STRING
    What host IP to bind the external port to. (string)
    hostPort: STRING
    Number of port to expose on the host. If specified, this must be a valid port number, 0 x 65536. If HostNetwork is specified, this must match ContainerPort. Most containers do not need this. (integer)
    protocol: STRING
    Protocol for port. Must be UDP or TCP. Defaults to 'TCP'. (string) default(TCP)


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Container Probe.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for a Kubernetes container probe.

      Public properties
    failureThreshold: STRING = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    periodSeconds: STRING = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    successThreshold: STRING = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Description unavailable (deployable)

    envVars: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerEnvVarSpec>
    Container environment variable.
    ports: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerPortSpec>
    List of ports to expose from the container.
    probes: LIST_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerProbeSpec>
    Periodic probe of container.
    volumeBindings: SET_OF_CI<k8s.MountedVolumeSpec>
    Pod volumes to mount into the container's filesystem.
      Public properties
    args: LIST_OF_STRING
    Arguments to the entrypoint. (list_of_string)
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Entrypoint array (list_of_string)
    containerName: STRING
    Name of the container. (string)
    image: STRING
    Docker image name (string)
    workingDir: STRING
    Container's working directory. If not specified, the container runtime's default value will be used, which might be configured in the container image. (string)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.AbstractPod >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Specifies kubernetes deployment

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    containers: SET_OF_CI<k8s.Container>
    List of containers belonging to the Pod
    volumes: SET_OF_CI<k8s.Volume>
    List of volumes that can be mounted by containers belonging to the pod.
    matchExpressions: SET_OF_CI<k8s.MatchExpression>
    Specifies the selector match expressions for deployment.
      Public properties
    podCreateDeleteRetryCount: INTEGER = 20
    Number of retries to check if pod is created or deleted.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    deploymentName: STRING
    Specifies the deployment name.
    hostNetwork: BOOLEAN
    Host networking requested for this Pod. Use the host's network namespace. If this option is set, the ports that will be used must be specified. The default is 'false'.
    Specifies the labels for selector match values.
    matchLabels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the values for selector match values.
    maximumSurge: STRING
    Specifies the deployment maximum number of pods in percentage during update. For example: 5%
    maximumUnAvailable: STRING
    Specifies the deployment maximum number of unavailable pods in percentage during update. For example: 20%
    minimumPodCount: INTEGER = 1
    Specifies the deployment to wait for given number of pods to be created.
    minimumReadySeconds: INTEGER
    Specifies the deployment minimum ready time in seconds.
    paused: BOOLEAN
    Specifies the deployment paused indicator.
    podName: STRING
    Pod name after creation.
    progressDeadlineSeconds: INTEGER = 600
    Specifies the deployment progress deadline time in seconds.
    replicasCount: INTEGER = 1
    Specifies the deployment replica count.
    revisionHistoryLimit: INTEGER = 2
    Specifies the deployment revision history limit.
    strategyType: ENUM [Recreate, RollingUpdate] = RollingUpdate
    Specifies the deployment update strategy type.


    Type Hierarchy k8s.AbstractPodSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specifies kubernetes deployment (deployable)

    containers: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerSpec>
    List of containers belonging to the Pod
    volumes: SET_OF_CI<k8s.VolumeSpec>
    List of volumes that can be mounted by containers belonging to the pod.
    matchExpressions: SET_OF_CI<k8s.MatchExpressionSpec>
    Specifies the selector match expressions for deployment.
      Public properties
    deploymentName: STRING
    Specifies the deployment name. (string)
    hostNetwork: STRING
    Host networking requested for this Pod. Use the host's network namespace. If this option is set, the ports that will be used must be specified. The default is 'false'. (boolean) default(false)
    Specifies the labels for selector match values. (map_string_string)
    matchLabels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the values for selector match values. (map_string_string)
    maximumSurge: STRING
    Specifies the deployment maximum number of pods in percentage during update. For example: 5% (string)
    maximumUnAvailable: STRING
    Specifies the deployment maximum number of unavailable pods in percentage during update. For example: 20% (string)
    minimumPodCount: STRING
    Specifies the deployment to wait for given number of pods to be created. (integer) default(1)
    minimumReadySeconds: STRING
    Specifies the deployment minimum ready time in seconds. (integer) default(0)
    paused: STRING
    Specifies the deployment paused indicator. (boolean)
    podCreateDeleteRetryCount: STRING
    Number of retries to check if pod is created or deleted. (integer) default(20)
    progressDeadlineSeconds: STRING
    Specifies the deployment progress deadline time in seconds. (integer) default(600)
    replicasCount: STRING
    Specifies the deployment replica count. (integer) default(1)
    revisionHistoryLimit: STRING
    Specifies the deployment revision history limit. (integer) default(2)
    strategyType: STRING
    Specifies the deployment update strategy type. (enum) values(Recreate, RollingUpdate) default(RollingUpdate)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    podName: STRING = podname
    Pod name after creation.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy k8s.ContainerProbe >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Execution Probe that executes a specified command inside the Container. The diagnostic is considered successful if the command exits with a status code of 0.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Command line to execute inside the container from the working directory, root'/' in the container's filesystem. The command is simply exec'd, it is not run inside a shell.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING = Exec
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy k8s.ContainerProbeSpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for Execution Probe

      Public properties
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Command line to execute inside the container from the working directory, root'/' in the container's filesystem. The command is simply exec'd, it is not run inside a shell. (list_of_string)
    failureThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    periodSeconds: STRING
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    successThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy k8s.ContainerProbe >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    HTTP Get Probe that performs an HTTP Get request against the Container’s IP address on a specified port and path. The diagnostic is considered successful if the response has a status code greater than or equal to 200 and less than 400.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    port: STRING
    Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    host: STRING
    Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP. You probably want to set "Host" in httpHeaders instead.
    httpHeaders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom headers to set in the request.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    path: STRING
    Path to access on the HTTP server.
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    scheme: STRING = HTTP
    Scheme to use for connecting to the host.
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING = HTTPGet
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy k8s.ContainerProbeSpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for HTTP Get Probe

      Public properties
    failureThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    host: STRING
    Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP. You probably want to set "Host" in httpHeaders instead. (string)
    httpHeaders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom headers to set in the request. (map_string_string)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    path: STRING
    Path to access on the HTTP server. (string)
    periodSeconds: STRING
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    port: STRING
    Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME. (string)
    scheme: STRING
    Scheme to use for connecting to the host. (string) default(HTTP)
    successThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.ExecProbe >> k8s.ContainerProbe >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Execution Probe for Liveness

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Command line to execute inside the container from the working directory, root'/' in the container's filesystem. The command is simply exec'd, it is not run inside a shell.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING = Exec
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING = Liveness
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Must be 1 for liveness. Minimum value is 1.


    Type Hierarchy k8s.ExecProbeSpec >> k8s.ContainerProbeSpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for Liveness Execution Probe

      Public properties
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Command line to execute inside the container from the working directory, root'/' in the container's filesystem. The command is simply exec'd, it is not run inside a shell. (list_of_string)
    failureThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    periodSeconds: STRING
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    successThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.HTTPGetProbe >> k8s.ContainerProbe >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    HTTP Get Probe for Liveness

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    port: STRING
    Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    host: STRING
    Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP. You probably want to set "Host" in httpHeaders instead.
    httpHeaders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom headers to set in the request.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    path: STRING
    Path to access on the HTTP server.
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    scheme: STRING = HTTP
    Scheme to use for connecting to the host.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING = HTTPGet
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING = Liveness
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Must be 1 for liveness. Minimum value is 1.


    Type Hierarchy k8s.HTTPGetProbeSpec >> k8s.ContainerProbeSpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for Liveness HTTP Get Probe

      Public properties
    failureThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    host: STRING
    Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP. You probably want to set "Host" in httpHeaders instead. (string)
    httpHeaders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom headers to set in the request. (map_string_string)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    path: STRING
    Path to access on the HTTP server. (string)
    periodSeconds: STRING
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    port: STRING
    Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME. (string)
    scheme: STRING
    Scheme to use for connecting to the host. (string) default(HTTP)
    successThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.TCPSocketProbe >> k8s.ContainerProbe >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    TCP Socket Probe for Liveness

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    tcpPort: STRING
    Number or name of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING = TCPSocket
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING = Liveness
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Must be 1 for liveness. Minimum value is 1.


    Type Hierarchy k8s.TCPSocketProbeSpec >> k8s.ContainerProbeSpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for Liveness TCP Socket Probe

      Public properties
    failureThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    periodSeconds: STRING
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    successThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    tcpPort: STRING
    Number or name of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME. (string)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.Cluster >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Taggable

    The controlling unit in a Kubernetes cluster which serves as the main management contact point for administrators.

      Public properties
    apiServerURL: STRING
    URL for RESTful interface provided by API Server, example https://cluster1.k8s.abc.org
    caCert: STRING
    Certification authority certificate(ca.crt) for server
    password: STRING
    Password with which to authenticate, if using username/password authentication.
    skipTLS: BOOLEAN
    Do not verify using TLS/SSL
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    tlsCert: STRING
    TLS certificate for master server(apiserver.crt)
    tlsPrivateKey: STRING
    TLS private key for master server(apiserver.key)
    token: STRING
    Authentication token, if using token based authentication.
    username: STRING
    Username with which to authenticate, if using username/password authentication.
      Hidden properties
    clientFactory: STRING = xld.kubernetes.factories.client_factory.KubernetesClientFactory
    Client Factory
    containerHelper: STRING = xld.kubernetes.k8s_master_helper.K8sMasterHelper
    Container Helper
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription

    delegate = jythonScript, script = xld/kubernetes/check_connection.py

    Verify the connection to the Kubernetes Cluster.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Specfies the deploument selector expression

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    key: STRING
    Specifies the label key for selector match expression.
    operator: ENUM [In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist]
    Specifies a key's relationship/operator to a set of value for selector match expression.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    matchValues: LIST_OF_STRING
    Specifies the values for selector match expression.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specfies the deploument selector expression (deployable)

      Public properties
    key: STRING
    Specifies the label key for selector match expression. (string)
    matchValues: LIST_OF_STRING
    Specifies the values for selector match expression. (list_of_string)
    operator: STRING
    Specifies a key's relationship/operator to a set of value for selector match expression. (enum) values(In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Description unavailable

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    mountPath: STRING
    Path within the container at which the volume should be mounted.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    readOnly: BOOLEAN
    Mounted read-only if true, read-write otherwise.
    subPath: STRING
    Path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted.
    volumeName: STRING
    Name of a Volume.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Description unavailable (deployable)

      Public properties
    mountPath: STRING
    Path within the container at which the volume should be mounted. (string)
    readOnly: STRING
    Mounted read-only if true, read-write otherwise. (boolean)
    subPath: STRING
    Path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. (string)
    volumeName: STRING
    Name of a Volume. (string)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.BasePodContainer >> udm.BaseDeployedContainer >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Taggable

    Namespace that acts as a container for all other CIs like Pod, service etc.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    namespaceName: STRING
    Namespace name. Cannot be modified once namespace is created. Default: Name of this CI
      Hidden properties
    containerHelper: STRING = xld.kubernetes.namespace.namespace_helper.NamespaceHelper
    Container Helper


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for a Kubernetes namespace.

      Public properties
    namespaceName: STRING
    Namespace name. Cannot be modified once namespace is created. Default: Name of this CI (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Specifies the persistent volume claim selector expression.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    key: STRING
    Specifies the label key for selector match expression.
    operator: ENUM [In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist]
    Specifies a key's relationship/operator to a set of value for selector match expression.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    matchValues: LIST_OF_STRING
    Specifies the values for selector match expression.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specifies the persistent volume claim selector expression. (deployable)

      Public properties
    key: STRING
    Specifies the label key for selector match expression. (string)
    matchValues: LIST_OF_STRING
    Specifies the values for selector match expression. (list_of_string)
    operator: STRING
    Specifies a key's relationship/operator to a set of value for selector match expression. (enum) values(In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Specification for Kubernetes Persistent Volume.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    accessModes: LIST_OF_STRING
    AccessModes contains all ways the volume can be mounted.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Specifies the labels for selector match values.
    mountOptions: LIST_OF_STRING
    A list of mount options.
    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: ENUM [Retain, Recycle] = Retain
    storage: STRING
    A description of the persistent volume's capacity.
    storageClassName: STRING
    Name of StorageClass to which this persistent volume belongs.
    volumeName: STRING
    Name of the persistent volume.
    volumeProperties: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the properties of Kubernetes persistent volume.
    volumeType: STRING
    Type of persistent volume supported by Kubernetes.
      Hidden properties
    claimRef: STRING
    Reference to PV Claim


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Specification for Kubernetes Persistent volume claim.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    matchExpressions: SET_OF_CI<k8s.PVCMatchExpression>
    Specifies the selector match expressions for persistent volume claims.
      Public properties
    accessModes: LIST_OF_STRING
    The desired access modes the volume should have.
    claimName: STRING
    Name of the persistent volume claim.
    createRetryCount: INTEGER = 10
    Number of retries to check if claim is bound.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    limits: STRING
    The maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
    matchLabels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the values for selector match values.
    requests: STRING
    The minimum amount of compute resources required.
    storageClassName: STRING
    Name of the StorageClass required by the claim.
    volumeName: STRING
    The binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for Kubernetes Persistent volume claim. (deployable)

    matchExpressions: SET_OF_CI<k8s.PVCMatchExpressionSpec>
    Specifies the selector match expressions for persistent volume claim.
      Public properties
    accessModes: LIST_OF_STRING
    The desired access modes the volume should have. (list_of_string)
    claimName: STRING
    Name of the persistent volume claim. (string)
    createRetryCount: STRING
    Number of retries to check if claim is bound. (integer) default(10)
    limits: STRING
    The maximum amount of compute resources allowed. (string)
    matchLabels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the values for selector match values. (map_string_string)
    requests: STRING
    The minimum amount of compute resources required. (string)
    storageClassName: STRING
    Name of the StorageClass required by the claim. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    volumeName: STRING
    The binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for Kubernetes Persistent Volume. (deployable)

      Public properties
    accessModes: LIST_OF_STRING
    AccessModes contains all ways the volume can be mounted. (list_of_string)
    Specifies the labels for selector match values. (map_string_string)
    mountOptions: LIST_OF_STRING
    A list of mount options. (list_of_string)
    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: STRING
    (enum) values(Retain, Recycle) default(Retain)
    storage: STRING
    A description of the persistent volume's capacity. (string)
    storageClassName: STRING
    Name of StorageClass to which this persistent volume belongs. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    volumeName: STRING
    Name of the persistent volume. (string)
    volumeProperties: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the properties of Kubernetes persistent volume. (map_string_string)
    volumeType: STRING
    Type of persistent volume supported by Kubernetes. (string)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.AbstractPod >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed with Kubernetes

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    containers: SET_OF_CI<k8s.Container>
    List of containers belonging to the Pod
    volumes: SET_OF_CI<k8s.Volume>
    List of volumes that can be mounted by containers belonging to the pod.
      Public properties
    podCreateDeleteRetryCount: INTEGER = 20
    Number of retries to check if pod is created or deleted.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    hostNetwork: BOOLEAN
    Host networking requested for this Pod. Use the host's network namespace. If this option is set, the ports that will be used must be specified. The default is 'false'.
    Specifies the labels for selector match values.
    podName: STRING
    Pod name after creation.


    Type Hierarchy k8s.AbstractPodSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed with Kubernetes (deployable)

    containers: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ContainerSpec>
    List of containers belonging to the Pod
    volumes: SET_OF_CI<k8s.VolumeSpec>
    List of volumes that can be mounted by containers belonging to the pod.
      Public properties
    hostNetwork: STRING
    Host networking requested for this Pod. Use the host's network namespace. If this option is set, the ports that will be used must be specified. The default is 'false'. (boolean) default(false)
    Specifies the labels for selector match values. (map_string_string)
    podCreateDeleteRetryCount: STRING
    Number of retries to check if pod is created or deleted. (integer) default(20)
    podName: STRING
    Pod name after creation. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy k8s.ExecProbe >> k8s.ContainerProbe >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Execution Probe for readiness

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Command line to execute inside the container from the working directory, root'/' in the container's filesystem. The command is simply exec'd, it is not run inside a shell.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING = Exec
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING = Readiness
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe


    Type Hierarchy k8s.ExecProbeSpec >> k8s.ContainerProbeSpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for Readiness Execution Probe

      Public properties
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    Command line to execute inside the container from the working directory, root'/' in the container's filesystem. The command is simply exec'd, it is not run inside a shell. (list_of_string)
    failureThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    periodSeconds: STRING
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    successThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.HTTPGetProbe >> k8s.ContainerProbe >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    HTTP Get Probe for Readiness

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    port: STRING
    Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    host: STRING
    Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP. You probably want to set "Host" in httpHeaders instead.
    httpHeaders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom headers to set in the request.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    path: STRING
    Path to access on the HTTP server.
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    scheme: STRING = HTTP
    Scheme to use for connecting to the host.
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING = HTTPGet
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING = Readiness
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe


    Type Hierarchy k8s.HTTPGetProbeSpec >> k8s.ContainerProbeSpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for Readiness HTTP Get Probe

      Public properties
    failureThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    host: STRING
    Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP. You probably want to set "Host" in httpHeaders instead. (string)
    httpHeaders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom headers to set in the request. (map_string_string)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    path: STRING
    Path to access on the HTTP server. (string)
    periodSeconds: STRING
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    port: STRING
    Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME. (string)
    scheme: STRING
    Scheme to use for connecting to the host. (string) default(HTTP)
    successThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.TCPSocketProbe >> k8s.ContainerProbe >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    TCP Socket Probe for Readiness

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    tcpPort: STRING
    Number or name of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING = TCPSocket
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING = Readiness
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe


    Type Hierarchy k8s.TCPSocketProbeSpec >> k8s.ContainerProbeSpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for Readiness TCP Socket Probe

      Public properties
    failureThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    periodSeconds: STRING
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    successThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    tcpPort: STRING
    Number or name of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME. (string)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy k8s.AbstractResources >> udm.BaseDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    K8S Generic Resource Template

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    createOrder: INTEGER = 65
    Create Order
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 47
    Destroy Order
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 65
    Modify Order
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
      Hidden properties
    resourceFactory: STRING = xld.kubernetes.resource.factory.K8SResourceFactory
    Resource Factory
    resourceWaitTime: INTEGER = 50
    Resource Wait Time


    Type Hierarchy k8s.AbstractResourcesFile >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    K8S Generic Resource Template (deployable)

      Public properties
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    createOrder: STRING
    Create Order (integer) default(65)
    destroyOrder: STRING
    Destroy Order (integer) default(47)
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    modifyOrder: STRING
    Modify Order (integer) default(65)
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.( json | yml | yaml )
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Specification for Kubernetes Secret.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    propertyFiles: SET_OF_CI<k8s.SecretFile>
    Property Files
      Public properties
    Data allows specifying non-binary secret data in string form.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    secretName: STRING
    Name of the secret.
    secretType: STRING
    Type is used to facilitate programmatic handling of secret data.


    Type Hierarchy udm.EmbeddedDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Description unavailable

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>


    Type Hierarchy udm.EmbeddedDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployable, udm.SourceArtifact

    Description unavailable (deployable)

      Public properties
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact for placeholders when it is imported
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for Kubernetes Secret. (deployable)

    propertyFiles: SET_OF_CI<k8s.SecretFileSpec>
    Property Files
      Public properties
    Data allows specifying non-binary secret data in string form. (map_string_string)
    secretName: STRING
    Name of the secret. (string)
    secretType: STRING
    Type is used to facilitate programmatic handling of secret data. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Specification for Kubernetes Service.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    ports: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ServicePort>
    List of Ports that are exposed by this service.
      Public properties
    selectors: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Route service traffic to pods with label keys and values matching this selector.
    clusterIP: STRING
    IP address of the service. It is usually assigned randomly by the master if not provided by user.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    externalIPs: LIST_OF_STRING
    List of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service.
    externalName: STRING
    External reference that kubedns or equivalent will return as a CNAME record for this service.
    loadBalancerIP: STRING
    It applies only to LoadBalancer service type. LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field, if supported.
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: LIST_OF_STRING
    Traffic through the cloud-provider load-balancer will be restricted to the specified client IPs, if supported by cloud-provider.
    outputClusterIP: STRING
    Cluster IP
    outputExternalIPs: LIST_OF_STRING
    External IPs
    outputLoadBalancerIP: STRING
    Load Balancer IP
    resourceVersion: STRING
    Resource Version
    serviceName: STRING
    Name of the service.
    serviceType: ENUM [ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName] = ClusterIP
    Type determines how the Service is exposed.
    sessionAffinity: STRING
    Used to maintain session affinity. Supports ClientIP or None


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Port binding for Service

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    port: INTEGER
    The port exposed by this service.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    nodePort: INTEGER
    The port on each node on which this service is exposed.
    portName: STRING
    Name of this port within this service.
    protocol: STRING = TCP
    Supports TCP and UDP.
    targetPort: STRING
    Number or name of the port to access on the pods targeted by this service.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for a Kubernetes Service port binding.

      Public properties
    nodePort: STRING
    The port on each node on which this service is exposed. (integer)
    port: STRING
    The port exposed by this service. (integer)
    portName: STRING
    Name of this port within this service. (string)
    protocol: STRING
    Supports TCP and UDP. (string) default(TCP)
    targetPort: STRING
    Number or name of the port to access on the pods targeted by this service. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for Kubernetes Service. (deployable)

    ports: SET_OF_CI<k8s.ServicePortSpec>
    List of Ports that are exposed by this service.
      Public properties
    clusterIP: STRING
    IP address of the service. It is usually assigned randomly by the master if not provided by user. (string)
    externalIPs: LIST_OF_STRING
    List of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. (list_of_string)
    externalName: STRING
    External reference that kubedns or equivalent will return as a CNAME record for this service. (string)
    loadBalancerIP: STRING
    It applies only to LoadBalancer service type. LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field, if supported. (string)
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: LIST_OF_STRING
    Traffic through the cloud-provider load-balancer will be restricted to the specified client IPs, if supported by cloud-provider. (list_of_string)
    selectors: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Route service traffic to pods with label keys and values matching this selector. (map_string_string)
    serviceName: STRING
    Name of the service. (string)
    serviceType: STRING
    Type determines how the Service is exposed. (enum) values(ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName) default(ClusterIP)
    sessionAffinity: STRING
    Used to maintain session affinity. Supports ClientIP or None (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    outputClusterIP: STRING
    Cluster IP (string)
    outputExternalIPs: LIST_OF_STRING
    External IPs (list_of_string)
    outputLoadBalancerIP: STRING
    Load Balancer IP (string)
    resourceVersion: STRING
    Resource Version (string)


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy k8s.ContainerProbe >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    TCP Socket Probe that performs a TCP check against the Container’s IP address on a specified port. The diagnostic is considered successful if the port is open.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    tcpPort: STRING
    Number or name of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    failureThreshold: INTEGER = 3
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1.
    initialDelaySeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    periodSeconds: INTEGER = 10
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1.
    successThreshold: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1.
    timeoutSeconds: INTEGER
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
      Hidden properties
    probeActionType: STRING = TCPSocket
    Type of handler called by kubelet to perform diagnostic.
    probeType: STRING
    Whether it is Readiness probe or Liveness probe


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy k8s.ContainerProbeSpec >> udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for TCP Socket Probe

      Public properties
    failureThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(3)
    initialDelaySeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes (integer)
    periodSeconds: STRING
    How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(10)
    successThreshold: STRING
    Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Minimum value is 1. (integer) default(1)
    tcpPort: STRING
    Number or name of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME. (string)
    timeoutSeconds: STRING
    Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Specification for a Kubernetes volume.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    volumeType: STRING
    Type of volume supported by Kubernetes.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    properties: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Properties of volume.
    volumeName: STRING
    The name of the volume. Must be a DNS_LABEL and unique within the pod.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for a Kubernetes volume.

      Public properties
    properties: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Properties of volume. (map_string_string)
    volumeName: STRING
    The name of the volume. Must be a DNS_LABEL and unique within the pod. (string)
    volumeType: STRING
    Type of volume supported by Kubernetes. (string)