AWS Plugin Reference 23.3.x

    The XL Deploy AWS plugin enables XL Deploy to work with Amazon Web Services such as Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3).

    This document contains information that is specific to this version of the plugin. For information about plugin features, refer to Introduction to the XL Deploy AWS plugin. For general information about provisioning, refer to Provisioning through XL Deploy.


    • XL Deploy 22.0.0 or later
    • User credentials for accessing Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    Using the deployables and deployeds

    The following table shows the possible containers a deployable can be targeted to and the deployed that will be created as a result.

    Deployable vs. containers table

    Deployable Containers Deployed
    aws.ecs.ContainerDefinition aws.ecs.EnvironmentFile
    aws.vpc.RouteSpec aws.vpc.RouteTable aws.vpc.Route
    aws.ecs.LinuxParameters aws.ecs.Device
    aws.Cloud aws.ec2.Instance
    aws.ecs.ContainerDefinitionSpec aws.ecs.Runnable aws.ecs.ContainerDefinition
    aws.api.MethodSpec aws.api.Resource aws.api.Method
    aws.elb.ApplicationELB aws.elb.ApplicationListener
    aws.cloudformation.Template aws.cloudformation.Stack aws.cloudformation.DeployedTemplate
    aws.api.RestApi aws.api.Resource
    aws.elb.ClassicListenerSpec aws.elb.ClassicELB aws.elb.ClassicListener
    aws.s3.Bucket aws.s3.UploadedFile
    aws.ecs.Cluster aws.ecs.Runnable
    aws.vpc.SecurityGroup aws.vpc.SecurityGroupInboundRule
    aws.ecs.LoadBalancerSpec aws.ecs.Service aws.ecs.LoadBalancer
    aws.servicecatalog.ProvisionedProductSpec aws.servicecatalog.Catalog aws.servicecatalog.ProvisionedProduct

    CI Reference

    Configuration Item Overview


    aws.api.RestApiSpec Provision an AWS API Gateway Resource on AWS Cloud.
    aws.autoscale.AutoScalingGroupSpec Provision an AWS auto scaling group on AWS cloud.
    aws.cloudformation.Template Deploys a CloudFormation template (deployable)
    aws.ec2.EBSVolumeSpec Specification for an AWS EBS volume.
    aws.ec2.InstanceSpec Specification for an AWS EC2 instance.
    aws.ec2.NetworkInterfaceSpec Creates a network interface.
    aws.ecr.RepositorySpec Specification for an AWS ECR Repository.
    aws.ecs.ClusterSpec Specification for an AWS ECS cluster.
    aws.ecs.ContainerInstanceSpec Specification for an AWS ECS Container Instance.
    aws.ecs.RunnableSpec Specification for an AWS ECS Runnable like Service or Task.
    aws.ecs.ServiceSpec Creates a service that runs on an ECS cluster. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.TaskSpec Deploys and runs a task. (deployable)
    aws.elb.ApplicationELBSpec Creates an application load balancer.
    aws.elb.ClassicELBSpec Specification for an ELB.
    aws.elb.TargetGroupSpec Specification for a target group.
    aws.lambda.FunctionZip Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.
    aws.lambda.ImageSpec Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Image from Private Elastic Container Registry.
    aws.lambda.S3Spec Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.
    aws.rds.DBInstanceSpec Creates an RDS DB instance.
    aws.rds.DBSecurityGroupSpec Creates an RDS DB Security group.
    aws.rds.DBSubnetGroupSpec Creates an RDS DB Subnet group.
    aws.s3.Archive Specification for an AWS S3 Archive.
    aws.s3.BucketSpec Specification for an AWS S3 bucket.
    aws.s3.File Specification for an AWS S3 File.
    aws.s3.Folder Specification for an AWS S3 Folder.
    aws.vpc.RouteTableSpec Creates a VPC subnet.
    aws.vpc.SecurityGroupSpec Creates a security group.
    aws.vpc.SubnetSpec Creates a VPC subnet.
    aws.vpc.VPCSpec Creates a virtual private cloud.


    aws.api.RestApi Provision an AWS API Gateway Resource on AWS Cloud
    aws.autoscale.AutoScalingGroup Provision an AWS auto scaling group
    aws.cloudformation.DeployedTemplate Deploys a CloudFormation template
    aws.ec2.EBSVolume AWS EBS volume.
    aws.ec2.Instance Deploys an AWS EC2 instance.
    aws.ec2.NetworkInterface Creates a network interface.
    aws.ecr.Repository Deploys an AWS ECR Repository.
    aws.ecs.Cluster AWS ECS cluster.
    aws.ecs.ContainerInstance Deploys a container in AWS ECS
    aws.ecs.Runnable Deploys an AWS ECS Runnable.
    aws.ecs.Service Creates a service that runs on an ECS cluster.
    aws.ecs.Task Deploys and runs a task.
    aws.elb.ApplicationELB Creates an application load balancer.
    aws.elb.ClassicELB Deploys an AWS Elb.
    aws.elb.TargetGroup Creates a target group.
    aws.lambda.Function Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.
    aws.lambda.Image Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Image from Private Elastic Container Registry.
    aws.lambda.S3 Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.
    aws.rds.DBInstance Creates an RDS DB instance.
    aws.rds.DBSecurityGroup Creates an RDS DB Security group.
    aws.rds.DBSubnetGroup Creates an RDS DB Subnet group.
    aws.s3.Bucket Defines an AWS S3 bucket.
    aws.s3.UploadedArchive Uploads an archive file to AWS S3
    aws.s3.UploadedFile Uploads an file to AWS S3
    aws.s3.UploadedFolder Uploads folder to AWS S3
    aws.vpc.RouteTable Creates a VPC RouteTable.
    aws.vpc.SecurityGroup Creates a security group.
    aws.vpc.Subnet Creates a VPC subnet.
    aws.vpc.VPC Creates a virtual private cloud.


    aws.cloudformation.Stack Define an AWS CloudFormation stack
    aws.ecs.Cluster AWS ECS cluster.
    aws.s3.Bucket Defines an AWS S3 bucket.

    Other Configuration Items

    aws.api.Method Method exposed on a resource managed by AWS API Gateway
    aws.api.MethodSpec Method exposed on a resource managed by AWS API Gateway
    aws.api.Resource Resource to be managed by AWS API Gateway
    aws.api.ResourceSpec Resource to be managed by AWS API Gateway
    aws.api.ResponseMapping Response Mappings that can be used by resources
    aws.api.ResponseMappingSpec Response Mappings that can be used by resources
    aws.ec2.Instance_createAmi Generated type for method createAmi.
    aws.ecs.ContainerDefinition Creates a container definition.
    aws.ecs.ContainerDefinitionSpec Creates a container definition. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.Device Any host devices to expose to the container.
    aws.ecs.DeviceSpec Any host devices to expose to the container. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.EnvironmentFile A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.
    aws.ecs.EnvironmentFileSpec A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.ExtraHost A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the etchosts file on the container.
    aws.ecs.ExtraHostSpec A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the etchosts file on the container. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.LinuxParameters Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container.
    aws.ecs.LinuxParametersSpec Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.LoadBalancer Creates a load balancer in ECS service.
    aws.ecs.LoadBalancerSpec Specification for a load balancer.
    aws.ecs.LogConfiguration Defines a log configuration mapping.
    aws.ecs.LogConfigurationSpec Defines a log configuration mapping. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.MountPoint A mount point for data volume in your container.
    aws.ecs.MountPointSpec A mount point for data volume in your container. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.Port Defines a port mapping.
    aws.ecs.PortSpec Defines a port mapping. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.ResourceRequirement The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.
    aws.ecs.ResourceRequirementSpec The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.Secret The secrets to pass to the container.
    aws.ecs.SecretSpec The secrets to pass to the container. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.SystemControl A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.
    aws.ecs.SystemControlSpec A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.Tmpfs The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount.
    aws.ecs.TmpfsSpec The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount. (deployable)
    aws.ecs.Ulimit The ulimit settings to pass to the container.
    aws.ecs.UlimitSpec The ulimit settings to pass to the container. (deployable)
    aws.elb.ApplicationListener Creates a listenert in application load balancer.
    aws.elb.ApplicationListenerSpec Specification for a listener.
    aws.elb.ClassicListener Listener for a classic ELB
    aws.elb.ClassicListenerSpec Classic Listener
    aws.elb.ListenerRule Creates listener rule in application load balancer.
    aws.elb.ListenerRuleSpec Specification for a listener rule.
    aws.vpc.Route Creates a route in a route table.
    aws.vpc.RouteSpec Specification for a route.
    aws.vpc.SecurityGroupInboundRule Creates an inbound rule in security group.
    aws.vpc.SecurityGroupInboundRuleSpec Specification for an inbound security group rule.
    aws.vpc.SecurityGroupOutboundRule Creates an outbound rule in security group.
    aws.vpc.SecurityGroupOutboundRuleSpec Specification for an outbound security group rule.

    Configuration Item Details


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Method exposed on a resource managed by AWS API Gateway

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    The method's authorization type. NONE for open access, AWS_IAM for using AWS IAM permissions, CUSTOM for using a custom authorizer, or COGNITO_USER_POOLS for using a Cognito user pool
    credentials: STRING
    Role Name of the field which has permissions to invoke Lambda function. Also this role should have '' added as a trusted entity.
    httpMethod: STRING
    HTTP Method
    integrationHttpMethod: ENUM [GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, ANY]
    Specifies a put integration HTTP method
    integrationType: ENUM [HTTP, AWS, MOCK, HTTP_PROXY, AWS_PROXY] = AWS
    Specifies a type of integration.
    uri: STRING
    Specifies a integration input's URI. For integration with Lambda as an AWS service proxy, this value should be in Name: format.
    apiKeyRequired: BOOLEAN
    Specifies whether the method required a valid ApiKey.
    authorizerId: STRING
    Specifies the identifier of an Authorizer to use on this Method, if the type is CUSTOM.
    Specifies how to handle request payload content type conversions. CONVERT_TO_BINARY: from a Base64-encoded string to the corresponding binary blob, CONVERT_TO_TEXT: from a binary blob to a Base64-encoded string
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    integrationRequestParameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Parameters that are passed from the method request to the back end. The key is an integration request parameter name and the associated value is a method request parameter value or static value that must be enclosed within single quotes and pre-encoded as required by the back end.
    methodURL: STRING
    Url of the method.
    operationName: STRING
    A human-friendly operation identifier for the method.
    requestModels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
    requestParameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A key(format: .) defines a request parameter location ('querystring', 'path' or 'header') and name and value is a Boolean flag indicating whether the parameter is required (true) or optional (false)
    requestTemplates: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Represents a map of Velocity templates that are applied on the request payload based on the value of the Content-Type header sent by the client. The content type value is the key in this map, and the template (as a String) is the value.
    responseMappings: SET_OF_CI<aws.api.ResponseMappingSpec>
    Response Mappings


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Method exposed on a resource managed by AWS API Gateway

      Public properties
    apiKeyRequired: STRING
    Specifies whether the method required a valid ApiKey. (boolean)
    authorizationType: STRING
    The method's authorization type. NONE for open access, AWS_IAM for using AWS IAM permissions, CUSTOM for using a custom authorizer, or COGNITO_USER_POOLS for using a Cognito user pool (enum) values(NONE, AWS_IAM, CUSTOM, COGNITO_USER_POOLS)
    authorizerId: STRING
    Specifies the identifier of an Authorizer to use on this Method, if the type is CUSTOM. (string)
    contentHandling: STRING
    Specifies how to handle request payload content type conversions. CONVERT_TO_BINARY: from a Base64-encoded string to the corresponding binary blob, CONVERT_TO_TEXT: from a binary blob to a Base64-encoded string (enum) values(CONVERT_TO_BINARY, CONVERT_TO_TEXT)
    credentials: STRING
    Role Name of the field which has permissions to invoke Lambda function. Also this role should have '' added as a trusted entity. (string)
    httpMethod: STRING
    HTTP Method (string)
    integrationHttpMethod: STRING
    Specifies a put integration HTTP method (enum) values(GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, ANY)
    integrationRequestParameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Parameters that are passed from the method request to the back end. The key is an integration request parameter name and the associated value is a method request parameter value or static value that must be enclosed within single quotes and pre-encoded as required by the back end. (map_string_string)
    integrationType: STRING
    Specifies a type of integration. (enum) values(HTTP, AWS, MOCK, HTTP_PROXY, AWS_PROXY) default(AWS)
    methodURL: STRING
    Url of the method. (string)
    operationName: STRING
    A human-friendly operation identifier for the method. (string)
    requestModels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value. (map_string_string)
    requestParameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A key(format: .) defines a request parameter location ('querystring', 'path' or 'header') and name and value is a Boolean flag indicating whether the parameter is required (true) or optional (false) (map_string_string)
    requestTemplates: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Represents a map of Velocity templates that are applied on the request payload based on the value of the Content-Type header sent by the client. The content type value is the key in this map, and the template (as a String) is the value. (map_string_string)
    responseMappings: SET_OF_CI<aws.api.ResponseMappingSpec>
    Response Mappings
    uri: STRING
    Specifies a integration input's URI. For integration with Lambda as an AWS service proxy, this value should be in Name: format. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Resource to be managed by AWS API Gateway

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
    methods: SET_OF_CI<aws.api.Method>
    Methods exposed on this resource
      Public properties
    path: STRING
    Path of the resource. Should contain only [a-zA-Z_]
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    fullPath: STRING
    Full Path of the resource.
    parent: STRING
    Parent Resource Id or Name in format 'Name:' or empty if parent is root(/)
    resourceId: STRING
    Resource ID


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Resource to be managed by AWS API Gateway

    methods: SET_OF_CI<aws.api.MethodSpec>
    Methods exposed on this resource
      Public properties
    parent: STRING
    Parent Resource Id or Name in format 'Name:' or empty if parent is root(/) (string)
    path: STRING
    Path of the resource. Should contain only [a-zA-Z_] (string)
      Hidden properties
    fullPath: STRING
    Full Path of the resource.
    resourceId: STRING
    Resource ID (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Response Mappings that can be used by resources

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    statusCode: STRING
    Status Code to be mapped
    Specifies how to handle response payload content type conversions. CONVERT_TO_BINARY: from a Base64-encoded string to the corresponding binary blob, CONVERT_TO_TEXT: from a binary blob to a Base64-encoded string
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    integrationResponseParameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Parameters that are passed to the method response from the back end. The key (with format 'method.response.header.{name}') is a method response header parameter name and the mapped value is an integration response header value, a static value enclosed within a pair of single quotes, or a JSON expression from the integration response body (format 'integration.response.header.{name}' or 'integration.response.body.{JSON-expression}').
    responseModels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
    responseParameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A key-value map specifying required or optional response parameters that Amazon API Gateway can send back to the caller. A key defines a method response header name and the associated value is a Boolean flag indicating whether the method response parameter is required or not. The method response header names must match the pattern of method.response.header.{name} , where name is a valid and unique header name.
    responseTemplates: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies a put integration response's templates.
    selectionPattern: STRING
    Specifies the selection pattern of a put integration response.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Response Mappings that can be used by resources

      Public properties
    contentHandling: STRING
    Specifies how to handle response payload content type conversions. CONVERT_TO_BINARY: from a Base64-encoded string to the corresponding binary blob, CONVERT_TO_TEXT: from a binary blob to a Base64-encoded string (enum) values(CONVERT_TO_BINARY, CONVERT_TO_TEXT)
    integrationResponseParameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Parameters that are passed to the method response from the back end. The key (with format 'method.response.header.{name}') is a method response header parameter name and the mapped value is an integration response header value, a static value enclosed within a pair of single quotes, or a JSON expression from the integration response body (format 'integration.response.header.{name}' or 'integration.response.body.{JSON-expression}'). (map_string_string)
    responseModels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value. (map_string_string)
    responseParameters: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A key-value map specifying required or optional response parameters that Amazon API Gateway can send back to the caller. A key defines a method response header name and the associated value is a Boolean flag indicating whether the method response parameter is required or not. The method response header names must match the pattern of method.response.header.{name} , where name is a valid and unique header name. (map_string_string)
    responseTemplates: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies a put integration response's templates. (map_string_string)
    selectionPattern: STRING
    Specifies the selection pattern of a put integration response. (string)
    statusCode: STRING
    Status Code to be mapped (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisioned >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Provisioned

    Provision an AWS API Gateway Resource on AWS Cloud

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.AppliedProvisioner>
    A list of provisioners associated with the instance.
    resources: SET_OF_CI<aws.api.Resource>
    responseMappings: SET_OF_CI<aws.api.ResponseMappingSpec>
    Response Mappings
      Public properties
    apiName: STRING
    Name of the REST API
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    apiId: STRING
    API Id
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.BaseConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    deploymentId: STRING
    Deployment ID
    description: STRING
    Description about the REST API
    rootResourceId: STRING
    Root (/) Resource ID
    stage: STRING = Production
    Deployment Stage
    version: STRING
    Version of the REST API
      Hidden properties
    ordinal: INTEGER = 1
    The index of the cardinality amount created provisioneds.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisionable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Provisionable, udm.Taggable

    Provision an AWS API Gateway Resource on AWS Cloud.

    resources: SET_OF_CI<aws.api.ResourceSpec>
    responseMappings: SET_OF_CI<aws.api.ResponseMappingSpec>
    Response Mappings
      Public properties
    apiName: STRING
    Name of the REST API (string)
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    description: STRING
    Description about the REST API (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    stage: STRING
    Deployment Stage (string) default(Production)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    version: STRING
    Version of the REST API (string)
      Hidden properties
    apiId: STRING
    API Id (string)
    cardinality: STRING = 1
    Number of instances to launch.
    deploymentId: STRING
    Deployment ID (string)
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.Provisioner>
    The set of created CIs.
    rootResourceId: STRING
    Root (/) Resource ID (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Provision an AWS auto scaling group

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    asgArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the group.
    Describes a tag for an auto scaling group.
    autoScalingGroupName: STRING
    Auto scaling group name
    availabilityZones: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more Availability Zones for the group. This parameter is optional if you specify one or more subnets.
    coolDown: INTEGER
    The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before another scaling activity can start. The default is 300.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    desiredCapacity: INTEGER
    The number of EC2 instances that should be running in the group.
    healthCheckGracePeriod: INTEGER
    The amount of time, in seconds, that auto scaling waits before checking the health status of an EC2 instance that has come into service.
    healthCheckType: ENUM [EC2, ELB]
    The service to use for the health checks. The valid values are EC2 and ELB.
    launchConfigArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the launch configuration.
    launchConfigurationAMIId: STRING
    The ID/Name(with prefix Name:) of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to use to launch your EC2 instances. If you do not specify Instance Id, you must specify ImageId.
    launchConfigurationInstanceId: STRING
    The ID/Name(with prefix Name:) of the instance to use to create the launch configuration. If InstanceId not specified, specify both AMI Id and Instance Type
    launchConfigurationInstanceType: STRING
    The instance type of the EC2 instance. If you do not specify InstanceId, you must specify InstanceType
    launchConfigurationName: STRING
    The name of the launch configuration. This name must be unique within the scope of your AWS account.
    launchConfigurationSecurityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more security groups with which to associate the instances.
    launchConfigurationUserData: STRING
    The user data to make available to the launched EC2 instances.
    loadBalancerNames: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more classic load balancers.
    maxSize: INTEGER = 1
    The maximum size of the group
    minSize: INTEGER
    The minimum size of the group
    newInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn: BOOLEAN
    Indicates whether newly launched instances are protected from termination by auto scaling when scaling in.
    propagateAtLaunch: BOOLEAN = true
    Determines whether the tag is added to new instances as they are launched in the group.
    subnetIds: SET_OF_STRING
    If you specify subnets and availability zones both, ensure that for each subnet there is a matching availability zone present. If we do not mention the availability zones but only the subnets, then those associated with the subnets are automatically taken.
    targetGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more application load balancer target groups.
    terminationPolicies: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more termination policies used to select the instance to terminate. These policies are executed in the order that they are listed.
      Hidden properties
    maxRetriesForASGToBeDestroyed: INTEGER = 1500
    Number of retries to wait for the NI to be detached.
    resourceType: STRING = auto-scaling-group
    Determines the type of resource. The only supported value is auto-scaling-group.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Provision an AWS auto scaling group on AWS cloud.

      Public properties
    asgArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the group. (string)
    Describes a tag for an auto scaling group. (map_string_string)
    autoScalingGroupName: STRING
    Auto scaling group name (string)
    availabilityZones: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more Availability Zones for the group. This parameter is optional if you specify one or more subnets. (set_of_string)
    coolDown: STRING
    The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before another scaling activity can start. The default is 300. (integer)
    desiredCapacity: STRING
    The number of EC2 instances that should be running in the group. (integer) default(0)
    healthCheckGracePeriod: STRING
    The amount of time, in seconds, that auto scaling waits before checking the health status of an EC2 instance that has come into service. (integer)
    healthCheckType: STRING
    The service to use for the health checks. The valid values are EC2 and ELB. (enum) values(EC2, ELB)
    launchConfigArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the launch configuration. (string)
    launchConfigurationAMIId: STRING
    The ID/Name(with prefix Name:) of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to use to launch your EC2 instances. If you do not specify Instance Id, you must specify ImageId. (string)
    launchConfigurationInstanceId: STRING
    The ID/Name(with prefix Name:) of the instance to use to create the launch configuration. If InstanceId not specified, specify both AMI Id and Instance Type (string)
    launchConfigurationInstanceType: STRING
    The instance type of the EC2 instance. If you do not specify InstanceId, you must specify InstanceType (string)
    launchConfigurationName: STRING
    The name of the launch configuration. This name must be unique within the scope of your AWS account. (string)
    launchConfigurationSecurityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more security groups with which to associate the instances. (set_of_string)
    launchConfigurationUserData: STRING
    The user data to make available to the launched EC2 instances. (string)
    loadBalancerNames: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more classic load balancers. (set_of_string)
    maxSize: STRING
    The maximum size of the group (integer) default(1)
    minSize: STRING
    The minimum size of the group (integer) default(0)
    newInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn: STRING
    Indicates whether newly launched instances are protected from termination by auto scaling when scaling in. (boolean) default(false)
    propagateAtLaunch: STRING
    Determines whether the tag is added to new instances as they are launched in the group. (boolean) default(true)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    subnetIds: SET_OF_STRING
    If you specify subnets and availability zones both, ensure that for each subnet there is a matching availability zone present. If we do not mention the availability zones but only the subnets, then those associated with the subnets are automatically taken. (set_of_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    targetGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more application load balancer target groups. (set_of_string)
    terminationPolicies: SET_OF_STRING
    One or more termination policies used to select the instance to terminate. These policies are executed in the order that they are listed. (set_of_string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployedInfrastructureAsCode >> udm.BaseDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Deploys a CloudFormation template

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    automaticDictionary: BOOLEAN = true
    If true, XL Deploy will automatically create a dictionary containing the output variables and add it to the environment.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.BaseConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    capabilities: LIST_OF_STRING
    Cloudformation Capabilities i.e. CAPABILITY_IAM.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    dictionaryPath: STRING
    Path to the dictionary containing the output variables. If empty, the dictionary name will be the name of the template concatenated with -dictionary. If you specify a dictionary name, it will be created in the same folder as the target environment or in the folder specified for the new environment. You can also specify a full path starting with 'Environments/'.
    disableRollback: BOOLEAN = true
    Disable rollback of the stack if stack creation failed. Set to 'false' for auto rollback on failure.
    environmentPath: STRING
    Path to the new environment. If empty, the generated CIs will be added to the target environment. If you specify an environment name, the new environment will be created in the same folder as the target environment. If you specify a folder and an environment name, they will be created in the same folder as the target environment. You can also specify a full path starting with 'Environments/'.
    generateCIsFromResources: BOOLEAN = true
    If true, XL Deploy will automatically create CIs based on resources that are deployed.
    generatedConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    Set of infrastructure resources mapped to configuration items.
    inputVariables: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Input variables to be used in the CloudFormation configuration.
    outputVariables: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Output variables captured in deployed. Key is the alias name and value is the CloudFormation output property value for a given resource.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    stackId: STRING
    The CloudFormation stack ID
    targets: LIST_OF_STRING
    Resources to target. Operation will be limited to these resources and their dependencies.
    timeoutInterval: INTEGER = 150
    Timeout interval count for waiting the stack to be created i.e 1 interval equals 6 seconds.
      Hidden properties
    automaticInfrastructure: BOOLEAN = true
    If this value is true, XL Deploy will automatically delete the infrastructure items created by the deployment of this template.
    last_event_id: STRING
    Last Event Id consumed by plugin.
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription

    delegate = jythonScript, script = cloudformation/

    No description.


    delegate = jythonScript, script = cloudformation/

    No description.


    delegate = jythonScript, script = cloudformation/

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Taggable

    Define an AWS CloudFormation stack

    account: CI<aws.Cloud>
      Public properties
    region: STRING
    AWS Region. See
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.FileArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    Deploys a CloudFormation template (deployable)

      Public properties
    automaticDictionary: STRING
    If true, XL Deploy will automatically create a dictionary containing the output variables and add it to the environment. (boolean) default(true)
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    capabilities: LIST_OF_STRING
    Cloudformation Capabilities i.e. CAPABILITY_IAM. (list_of_string)
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    dictionaryPath: STRING
    Path to the dictionary containing the output variables. If empty, the dictionary name will be the name of the template concatenated with -dictionary. If you specify a dictionary name, it will be created in the same folder as the target environment or in the folder specified for the new environment. You can also specify a full path starting with 'Environments/'. (string) default()
    disableRollback: STRING
    Disable rollback of the stack if stack creation failed. Set to 'false' for auto rollback on failure. (boolean) default(true)
    environmentPath: STRING
    Path to the new environment. If empty, the generated CIs will be added to the target environment. If you specify an environment name, the new environment will be created in the same folder as the target environment. If you specify a folder and an environment name, they will be created in the same folder as the target environment. You can also specify a full path starting with 'Environments/'. (string) default()
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    generateCIsFromResources: STRING
    If true, XL Deploy will automatically create CIs based on resources that are deployed. (boolean) default(true)
    inputVariables: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Input variables to be used in the CloudFormation configuration. (map_string_string)
    isRescanned: BOOLEAN
    Indicates if the artifact has been rescanned
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    targets: LIST_OF_STRING
    Resources to target. Operation will be limited to these resources and their dependencies. (list_of_string)
    timeoutInterval: STRING
    Timeout interval count for waiting the stack to be created i.e 1 interval equals 6 seconds. (integer) default(150)
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(yaml|yml|json)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    outputVariables: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Output variables captured in deployed. Key is the alias name and value is the CloudFormation output property value for a given resource.
    stackId: STRING
    The CloudFormation stack ID
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription

    delegate = rescanArtifact

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    AWS EBS volume.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The Availability Zone in which to create the volume.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS.
    size: INTEGER
    The size of the volume, in GiBs. If you specify a snapshot, the volume size must be equal to or larger than the snapshot size
    volumeType: ENUM [gp2, io1, st1, sc1, standard] = standard
    The volume type. This can be gp2 for General Purpose SSD, io1 for Provisioned IOPS SSD, st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD, sc1 for Cold HDD, or standard for Magnetic volumes
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    encryption: BOOLEAN
    Specifies whether the volume should be encrypted.
    iops: INTEGER
    Only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume
    kmsKeyId: STRING
    The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) to use when creating the encrypted volume.
    snapshotId: STRING
    The snapshot from which to create the volume.
    volumeId: STRING
    Volume Id
    volumeName: STRING
    AWS EBS volume name.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS EBS volume.

      Public properties
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The Availability Zone in which to create the volume. (string)
    encryption: STRING = false
    Specifies whether the volume should be encrypted. (boolean) default(false)
    iops: STRING
    Only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume (integer)
    kmsKeyId: STRING
    The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) to use when creating the encrypted volume. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS. (string)
    size: STRING
    The size of the volume, in GiBs. If you specify a snapshot, the volume size must be equal to or larger than the snapshot size (integer)
    snapshotId: STRING
    The snapshot from which to create the volume. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    volumeId: STRING
    Volume Id (string)
    volumeName: STRING
    AWS EBS volume name. (string)
    volumeType: STRING = standard
    The volume type. This can be gp2 for General Purpose SSD, io1 for Provisioned IOPS SSD, st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD, sc1 for Cold HDD, or standard for Magnetic volumes (enum) values(gp2, io1, st1, sc1, standard) default(standard)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisioned >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Provisioned

    Deploys an AWS EC2 instance.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.AppliedProvisioner>
    A list of provisioners associated with the instance.
      Public properties
    instanceBootRetryCount: INTEGER = 5
    Number of times to check if instance is fully booted.
    instanceType: STRING = m1.small
    The instance type that you specify determines the hardware of the host computer used for the instance.
    keyName: STRING = default
    The name of the key pair, if the instance was launched with an associated key pair.
    metadataAccessibleInfo: STRING = Disabled
    You can turn off access to your instance metadata by disabling the HTTP endpoint of the instance metadata service. If you do not specify a value, the default is to enable the HTTP endpoint. If no value is specified the value of the source template will still be used.
    metadataResponseHopLimit: INTEGER = 1
    The number of network hops that the metadata token can travel. Maximum is 64. If you do not specify a value, the default is 1.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS.
    tenancy: ENUM [default, dedicated, host] = default
    The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware.
    amiId: STRING
    Name/ID of the AMI to use. The name should be in the format Name:. If an ID is not provided, the name of the CI will be used.
    amiIds: LIST_OF_STRING
    AMIs created from this instance.
    attachElasticIp: BOOLEAN
    Auto-assign Elastic IP
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The Availability Zone in which to create the volume.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.BaseConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    createVolumeOnInstanceCreation: BOOLEAN
    Create Volume On Instance Creation
    deleteOnTermination: BOOLEAN
    Create Volume On Instance Creation
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    detailedMonitoring: BOOLEAN
    Indicates whether CloudWatch detailed monitoring is enabled. Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled.
    deviceName: STRING
    The device name (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh )
    elasticIpAllocationId: STRING
    Allocation Id of Elastic IP
    elasticIpDomain: ENUM [standard, vpc] = standard
    Indicates whether this Elastic IP address is for use with instances in EC2-Classic (standard) or instances in a VPC (vpc).
    encryption: BOOLEAN
    Specifies whether the volume should be encrypted.
    iAmRoleARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM instance profile.
    instanceId: STRING
    ID of the AWS instance.
    instanceName: STRING
    Name of instance.
    instanceTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Adds one or more tags for the specified Amazon EC2 instance.
    iops: INTEGER
    Only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume
    kmsKeyId: STRING
    The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) to use when creating the encrypted volume.
    networkInterfaces: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Key as the device index of the network interface and value as network interface name or Id. The name should be in the format Name:.
    noDevice: BOOLEAN
    To omit the device from the block device mapping, specify an empty string. When this property is specified, the device is removed from the block device mapping regardless of the assigned value.
    outpostArn: STRING
    The ARN of the Outpost on which the snapshot is stored.
    privateHostname: STRING
    Private host name of the instance.
    privateIp: STRING
    Private IP address of the instance.
    publicHostname: STRING
    Public host name of the instance.
    publicIp: STRING
    Public IP address of the instance.
    securityGroup: LIST_OF_STRING
    AWS security group to use.
    shutdownBehavior: ENUM [stop, terminate] = stop
    Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown).
    size: INTEGER
    The size of the volume, in GiBs. If you specify a snapshot, the volume size must be equal to or larger than the snapshot size
    snapshotId: STRING
    The snapshot from which to create the volume.
    subnet: STRING
    The ID or name of the subnet to launch the instance into. If not specified instance will be launched in a default subnet from the default VPC. Subnet must be specified if there is no default VPC. The name should be in the format Name:.
    terminationProtection: BOOLEAN
    If this parameter is set to true, the instance cannot be terminated using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API.
    throughput: INTEGER
    The throughput that the volume supports, in MiB/s.This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes. Valid Range: Minimum value of 125. Maximum value of 1000.
    userData: STRING
    The user data to make available to the instance.
    virtualName: STRING
    The virtual device name ( ephemeral N). Instance store volumes are numbered starting from 0.
    volumeIdOnCreation: STRING
    Volume Id On Creation
    volumeType: ENUM [gp2, io1, st1, sc1, standard] = standard
    The volume type. This can be gp2 for General Purpose SSD, io1 for Provisioned IOPS SSD, st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD, sc1 for Cold HDD, or standard for Magnetic volumes
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Attach zero or more volumes to specified Amazon EC2 instance. The key should carry the name/ID of the volume, and the value should be the mount point. The name should be in the format Name:.
      Hidden properties
    ordinal: INTEGER = 1
    The index of the cardinality amount created provisioneds.
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription
    createAmi aws.ec2.Instance_createAmi

    delegate = jythonScript, script = ec2/instance/

    Creates the AMI from the AWS Instance.


    delegate = jythonScript, script = ec2/instance/

    Status of EC2 Instance in AWS cloud.


    delegate = jythonScript, script = ec2/instance/

    Start EC2 Instance in AWS cloud.


    delegate = jythonScript, script = ec2/instance/

    Stop EC2 Instance in AWS cloud.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisionable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Provisionable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS EC2 instance.

    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.Provisioner>
    A list of provisioners associated with the instance.
      Public properties
    amiId: STRING
    Name/ID of the AMI to use. The name should be in the format Name:. If an ID is not provided, the name of the CI will be used. (string)
    amiIds: LIST_OF_STRING
    AMIs created from this instance. (list_of_string)
    attachElasticIp: STRING
    Auto-assign Elastic IP (boolean)
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The Availability Zone in which to create the volume. (string)
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    createVolumeOnInstanceCreation: STRING
    Create Volume On Instance Creation (boolean)
    deleteOnTermination: STRING
    Create Volume On Instance Creation (boolean)
    detailedMonitoring: STRING = false
    Indicates whether CloudWatch detailed monitoring is enabled. Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled. (boolean) default(false)
    deviceName: STRING
    The device name (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh ) (string)
    elasticIpDomain: STRING = standard
    Indicates whether this Elastic IP address is for use with instances in EC2-Classic (standard) or instances in a VPC (vpc). (enum) values(standard, vpc) default(standard)
    encryption: STRING = false
    Specifies whether the volume should be encrypted. (boolean) default(false)
    iAmRoleARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM instance profile. (string)
    instanceBootRetryCount: STRING = 5
    Number of times to check if instance is fully booted. (integer) default(5)
    instanceId: STRING
    ID of the AWS instance. (string)
    instanceName: STRING
    Name of instance. (string)
    instanceTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Adds one or more tags for the specified Amazon EC2 instance. (map_string_string)
    instanceType: STRING = m1.small
    The instance type that you specify determines the hardware of the host computer used for the instance. (string) default(m1.small)
    iops: STRING
    Only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume (integer)
    keyName: STRING = default
    The name of the key pair, if the instance was launched with an associated key pair. (string) default(default)
    kmsKeyId: STRING
    The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) to use when creating the encrypted volume. (string)
    metadataAccessibleInfo: STRING = Disabled
    You can turn off access to your instance metadata by disabling the HTTP endpoint of the instance metadata service. If you do not specify a value, the default is to enable the HTTP endpoint. If no value is specified the value of the source template will still be used. (string) default(Disabled)
    metadataResponseHopLimit: STRING = 1
    The number of network hops that the metadata token can travel. Maximum is 64. If you do not specify a value, the default is 1. (integer) default(1)
    networkInterfaces: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Key as the device index of the network interface and value as network interface name or Id. The name should be in the format Name:. (map_string_string)
    noDevice: STRING
    To omit the device from the block device mapping, specify an empty string. When this property is specified, the device is removed from the block device mapping regardless of the assigned value. (boolean)
    outpostArn: STRING
    The ARN of the Outpost on which the snapshot is stored. (string)
    privateHostname: STRING
    Private host name of the instance. (string)
    privateIp: STRING
    Private IP address of the instance. (string)
    publicHostname: STRING
    Public host name of the instance. (string)
    publicIp: STRING
    Public IP address of the instance. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS. (string)
    securityGroup: LIST_OF_STRING
    AWS security group to use. (list_of_string)
    shutdownBehavior: STRING = stop
    Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown). (enum) values(stop, terminate) default(stop)
    size: STRING
    The size of the volume, in GiBs. If you specify a snapshot, the volume size must be equal to or larger than the snapshot size (integer)
    snapshotId: STRING
    The snapshot from which to create the volume. (string)
    subnet: STRING
    The ID or name of the subnet to launch the instance into. If not specified instance will be launched in a default subnet from the default VPC. Subnet must be specified if there is no default VPC. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    tenancy: STRING = default
    The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. (enum) values(default, dedicated, host) default(default)
    terminationProtection: STRING = false
    If this parameter is set to true, the instance cannot be terminated using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API. (boolean) default(false)
    throughput: STRING
    The throughput that the volume supports, in MiB/s.This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes. Valid Range: Minimum value of 125. Maximum value of 1000. (integer)
    userData: STRING
    The user data to make available to the instance. (string)
    virtualName: STRING
    The virtual device name ( ephemeral N). Instance store volumes are numbered starting from 0. (string)
    volumeIdOnCreation: STRING
    Volume Id On Creation (string)
    volumeType: STRING = standard
    The volume type. This can be gp2 for General Purpose SSD, io1 for Provisioned IOPS SSD, st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD, sc1 for Cold HDD, or standard for Magnetic volumes (enum) values(gp2, io1, st1, sc1, standard) default(standard)
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Attach zero or more volumes to specified Amazon EC2 instance. The key should carry the name/ID of the volume, and the value should be the mount point. The name should be in the format Name:. (map_string_string)
      Hidden properties
    cardinality: STRING = 1
    Number of instances to launch.
    elasticIpAllocationId: STRING
    Allocation id of public elastic IP


    Type Hierarchy udm.Parameters >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem

    Generated type for method createAmi.

      Public properties
    amiName: STRING
    AMI name of the ec2 instance.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a network interface.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    subnet: STRING
    The ID or name of the subnet associated with the network string. The name should be in the format Name:.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    networkInterfaceDescription: STRING
    The description of the network interface.
    networkInterfaceId: STRING
    The ID of the network interface
    networkInterfaceName: STRING
    AWS network interface name.
    primaryIpAddress: STRING
    Primary private IPv4 addresses to assign to the network interface.
    secondaryIpAddress: STRING
    Secondary private IPv4 addresses to assign to the network interface.
    securityGroups: LIST_OF_STRING
    The id or name of one or more security groups.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Creates a network interface.

      Public properties
    networkInterfaceDescription: STRING
    The description of the network interface. (string)
    networkInterfaceId: STRING
    The ID of the network interface (string)
    networkInterfaceName: STRING
    AWS network interface name. (string)
    primaryIpAddress: STRING
    Primary private IPv4 addresses to assign to the network interface. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    secondaryIpAddress: STRING
    Secondary private IPv4 addresses to assign to the network interface. (string)
    securityGroups: LIST_OF_STRING
    The id or name of one or more security groups. (list_of_string)
    subnet: STRING
    The ID or name of the subnet associated with the network string. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Deploys an AWS ECR Repository.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    forceDelete: BOOLEAN
    On undeployment, force the deletion of the repository if it contains images.
    forcePolicy: BOOLEAN
    Should be set to true if the policy you are attempting to set on repository would prevent you from setting another policy in the future.
    policy: STRING
    The JSON repository policy text to apply to the repository.
    repositoryName: STRING
    The name to use for the repository.
    repositoryUri: STRING
    The URI for the repository. You can use this URI for Docker push and pull operations.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS ECR Repository.

      Public properties
    forceDelete: STRING
    On undeployment, force the deletion of the repository if it contains images. (boolean)
    forcePolicy: STRING
    Should be set to true if the policy you are attempting to set on repository would prevent you from setting another policy in the future. (boolean)
    policy: STRING
    The JSON repository policy text to apply to the repository. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    repositoryName: STRING
    The name to use for the repository. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    repositoryUri: STRING
    The URI for the repository. You can use this URI for Docker push and pull operations.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployedContainer >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Taggable

    AWS ECS cluster.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once cluster is created in AWS.
    clusterArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the cluster.
    clusterName: STRING
    AWS ECS cluster name.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS ECS cluster.

      Public properties
    clusterName: STRING
    AWS ECS cluster name. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once cluster is created in AWS. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container. (set_of_string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    clusterArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the cluster.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a container definition.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
    envFiles: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.EnvironmentFile>
    A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.
    extraHosts: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.ExtraHost>
    A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the etchosts file on the container.
    linuxParameters: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.LinuxParameters>
    Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container.
    logConfiguration: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.LogConfiguration>
    The log configuration for the container.
    mountPoints: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.MountPoint>
    The mount points for data volumes in your container.
    portMappings: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.Port>
    The list of port mappings for the container.
    resourceRequirements: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.ResourceRequirement>
    A list of resources to assign to a container.
    secrets: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.Secret>
    The secrets to pass to the container.
    systemControls: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.SystemControl>
    A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.
    ulimits: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.Ulimit>
    The ulimit settings to pass to the container.
      Public properties
    containerName: STRING
    The name of a container.
    image: STRING
    The image used to start a container. Images in the Docker Hub registry are available by default. Other repositories are specified with 'repository-url/image:tag'
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    The commands to run on the container.
    cpu: INTEGER
    The number of cpu units reserved for the container.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    dnsSearchDomains: LIST_OF_STRING
    A list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container.
    dnsServers: LIST_OF_STRING
    A list of DNS servers that are presented to the container.
    dockerLabels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A key/value map of labels to add to the container.
    dockerSecurityOptions: LIST_OF_STRING
    A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems.
    entryPoint: LIST_OF_STRING
    The entry point that's passed to the container.
    environment: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The environment variables to pass to a container. The key stores the name and the value stores the value.
    essential: BOOLEAN
    If marked true , and that container fails or stops for any reason, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped.
    hardMemoryLimit: INTEGER
    The hard limit (in MiB) of memory to present to the container. If your container attempts to exceed the memory specified here, the container is killed. One of hard limit or soft limit is required.
    healthCheckCommand: LIST_OF_STRING
    A string array representing the command that the container runs to determine if it is healthy.
    hostName: STRING
    The hostname to use for your container.
    interval: INTEGER = 30
    The time period in seconds between each health check execution.
    links: SET_OF_STRING
    Links parameter allows containers to communicate with each other without the need for port mappings.
    pseudoTerminal: BOOLEAN
    When this parameter is true , a TTY is allocated.
    readonlyRootFilesystem: BOOLEAN
    When true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system.
    repositoryCredentials: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret containing the private repository credentials.
    retries: INTEGER = 3
    The number of times to retry a failed health check before the container is considered unhealthy.
    softMemoryLimit: INTEGER
    The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container. Docker attempts to keep the container memory to this soft limit. One of hard limit or soft limit is required.
    startPeriod: INTEGER
    The optional grace period to provide containers time to bootstrap before failed health checks.
    startTimeout: INTEGER
    Time duration (in seconds) to wait before giving up on resolving dependencies for a container.
    stopTimeout: INTEGER
    Time duration (in seconds) to wait before the container is forcefully killed if it doesn't exit normally on its own.
    timeout: INTEGER = 5
    The time period in seconds to wait for a health check to succeed before it is considered a failure.
    user: STRING
    The user to use inside the container.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Creates a container definition. (deployable)

    envFiles: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.EnvironmentFileSpec>
    The list of environment file mappings for the container.
    extraHosts: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.ExtraHostSpec>
    A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the etchosts file on the container.
    linuxParameters: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.LinuxParametersSpec>
    Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container.
    logConfiguration: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.LogConfigurationSpec>
    The log configuration for the container.
    mountPoints: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.MountPointSpec>
    The mount points for data volumes in your container.
    portMappings: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.PortSpec>
    The list of port mappings for the container.
    resourceRequirements: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.ResourceRequirementSpec>
    A list of resources to assign to a container.
    secrets: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.SecretSpec>
    The secrets to pass to the container.
    systemControls: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.SystemControlSpec>
    A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.
    ulimits: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.UlimitSpec>
    The ulimit settings to pass to the container.
      Public properties
    command: LIST_OF_STRING
    The commands to run on the container.
    containerName: STRING
    The name of a container. (string)
    cpu: STRING
    The number of cpu units reserved for the container. (integer)
    dnsSearchDomains: LIST_OF_STRING
    A list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container. (list_of_string)
    dnsServers: LIST_OF_STRING
    A list of DNS servers that are presented to the container. (list_of_string)
    dockerLabels: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A key/value map of labels to add to the container. (map_string_string)
    dockerSecurityOptions: LIST_OF_STRING
    A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems. (list_of_string)
    entryPoint: LIST_OF_STRING
    The entry point that's passed to the container. (list_of_string)
    environment: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The environment variables to pass to a container. The key stores the name and the value stores the value. (map_string_string)
    essential: STRING
    If marked true , and that container fails or stops for any reason, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped. (boolean) default(false)
    hardMemoryLimit: STRING
    The hard limit (in MiB) of memory to present to the container. If your container attempts to exceed the memory specified here, the container is killed. One of hard limit or soft limit is required. (integer)
    healthCheckCommand: LIST_OF_STRING
    A string array representing the command that the container runs to determine if it is healthy. (list_of_string)
    hostName: STRING
    The hostname to use for your container. (string)
    image: STRING
    The image used to start a container. Images in the Docker Hub registry are available by default. Other repositories are specified with 'repository-url/image:tag' (string)
    interval: STRING
    The time period in seconds between each health check execution. (integer) default(30)
    links: SET_OF_STRING
    Links parameter allows containers to communicate with each other without the need for port mappings. (set_of_string)
    pseudoTerminal: STRING
    When this parameter is true , a TTY is allocated. (boolean) default(false)
    readonlyRootFilesystem: STRING
    When true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system. (boolean) default(false)
    repositoryCredentials: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret containing the private repository credentials. (string)
    retries: STRING
    The number of times to retry a failed health check before the container is considered unhealthy. (integer) default(3)
    softMemoryLimit: STRING
    The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container. Docker attempts to keep the container memory to this soft limit. One of hard limit or soft limit is required. (integer)
    startPeriod: STRING
    The optional grace period to provide containers time to bootstrap before failed health checks. (integer)
    startTimeout: STRING
    Time duration (in seconds) to wait before giving up on resolving dependencies for a container. (integer)
    stopTimeout: STRING
    Time duration (in seconds) to wait before the container is forcefully killed if it doesn't exit normally on its own. (integer)
    timeout: STRING
    The time period in seconds to wait for a health check to succeed before it is considered a failure. (integer) default(5)
    user: STRING
    The user to use inside the container. (string)


    Type Hierarchy aws.ec2.Instance >> udm.BaseProvisioned >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Provisioned

    Deploys a container in AWS ECS

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.AppliedProvisioner>
    A list of provisioners associated with the instance.
      Public properties
    amiId: STRING
    Name/ID of the ECS-Optimized AMI to use. The name should be in the format Name:.
    clusterName: STRING
    Name of the cluster to which this instance has to be added
    iAmRoleARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM instance profile which has AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role policy attached.
    instanceBootRetryCount: INTEGER = 5
    Number of times to check if instance is fully booted.
    instanceType: STRING = m1.small
    The instance type that you specify determines the hardware of the host computer used for the instance.
    keyName: STRING
    The name of the key pair, if the instance was launched with an associated key pair.
    metadataAccessibleInfo: STRING = Disabled
    You can turn off access to your instance metadata by disabling the HTTP endpoint of the instance metadata service. If you do not specify a value, the default is to enable the HTTP endpoint. If no value is specified the value of the source template will still be used.
    metadataResponseHopLimit: INTEGER = 1
    The number of network hops that the metadata token can travel. Maximum is 64. If you do not specify a value, the default is 1.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS.
    tenancy: ENUM [default, dedicated, host] = default
    The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware.
    amiIds: LIST_OF_STRING
    AMIs created from this instance.
    attachElasticIp: BOOLEAN
    Auto-assign Elastic IP
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The Availability Zone in which to create the volume.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.BaseConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    createVolumeOnInstanceCreation: BOOLEAN
    Create Volume On Instance Creation
    deleteOnTermination: BOOLEAN
    Create Volume On Instance Creation
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    detailedMonitoring: BOOLEAN
    Indicates whether CloudWatch detailed monitoring is enabled. Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled.
    deviceName: STRING
    The device name (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh )
    elasticIpAllocationId: STRING
    Allocation Id of Elastic IP
    elasticIpDomain: ENUM [standard, vpc] = standard
    Indicates whether this Elastic IP address is for use with instances in EC2-Classic (standard) or instances in a VPC (vpc).
    encryption: BOOLEAN
    Specifies whether the volume should be encrypted.
    instanceId: STRING
    ID of the AWS instance.
    instanceName: STRING
    Name of instance.
    instanceTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Adds one or more tags for the specified Amazon EC2 instance.
    iops: INTEGER
    Only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume
    kmsKeyId: STRING
    The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) to use when creating the encrypted volume.
    networkInterfaces: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Key as the device index of the network interface and value as network interface name or Id. The name should be in the format Name:.
    noDevice: BOOLEAN
    To omit the device from the block device mapping, specify an empty string. When this property is specified, the device is removed from the block device mapping regardless of the assigned value.
    outpostArn: STRING
    The ARN of the Outpost on which the snapshot is stored.
    privateHostname: STRING
    Private host name of the instance.
    privateIp: STRING
    Private IP address of the instance.
    publicHostname: STRING
    Public host name of the instance.
    publicIp: STRING
    Public IP address of the instance.
    securityGroup: LIST_OF_STRING
    AWS security group to use.
    shutdownBehavior: ENUM [stop, terminate] = stop
    Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown).
    size: INTEGER
    The size of the volume, in GiBs. If you specify a snapshot, the volume size must be equal to or larger than the snapshot size
    snapshotId: STRING
    The snapshot from which to create the volume.
    subnet: STRING
    The ID or name of the subnet to launch the instance into. If not specified instance will be launched in a default subnet from the default VPC. Subnet must be specified if there is no default VPC. The name should be in the format Name:.
    terminationProtection: BOOLEAN
    If this parameter is set to true, the instance cannot be terminated using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API.
    throughput: INTEGER
    The throughput that the volume supports, in MiB/s.This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes. Valid Range: Minimum value of 125. Maximum value of 1000.
    userData: STRING
    The user data to make available to the instance.
    virtualName: STRING
    The virtual device name ( ephemeral N). Instance store volumes are numbered starting from 0.
    volumeIdOnCreation: STRING
    Volume Id On Creation
    volumeType: ENUM [gp2, io1, st1, sc1, standard] = standard
    The volume type. This can be gp2 for General Purpose SSD, io1 for Provisioned IOPS SSD, st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD, sc1 for Cold HDD, or standard for Magnetic volumes
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Attach zero or more volumes to specified Amazon EC2 instance. The key should carry the name/ID of the volume, and the value should be the mount point. The name should be in the format Name:.
      Hidden properties
    ordinal: INTEGER = 1
    The index of the cardinality amount created provisioneds.
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription
    createAmi aws.ec2.Instance_createAmi

    delegate = jythonScript, script = ec2/instance/

    Creates the AMI from the AWS Instance.


    delegate = jythonScript, script = ec2/instance/

    Status of EC2 Instance in AWS cloud.


    delegate = jythonScript, script = ec2/instance/

    Start EC2 Instance in AWS cloud.


    delegate = jythonScript, script = ec2/instance/

    Stop EC2 Instance in AWS cloud.


    Type Hierarchy aws.ec2.InstanceSpec >> udm.BaseProvisionable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Provisionable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS ECS Container Instance.

    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.Provisioner>
    A list of provisioners associated with the instance.
      Public properties
    amiId: STRING
    Name/ID of the ECS-Optimized AMI to use. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)
    amiIds: LIST_OF_STRING
    AMIs created from this instance. (list_of_string)
    attachElasticIp: STRING
    Auto-assign Elastic IP (boolean)
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The Availability Zone in which to create the volume. (string)
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    clusterName: STRING
    Name of the cluster to which this instance has to be added (string)
    createVolumeOnInstanceCreation: STRING
    Create Volume On Instance Creation (boolean)
    deleteOnTermination: STRING
    Create Volume On Instance Creation (boolean)
    detailedMonitoring: STRING = false
    Indicates whether CloudWatch detailed monitoring is enabled. Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled. (boolean) default(false)
    deviceName: STRING
    The device name (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh ) (string)
    elasticIpAllocationId: STRING
    Allocation Id of Elastic IP (string)
    elasticIpDomain: STRING = standard
    Indicates whether this Elastic IP address is for use with instances in EC2-Classic (standard) or instances in a VPC (vpc). (enum) values(standard, vpc) default(standard)
    encryption: STRING = false
    Specifies whether the volume should be encrypted. (boolean) default(false)
    iAmRoleARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM instance profile which has AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role policy attached. (string)
    instanceBootRetryCount: STRING = 5
    Number of times to check if instance is fully booted. (integer) default(5)
    instanceId: STRING
    ID of the AWS instance. (string)
    instanceName: STRING
    Name of instance. (string)
    instanceTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Adds one or more tags for the specified Amazon EC2 instance. (map_string_string)
    instanceType: STRING = m1.small
    The instance type that you specify determines the hardware of the host computer used for the instance. (string) default(m1.small)
    iops: STRING
    Only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume (integer)
    keyName: STRING
    The name of the key pair, if the instance was launched with an associated key pair. (string)
    kmsKeyId: STRING
    The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) to use when creating the encrypted volume. (string)
    metadataAccessibleInfo: STRING = Disabled
    You can turn off access to your instance metadata by disabling the HTTP endpoint of the instance metadata service. If you do not specify a value, the default is to enable the HTTP endpoint. If no value is specified the value of the source template will still be used. (string) default(Disabled)
    metadataResponseHopLimit: STRING = 1
    The number of network hops that the metadata token can travel. Maximum is 64. If you do not specify a value, the default is 1. (integer) default(1)
    networkInterfaces: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Key as the device index of the network interface and value as network interface name or Id. The name should be in the format Name:. (map_string_string)
    noDevice: STRING
    To omit the device from the block device mapping, specify an empty string. When this property is specified, the device is removed from the block device mapping regardless of the assigned value. (boolean)
    outpostArn: STRING
    The ARN of the Outpost on which the snapshot is stored. (string)
    privateHostname: STRING
    Private host name of the instance. (string)
    privateIp: STRING
    Private IP address of the instance. (string)
    publicHostname: STRING
    Public host name of the instance. (string)
    publicIp: STRING
    Public IP address of the instance. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS. (string)
    securityGroup: LIST_OF_STRING
    AWS security group to use. (list_of_string)
    shutdownBehavior: STRING = stop
    Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown). (enum) values(stop, terminate) default(stop)
    size: STRING
    The size of the volume, in GiBs. If you specify a snapshot, the volume size must be equal to or larger than the snapshot size (integer)
    snapshotId: STRING
    The snapshot from which to create the volume. (string)
    subnet: STRING
    The ID or name of the subnet to launch the instance into. If not specified instance will be launched in a default subnet from the default VPC. Subnet must be specified if there is no default VPC. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    tenancy: STRING = default
    The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. (enum) values(default, dedicated, host) default(default)
    terminationProtection: STRING = false
    If this parameter is set to true, the instance cannot be terminated using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API. (boolean) default(false)
    throughput: STRING
    The throughput that the volume supports, in MiB/s.This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes. Valid Range: Minimum value of 125. Maximum value of 1000. (integer)
    userData: STRING
    The user data to make available to the instance. (string)
    virtualName: STRING
    The virtual device name ( ephemeral N). Instance store volumes are numbered starting from 0. (string)
    volumeIdOnCreation: STRING
    Volume Id On Creation (string)
    volumeType: STRING = standard
    The volume type. This can be gp2 for General Purpose SSD, io1 for Provisioned IOPS SSD, st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD, sc1 for Cold HDD, or standard for Magnetic volumes (enum) values(gp2, io1, st1, sc1, standard) default(standard)
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Attach zero or more volumes to specified Amazon EC2 instance. The key should carry the name/ID of the volume, and the value should be the mount point. The name should be in the format Name:. (map_string_string)
      Hidden properties
    cardinality: STRING = 1
    Number of instances to launch.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Any host devices to expose to the container.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    containerPath: STRING
    The path inside the container at which to expose the host device.
    hostPath: STRING
    The path for the device on the host container instance.
    permissions: LIST_OF_STRING
    The explicit permissions to provide to the container for the device.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Any host devices to expose to the container. (deployable)

      Public properties
    containerPath: STRING
    The path inside the container at which to expose the host device. (string)
    hostPath: STRING
    The path for the device on the host container instance. (string)
    permissions: LIST_OF_STRING
    The explicit permissions to provide to the container for the device. (list_of_string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    value: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon S3 object containing the environment variable file.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    fileType: STRING = s3
    The file type to use. The only supported value is s3 .


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container. (deployable)

      Public properties
    fileType: STRING
    The file type to use. The only supported value is s3 . (string) default(s3)
    value: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon S3 object containing the environment variable file. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the etchosts file on the container.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    hostname: STRING
    The hostname to use.
    ipAddress: STRING
    The IP address to use.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the etchosts file on the container. (deployable)

      Public properties
    hostname: STRING
    The hostname to use. (string)
    ipAddress: STRING
    The IP address to use. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
    devices: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.Device>
    Any host devices to expose to the container.
    tmpfs: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.Tmpfs>
    The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount.
      Public properties
    addCapabilities: LIST_OF_STRING
    Linux capabilities for the container that have been added to the default configuration provided by Docker.
    dropCapabilities: LIST_OF_STRING
    Linux capabilities for the container that have been removed from the default configuration provided by Docker.
    maxSwap: INTEGER
    The total amount of swap memory (in MiB) a container can use.
    sharedMemorySize: INTEGER
    The value for the size (in MiB) of the dev shm volume.
    swappiness: INTEGER
    This allows you to tune a container's memory swappiness behavior.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    initProcessEnabled: BOOLEAN
    Run an init process inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container. (deployable)

    devices: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.DeviceSpec>
    Any host devices to expose to the container.
    tmpfs: LIST_OF_CI<aws.ecs.TmpfsSpec>
    The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount.
      Public properties
    addCapabilities: LIST_OF_STRING
    Linux capabilities for the container that have been added to the default configuration provided by Docker. (list_of_string)
    dropCapabilities: LIST_OF_STRING
    Linux capabilities for the container that have been removed from the default configuration provided by Docker. (list_of_string)
    initProcessEnabled: STRING
    Run an init process inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes. (boolean)
    maxSwap: STRING
    The total amount of swap memory (in MiB) a container can use. (integer)
    sharedMemorySize: STRING
    The value for the size (in MiB) of the dev shm volume. (integer)
    swappiness: STRING
    This allows you to tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a load balancer in ECS service.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    containerName: STRING
    The name of the container (as it appears in a container definition) to associate with the load balancer.
    containerPort: INTEGER
    The port on the container to associate with the load balancer. This port must correspond to a containerPort in the service's task definition.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    loadBalancerName: STRING
    The name of a Classic load balancer.
    targetGroupArn: STRING
    The Name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Elastic Load Balancing target group associated with a service.The name should be in the format Name:.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for a load balancer.

      Public properties
    containerName: STRING
    The name of the container (as it appears in a container definition) to associate with the load balancer. (string)
    containerPort: STRING
    The port on the container to associate with the load balancer. This port must correspond to a containerPort in the service's task definition. (integer)
    loadBalancerName: STRING
    The name of a Classic load balancer. (string)
    targetGroupArn: STRING
    The Name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Elastic Load Balancing target group associated with a service.The name should be in the format Name:. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Defines a log configuration mapping.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    logDriver: STRING
    The log driver name for cloudwatch streaming
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    options: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Options for logging


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Defines a log configuration mapping. (deployable)

      Public properties
    logDriver: STRING
    The log driver name for cloudwatch streaming (string)
    options: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Options for logging (map_string_string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    A mount point for data volume in your container.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    containerPath: STRING
    The path on the container to mount the host volume at.
    sourceVolume: STRING
    The name of the volume to mount.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    readOnly: BOOLEAN
    If this value is true, the container has read-only access to the volume. If this value is false, then the container can write to the volume.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    A mount point for data volume in your container. (deployable)

      Public properties
    containerPath: STRING
    The path on the container to mount the host volume at. (string)
    readOnly: STRING
    If this value is true, the container has read-only access to the volume. If this value is false, then the container can write to the volume. (boolean)
    sourceVolume: STRING
    The name of the volume to mount. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Defines a port mapping.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    containerPort: INTEGER
    The port number on the container that is bound to the user-specified or automatically assigned host port.
    protocol: ENUM [tcp, udp] = tcp
    The protocol used for the port mapping.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    hostPort: INTEGER
    The port number on the container instance to reserve for your container.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Defines a port mapping. (deployable)

      Public properties
    containerPort: STRING
    The port number on the container that is bound to the user-specified or automatically assigned host port. (integer)
    hostPort: STRING
    The port number on the container instance to reserve for your container. (integer)
    protocol: STRING
    The protocol used for the port mapping. (enum) values(tcp, udp) default(tcp)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    resourceType: STRING
    The type of resource to assign to a container.
    resourceValue: STRING
    The value for the specified resource type.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container. (deployable)

      Public properties
    resourceType: STRING
    The type of resource to assign to a container. (string)
    resourceValue: STRING
    The value for the specified resource type. (string)


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Deploys an AWS ECS Runnable.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    containerDefinitions: SET_OF_CI<aws.ecs.ContainerDefinition>
    A list of container definitions that describe the different containers that make up your task.
      Public properties
    launchType: ENUM [EC2, FARGATE, EXTERNAL] = EC2
    Launch Type
    assignPublicIp: BOOLEAN
    Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. If this value is true, the value is ENABLED, otherwise the value is DISABLED.
    cpu: STRING
    The number of CPU units used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    executionRole: STRING
    The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to execute tasks. Required if using a log configuration or repository credentials
    memory: STRING
    The amount of memory (in MiB) used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required.
    networkMode: ENUM [none, bridge, host, awsvpc] = bridge
    The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Security groups associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. If not specified, the default security group for the VPC is used.
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of subnets associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. This parameter is required for task definitions that use the awsvpc network mode.
    taskDefinitionArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition.
    taskPlacementTemplateName: ENUM [AZ Balanced Spread, AZ Balanced BinPack, BinPack, One Task Per Host]
    Specify how tasks are placed using task placement strategies and constraints.
    taskRole: STRING
    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that containers in this task can assume. All containers in this task are granted the permissions that are specified in this role.
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A map of volume definitions, where key is name and value is sourcePath.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS ECS Runnable like Service or Task.

      Public properties
    assignPublicIp: STRING
    Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. If this value is true, the value is ENABLED, otherwise the value is DISABLED. (boolean)
    cpu: STRING
    The number of CPU units used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required. (string)
    executionRole: STRING
    The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to execute tasks. Required if using a log configuration or repository credentials (string)
    launchType: STRING
    Launch Type (enum) values(EC2, FARGATE, EXTERNAL) default(EC2)
    memory: STRING
    The amount of memory (in MiB) used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required. (string)
    networkMode: STRING
    The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task (enum) values(none, bridge, host, awsvpc) default(bridge)
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Security groups associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. If not specified, the default security group for the VPC is used. (set_of_string)
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of subnets associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. This parameter is required for task definitions that use the awsvpc network mode. (set_of_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    taskDefinitionArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition. (string)
    taskPlacementTemplateName: STRING
    Specify how tasks are placed using task placement strategies and constraints. (enum) values(AZ Balanced Spread, AZ Balanced BinPack, BinPack, One Task Per Host)
    taskRole: STRING
    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that containers in this task can assume. All containers in this task are granted the permissions that are specified in this role. (string)
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A map of volume definitions, where key is name and value is sourcePath. (map_string_string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    The secrets to pass to the container.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    secretName: STRING
    The name of the secret.
    valueFrom: STRING
    The secret to expose to the container. Full ARN of the Secrets Manager secret or the full ARN of the parameter in the SSM Parameter Store
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    The secrets to pass to the container. (deployable)

      Public properties
    secretName: STRING
    The name of the secret. (string)
    valueFrom: STRING
    The secret to expose to the container. Full ARN of the Secrets Manager secret or the full ARN of the parameter in the SSM Parameter Store (string)


    Type Hierarchy aws.ecs.Runnable >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a service that runs on an ECS cluster.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    containerDefinitions: SET_OF_CI<aws.ecs.ContainerDefinition>
    A list of container definitions that describe the different containers that make up your task.
    loadBalancers: SET_OF_CI<aws.ecs.LoadBalancer>
    Load Balancer to attach with containers. Limited to one load balancer or target group per service.
      Public properties
    desiredCount: INTEGER
    The number of instantiations of the specified task definition to place and keep running on your cluster.
    ipcMode: ENUM [host, task, none] = none
    The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task.
    launchType: ENUM [EC2, FARGATE, EXTERNAL] = EC2
    Launch Type
    maxDrainRetryCount: INTEGER = 50
    Maximum number of times to retry while checking for service to drain completely (no. of running tasks becomes zero).
    pidMode: ENUM [host, task, none] = none
    The process namespace to use for the containers in the task.
    serviceName: STRING
    Name of service.
    waitForTasksNr: INTEGER = 1
    Minimum number of tasks that should come up for this service to be considered successfully deployed.
    assignPublicIp: BOOLEAN
    Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. If this value is true, the value is ENABLED, otherwise the value is DISABLED.
    compatibilities: LIST_OF_STRING
    The task launch types the task definition validated against during task definition registration.
    cpu: STRING
    The number of CPU units used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    executionRole: STRING
    The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to execute tasks. Required if using a log configuration or repository credentials
    maximumPercent: INTEGER
    The upper limit (as a percentage of the service's desiredCount ) of the number of tasks that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state in a service during a deployment.
    memory: STRING
    The amount of memory (in MiB) used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required.
    minimumHealthyPercent: INTEGER
    The lower limit (as a percentage of the service's desiredCount ) of the number of running tasks that must remain in the RUNNING state in a service during a deployment.
    networkMode: ENUM [none, bridge, host, awsvpc] = bridge
    The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task
    role: STRING
    The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to make calls to your load balancer on your behalf.Required if using a load balancer
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Security groups associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. If not specified, the default security group for the VPC is used.
    serviceArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the service.
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of subnets associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. This parameter is required for task definitions that use the awsvpc network mode.
    taskDefinitionArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition.
    taskPlacementTemplateName: ENUM [AZ Balanced Spread, AZ Balanced BinPack, BinPack, One Task Per Host]
    Specify how tasks are placed using task placement strategies and constraints.
    taskRole: STRING
    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that containers in this task can assume. All containers in this task are granted the permissions that are specified in this role.
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A map of volume definitions, where key is name and value is sourcePath.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy aws.ecs.RunnableSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Creates a service that runs on an ECS cluster. (deployable)

    containerDefinitions: SET_OF_CI<aws.ecs.ContainerDefinitionSpec>
    A list of container definitions that describe the different containers that make up your task.
    loadBalancers: SET_OF_CI<aws.ecs.LoadBalancerSpec>
    Load Balancer to attach with containers. Limited to one load balancer or target group per service.
      Public properties
    assignPublicIp: STRING
    Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. If this value is true, the value is ENABLED, otherwise the value is DISABLED. (boolean)
    compatibilities: LIST_OF_STRING
    The task launch types the task definition validated against during task definition registration. (list_of_string)
    cpu: STRING
    The number of CPU units used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required. (string)
    desiredCount: STRING
    The number of instantiations of the specified task definition to place and keep running on your cluster. (integer)
    executionRole: STRING
    The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to execute tasks. Required if using a log configuration or repository credentials (string)
    ipcMode: STRING = None
    The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task. (enum) values(host, task, none) default(none)
    launchType: STRING = EC2
    Launch Type (enum) values(EC2, FARGATE, EXTERNAL) default(EC2)
    maxDrainRetryCount: STRING = 50
    Maximum number of times to retry while checking for service to drain completely (no. of running tasks becomes zero). (integer) default(50)
    maximumPercent: STRING
    The upper limit (as a percentage of the service's desiredCount ) of the number of tasks that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state in a service during a deployment. (integer)
    memory: STRING
    The amount of memory (in MiB) used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required. (string)
    minimumHealthyPercent: STRING
    The lower limit (as a percentage of the service's desiredCount ) of the number of running tasks that must remain in the RUNNING state in a service during a deployment. (integer)
    networkMode: STRING = bridge
    The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task (enum) values(none, bridge, host, awsvpc) default(bridge)
    pidMode: STRING = None
    The process namespace to use for the containers in the task. (enum) values(host, task, none) default(none)
    role: STRING
    The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to make calls to your load balancer on your behalf.Required if using a load balancer (string)
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Security groups associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. If not specified, the default security group for the VPC is used. (set_of_string)
    serviceName: STRING
    Name of service. (string)
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of subnets associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. This parameter is required for task definitions that use the awsvpc network mode. (set_of_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    taskPlacementTemplateName: STRING
    Specify how tasks are placed using task placement strategies and constraints. (enum) values(AZ Balanced Spread, AZ Balanced BinPack, BinPack, One Task Per Host)
    taskRole: STRING
    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that containers in this task can assume. All containers in this task are granted the permissions that are specified in this role. (string)
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A map of volume definitions, where key is name and value is sourcePath. (map_string_string)
    waitForTasksNr: STRING = 1
    Minimum number of tasks that should come up for this service to be considered successfully deployed. (integer) default(1)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    serviceArn: STRING
    The ARN of the service created
    taskDefinitionArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    controlValue: STRING
    The value for the namespaced kernel parameter that's specified in namespace.
    namespace: STRING
    The namespaced kernel parameter to set a value for.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container. (deployable)

      Public properties
    controlValue: STRING
    The value for the namespaced kernel parameter that's specified in namespace. (string)
    namespace: STRING
    The namespaced kernel parameter to set a value for. (string)


    Type Hierarchy aws.ecs.Runnable >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Deploys and runs a task.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    containerDefinitions: SET_OF_CI<aws.ecs.ContainerDefinition>
    A list of container definitions that describe the different containers that make up your task.
      Public properties
    launchType: ENUM [EC2, FARGATE, EXTERNAL] = EC2
    Launch Type
    maxTaskWaitRetryCount: INTEGER = 50
    Maximum number of times to retry while checking for tasks to either be in RUNNING or STOPPED state.
    nrOfTasks: INTEGER = 1
    The number of instantiations of the specified task to place on the cluster.
    assignPublicIp: BOOLEAN
    Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. If this value is true, the value is ENABLED, otherwise the value is DISABLED.
    cpu: STRING
    The number of CPU units used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    executionRole: STRING
    The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to execute tasks. Required if using a log configuration or repository credentials
    memory: STRING
    The amount of memory (in MiB) used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required.
    networkMode: ENUM [none, bridge, host, awsvpc] = bridge
    The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Security groups associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. If not specified, the default security group for the VPC is used.
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of subnets associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. This parameter is required for task definitions that use the awsvpc network mode.
    taskArns: LIST_OF_STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of all the tasks ran using this task definition
    taskDefinitionArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition.
    taskGroupName: STRING
    The name of the task group to associate with the task.
    taskPlacementTemplateName: ENUM [AZ Balanced Spread, AZ Balanced BinPack, BinPack, One Task Per Host]
    Specify how tasks are placed using task placement strategies and constraints.
    taskRole: STRING
    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that containers in this task can assume. All containers in this task are granted the permissions that are specified in this role.
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A map of volume definitions, where key is name and value is sourcePath.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy aws.ecs.RunnableSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Deploys and runs a task. (deployable)

    containerDefinitions: SET_OF_CI<aws.ecs.ContainerDefinitionSpec>
    A list of container definitions that describe the different containers that make up your task.
      Public properties
    assignPublicIp: STRING
    Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. If this value is true, the value is ENABLED, otherwise the value is DISABLED. (boolean)
    cpu: STRING
    The number of CPU units used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required. (string)
    executionRole: STRING
    The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to execute tasks. Required if using a log configuration or repository credentials (string)
    launchType: STRING
    Launch Type (enum) values(EC2, FARGATE, EXTERNAL) default(EC2)
    maxTaskWaitRetryCount: STRING
    Maximum number of times to retry while checking for tasks to either be in RUNNING or STOPPED state. (integer) default(50)
    memory: STRING
    The amount of memory (in MiB) used by the task. If using the Fargate launch type, this field is required. (string)
    networkMode: STRING
    The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task (enum) values(none, bridge, host, awsvpc) default(bridge)
    nrOfTasks: STRING
    The number of instantiations of the specified task to place on the cluster. (integer) default(1)
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Security groups associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. If not specified, the default security group for the VPC is used. (set_of_string)
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of subnets associated with the task or service. The name should be in the format Name:. This parameter is required for task definitions that use the awsvpc network mode. (set_of_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    taskGroupName: STRING
    The name of the task group to associate with the task. (string)
    taskPlacementTemplateName: STRING
    Specify how tasks are placed using task placement strategies and constraints. (enum) values(AZ Balanced Spread, AZ Balanced BinPack, BinPack, One Task Per Host)
    taskRole: STRING
    The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that containers in this task can assume. All containers in this task are granted the permissions that are specified in this role. (string)
    volumes: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A map of volume definitions, where key is name and value is sourcePath. (map_string_string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    taskArns: LIST_OF_STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of all the tasks ran using this task definition
    taskDefinitionArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    containerPath: STRING
    The absolute file path where the tmpfs volume is to be mounted.
    mountOptions: LIST_OF_STRING
    The list of tmpfs volume mount options.
    size: INTEGER
    The maximum size (in MiB) of the tmpfs volume.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount. (deployable)

      Public properties
    containerPath: STRING
    The absolute file path where the tmpfs volume is to be mounted. (string)
    mountOptions: LIST_OF_STRING
    The list of tmpfs volume mount options. (list_of_string)
    size: STRING
    The maximum size (in MiB) of the tmpfs volume. (integer)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    The ulimit settings to pass to the container.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    hardLimit: INTEGER
    The hard limit for the ulimit type.
    softLimit: INTEGER
    The soft limit for the ulimit type.
    typeName: STRING
    The type of the ulimit.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    The ulimit settings to pass to the container. (deployable)

      Public properties
    hardLimit: STRING
    The hard limit for the ulimit type. (integer)
    softLimit: STRING
    The soft limit for the ulimit type. (integer)
    typeName: STRING
    The type of the ulimit. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisioned >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Provisioned

    Creates an application load balancer.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    listenerRules: SET_OF_CI<aws.elb.ListenerRule>
    Set of listener rules for the application load balancer.
    listeners: SET_OF_CI<aws.elb.ApplicationListener>
    Set of listeners for the application load balancer.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.AppliedProvisioner>
    A list of provisioners associated with the instance.
      Public properties
    idleTimeout: INTEGER = 60
    The idle timeout value, in seconds. The valid range is 1-3600.
    ipAddressType: ENUM [ipv4, dualstack] = ipv4
    The IP address type of the application load balancer. Internal load balancers must use ipv4.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    scheme: ENUM [internet-facing, internal] = internet-facing
    The scheme of the application load balancer.
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Subnets from the same VPC. The name should be in the format Name: Specify at least two subnets, one subnet per availability zone.
    accessLogS3BucketName: STRING
    S3 bucket name for access logs.
    accessLogS3BucketPrefix: STRING
    S3 bucket prefix for access logs.
    arn: STRING
    The ARN of the application load balancer.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.BaseConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    canonicalHostedZoneId: STRING
    The Canonical Hosted Zone ID of the application load balancer.
    deletionProtection: BOOLEAN
    It indicates whether deletion protection is enabled or not for load balancer.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    dnsName: STRING
    The DNS Name of the application load balancer.
    enableAccessLog: BOOLEAN
    It indicates that ELB captures detailed logs of all requests made to it. The logs are stored in Amazon S3 bucket.
    loadBalancerName: STRING
    Application load balancer name.
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Security groups to be assigned to the load balancer. The name should be in the format Name:.
    vpcId: STRING
    The VPC ID of the application load balancer.
      Hidden properties
    maxDetachmentRetries: INTEGER = 100
    Number of retries to wait for the network interface to be detached.
    ordinal: INTEGER = 1
    The index of the cardinality amount created provisioneds.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisionable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Provisionable, udm.Taggable

    Creates an application load balancer.

    listenerRules: SET_OF_CI<aws.elb.ListenerRuleSpec>
    Set of listener rules for the application load balancer.
    listeners: SET_OF_CI<aws.elb.ApplicationListenerSpec>
    Set of listeners for the application load balancer.
      Public properties
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Subnets from the same VPC. The name should be in the format Name: Specify at least two subnets, one subnet per availability zone.
    accessLogS3BucketName: STRING
    S3 bucket name for access logs. (string)
    accessLogS3BucketPrefix: STRING
    S3 bucket prefix for access logs. (string)
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    deletionProtection: STRING
    It indicates whether deletion protection is enabled or not for load balancer. (boolean) default(false)
    enableAccessLog: STRING
    It indicates that ELB captures detailed logs of all requests made to it. The logs are stored in Amazon S3 bucket. (boolean) default(false)
    idleTimeout: STRING
    The idle timeout value, in seconds. The valid range is 1-3600. (integer) default(60)
    ipAddressType: STRING
    The IP address type of the application load balancer. Internal load balancers must use ipv4. (enum) values(ipv4, dualstack) default(ipv4)
    loadBalancerName: STRING
    Application load balancer name. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    scheme: STRING
    The scheme of the application load balancer. (enum) values(internet-facing, internal) default(internet-facing)
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    The ids or names of Security groups to be assigned to the load balancer. The name should be in the format Name:.
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    arn: STRING
    The ARN of the application load balancer.
    canonicalHostedZoneId: STRING
    The Canonical Hosted Zone ID of the application load balancer.
    cardinality: STRING = 1
    Number of instances to launch.
    dnsName: STRING
    The DNS Name of the application load balancer.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.Provisioner>
    The set of created CIs.
    vpcId: STRING
    The VPC ID of the application load balancer.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a listenert in application load balancer.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    port: INTEGER
    The port number for the listener.
    protocol: STRING
    The protocol name for the listener.
    targetGroup: STRING
    The name of target group for the listener.
    arn: STRING
    ARN of the listener.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    sslCertificate: STRING
    The SSL certificate for the secured listener.
    sslPolicy: STRING
    The SSL policy for the secured listener.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for a listener.

      Public properties
    port: STRING
    The port number for the listener. (integer)
    protocol: STRING
    The protocol name for the listener. (string)
    sslCertificate: STRING
    The SSL certificate for the secured listener. (string)
    sslPolicy: STRING
    The SSL policy for the secured listener. (string)
    targetGroup: STRING
    The name of target group for the listener. (string)
      Hidden properties
    arn: STRING
    ARN of the listener.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisioned >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Provisioned

    Deploys an AWS Elb.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    listeners: SET_OF_CI<aws.elb.ClassicListener>
    A maximum of 10 listeners can be associated with an ELB.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.AppliedProvisioner>
    A list of provisioners associated with the instance.
      Public properties
    connectionSettingIdleTimeout: INTEGER = 60
    Idle Timeout is the number of seconds a connection can be idle before the load balancer closes the connection.
    destroyWaitTime: INTEGER = 200
    Wait time for ELB to get destroyed (in seconds).
    loadBalancerName: STRING
    Name of the load balancer.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS.
    resourceDissociationWaitTime: INTEGER = 50
    Wait time for ELB resources to be dissociated (in seconds).
    accessLogEmitInterval: INTEGER = 60
    The interval for publishing the access logs. You can specify an interval of either 5 minutes or 60 minutes.
    accessLogS3BucketName: STRING
    Amazon S3 bucket to store logs emitted by ELB.
    accessLogS3BucketPrefix: STRING
    The logical hierarchy you created for your Amazon S3 bucket. If the prefix is not provided, the log is placed at the root level of the bucket.
    availabilityZones: SET_OF_STRING
    Availability zones from the same region as the load balancer.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.BaseConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    connectionDrainingTimeout: INTEGER = 300
    Connection draining timeout(in seconds).
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    ec2InstanceIds: SET_OF_STRING
    Instance IDs to be linked. If the ELB is associated with subnets then the EC2 instance should be in the same VPC as that of the subnet.
    enableAccessLog: BOOLEAN
    Access Logs deliver detailed logs of all requests made to Elastic Load Balancing. The logs are stored in Amazon S3.
    enableConnectionDraining: BOOLEAN = true
    Connection Draining allows existing requests to complete before the load balancer shifts traffic away from a deregistered or unhealthy back-end instance.
    enableCrossZoneLoadBalancing: BOOLEAN = true
    Cross-Zone Load Balancing distributes traffic evenly across all your back-end instances in all Availability Zones.
    scheme: ENUM [Internet-facing, Internal] = Internet-facing
    It can be one of two types: Internet-facing or internal.
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    Security groups to assign to the load balancer.
    subnetIds: SET_OF_STRING
    Subnet IDs from the same VPC. Specify one subnet per availability zone specified in availability zones.
      Hidden properties
    dummyListenerLoadBalancerPort: INTEGER = 65535
    The load balancer port used by dummy listener.
    maxRetriesForNiDetachment: INTEGER = 100
    Num of retries to wait for the NI to be detached.
    ordinal: INTEGER = 1
    The index of the cardinality amount created provisioneds.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisionable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Provisionable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an ELB.

    listeners: SET_OF_CI<aws.elb.ClassicListenerSpec>
    Listeners to be added to the load balancers.
      Public properties
    accessLogEmitInterval: STRING
    The interval for publishing the access logs. You can specify an interval of either 5 minutes or 60 minutes. (integer) default(60)
    accessLogS3BucketName: STRING
    Amazon S3 bucket to store logs emitted by ELB. (string)
    accessLogS3BucketPrefix: STRING
    The logical hierarchy you created for your Amazon S3 bucket. If the prefix is not provided, the log is placed at the root level of the bucket. (string)
    availabilityZones: SET_OF_STRING
    Availability zones from the same region as the load balancer. (set_of_string)
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    connectionDrainingTimeout: STRING
    Connection draining timeout(in seconds). (integer) default(300)
    connectionSettingIdleTimeout: STRING
    Idle Timeout is the number of seconds a connection can be idle before the load balancer closes the connection. (integer) default(60)
    destroyWaitTime: STRING
    Wait time for ELB to get destroyed (in seconds). (integer) default(200)
    ec2InstanceIds: SET_OF_STRING
    Instance IDs to be linked. If the ELB is associated with subnets then the EC2 instance should be in the same VPC as that of the subnet. (set_of_string)
    enableAccessLog: STRING
    Access Logs deliver detailed logs of all requests made to Elastic Load Balancing. The logs are stored in Amazon S3. (boolean) default(false)
    enableConnectionDraining: STRING
    Connection Draining allows existing requests to complete before the load balancer shifts traffic away from a deregistered or unhealthy back-end instance. (boolean) default(true)
    enableCrossZoneLoadBalancing: STRING
    Cross-Zone Load Balancing distributes traffic evenly across all your back-end instances in all Availability Zones. (boolean) default(true)
    loadBalancerName: STRING
    Name of the load balancer. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS. (string)
    resourceDissociationWaitTime: STRING
    Wait time for ELB resources to be dissociated (in seconds). (integer) default(50)
    scheme: STRING
    It can be one of two types: Internet-facing or internal. (enum) values(Internet-facing, Internal) default(Internet-facing)
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    Security groups to assign to the load balancer. (set_of_string)
    subnetIds: SET_OF_STRING
    Subnet IDs from the same VPC. Specify one subnet per availability zone specified in availability zones. (set_of_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    cardinality: STRING = 1
    Number of instances to launch.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.Provisioner>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Listener for a classic ELB

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    instancePort: INTEGER
    The protocol to use for routing traffic to instances: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL.
    instanceProtocol: STRING
    The protocol to use for routing traffic to instances: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL.
    loadBalancerPort: INTEGER
    The port on which the load balancer is listening.
    protocol: STRING
    The load balancer transport protocol to use for routing.
    appCookieName: STRING
    Application Cookie name.
    appCookiePolicyName: STRING
    Application Cookie Policy name. This policy can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS listeners.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    enableAppCookieStickiness: BOOLEAN
    Enable application generated cookie stickiness.
    enableLbCookieStickiness: BOOLEAN
    Enable load balancer generated cookie stickiness. This policy can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS listeners.
    lbCookieExpirationPeriod: INTEGER
    Load Balancer Cookie Expiration Period.
    lbCookiePolicyName: STRING
    Load Balancer Cookie Policy name.
    sslCertificateId: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the server certificate.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Classic Listener

      Public properties
    appCookieName: STRING
    Application Cookie name. (string)
    appCookiePolicyName: STRING
    Application Cookie Policy name. This policy can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS listeners. (string)
    enableAppCookieStickiness: STRING
    Enable application generated cookie stickiness. (boolean) default(false)
    enableLbCookieStickiness: STRING
    Enable load balancer generated cookie stickiness. This policy can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS listeners. (boolean) default(false)
    instancePort: STRING
    The protocol to use for routing traffic to instances: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL. (integer)
    instanceProtocol: STRING
    The protocol to use for routing traffic to instances: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL. (string)
    lbCookieExpirationPeriod: STRING
    Load Balancer Cookie Expiration Period. (integer) default(0)
    lbCookiePolicyName: STRING
    Load Balancer Cookie Policy name. (string)
    loadBalancerPort: STRING
    The port on which the load balancer is listening. (integer)
    protocol: STRING
    The load balancer transport protocol to use for routing. (string)
    sslCertificateId: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the server certificate. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates listener rule in application load balancer.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    listenerPort: INTEGER
    The port number of associated listener for the rule.
    targetGroup: STRING
    The name of target group for the rule.
    arn: STRING
    ARN of the listener rule.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    hostNamePattern: STRING
    The host name pattern for the rule. Specify only one of host name and path pattern.
    pathPattern: STRING
    The path pattern for the rule. Specify only one of host name and path pattern.
    priority: INTEGER = 1
    The priority of the rule.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for a listener rule.

      Public properties
    hostNamePattern: STRING
    The host name pattern for the rule. Specify only one of host name and path pattern. (string)
    listenerPort: STRING
    The port number of associated listener for the rule. (integer)
    pathPattern: STRING
    The path pattern for the rule. Specify only one of host name and path pattern. (string)
    priority: STRING
    The priority of the rule. (integer) default(1)
    targetGroup: STRING
    The name of target group for the rule. (string)
      Hidden properties
    arn: STRING
    ARN of the listener rule.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a target group.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    port: INTEGER
    The port number of the target group.
    protocol: STRING
    The protocol name of the target group.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the vpc associated with the target group. The name should be in the format Name:.
    arn: STRING
    ARN of the target group.
    deRegistrationDelay: INTEGER = 300
    The deregistration delay of the target group.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    healthCheckInterval: INTEGER = 30
    The health check interval (seconds) of the target group.
    healthCheckPath: STRING = /
    The health path of the target group.
    healthCheckPort: STRING = traffic-port
    The health check port number of the target group.
    healthCheckProtocol: ENUM [http, https] = http
    The health check protocol name of the target group.
    healthCheckSuccessCode: STRING = 200
    The health check success code of the target group.
    healthCheckTimeout: INTEGER = 5
    The health check timeout (seconds) of the target group.
    healthyThresholdCount: INTEGER = 5
    The health check threshold count of the target group.
    instances: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Key as the id or name of the instance and value as port number (Optional) of instance. The name should be in the format Name:.
    stickinessDuration: INTEGER
    The stickiness duration (seconds) of the target group. A value <= 0 means stickiness is disabled.
    targetName: STRING
    The name of the target group.
    targetType: STRING
    The target type indicates whether targets are registered using instance IDs or private IP addresses
    unhealthyThresholdCount: INTEGER = 2
    The unhealth check threshold count of the target group.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for a target group.

      Public properties
    deRegistrationDelay: STRING
    The deregistration delay of the target group. (integer) default(300)
    healthCheckInterval: STRING
    The health check interval (seconds) of the target group. (integer) default(30)
    healthCheckPath: STRING
    The health path of the target group. (string) default(/)
    healthCheckPort: STRING
    The health check port number of the target group. (string) default(traffic-port)
    healthCheckProtocol: STRING
    The health check protocol name of the target group. (enum) values(http, https) default(http)
    healthCheckSuccessCode: STRING
    The health check success code of the target group. (string) default(200)
    healthCheckTimeout: STRING
    The health check timeout (seconds) of the target group. (integer) default(5)
    healthyThresholdCount: STRING
    The health check threshold count of the target group. (integer) default(5)
    instances: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Key as the id or name of the instance and value as port number (Optional) of instance. The name should be in the format Name:. (map_string_string)
    port: STRING
    The port number of the target group. (integer)
    protocol: STRING
    The protocol name of the target group. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    stickinessDuration: STRING
    The stickiness duration (seconds) of the target group. A value <= 0 means stickiness is disabled. (integer) default(0)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    targetName: STRING
    The name of the target group. (string)
    targetType: STRING
    The target type indicates whether targets are registered using instance IDs or private IP addresses
    unhealthyThresholdCount: STRING
    The unhealth check threshold count of the target group. (integer) default(2)
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the vpc associated with the target group. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)
      Hidden properties
    arn: STRING
    ARN of the target group.
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    functionName: STRING
    AWS lambda function name.
    handler: STRING
    The function within your code that Lambda calls to begin execution.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    role: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
    runtime: ENUM [nodejs10.x, nodejs12.x, nodejs14.x, java8, java8.al2, java11, python2.7, python3.6, python3.7, python3.8, dotnetcore2.1, dotnetcore3.1, ruby2.5, ruby2.7, go1.x, provided.al2, provided]
    The runtime environment for the Lambda function uploaded.
    deadLetterConfig: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic you specify as your Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description: STRING
    AWS lambda function description.
    environment: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The key-value pairs that represent your environment's configuration settings.
    functionARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function.
    kmsKeyArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key.
    lambdaTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The list of tags (key-value pairs) assigned to the new function.
    memorySize: INTEGER = 128
    The amount of memory, in MB, the Lambda function is given.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    publish: BOOLEAN
    This boolean parameter can be used to request AWS Lambda to create the Lambda function and publish a version as an atomic operation.
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of one or more security groups IDs in your VPC.
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of one or more subnet IDs in your VPC.
    timeout: INTEGER = 3
    The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function.
    tracingConfig: ENUM [PassThrough, Active] = PassThrough
    Tracing settings. If PassThrough, Lambda will only trace the request from an upstream service if it contains a tracing header with sampled=1. If Active, Lambda will respect any tracing header it receives from an upstream service. If no tracing header is received, Lambda will call X-Ray for a tracing decision
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.

      Public properties
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    deadLetterConfig: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic you specify as your Dead Letter Queue (DLQ). (string)
    description: STRING
    AWS lambda function description. (string)
    environment: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The key-value pairs that represent your environment's configuration settings. (map_string_string)
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    functionName: STRING
    AWS lambda function name. (string)
    handler: STRING
    The function within your code that Lambda calls to begin execution. (string)
    isRescanned: BOOLEAN
    Indicates if the artifact has been rescanned
    kmsKeyArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key. (string)
    lambdaTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The list of tags (key-value pairs) assigned to the new function. (map_string_string)
    memorySize: STRING
    The amount of memory, in MB, the Lambda function is given. (integer) default(128)
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    publish: STRING
    This boolean parameter can be used to request AWS Lambda to create the Lambda function and publish a version as an atomic operation. (boolean) default(false)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    role: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. (string)
    runtime: STRING
    The runtime environment for the Lambda function uploaded. (enum) values(nodejs10.x, nodejs12.x, nodejs14.x, java8, java8.al2, java11, python2.7, python3.6, python3.7, python3.8, dotnetcore2.1, dotnetcore3.1, ruby2.5, ruby2.7, go1.x, provided.al2, provided)
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of one or more security groups IDs in your VPC. (set_of_string)
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of one or more subnet IDs in your VPC. (set_of_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    timeout: STRING
    The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. (integer) default(3)
    tracingConfig: STRING
    Tracing settings. If PassThrough, Lambda will only trace the request from an upstream service if it contains a tracing header with sampled=1. If Active, Lambda will respect any tracing header it receives from an upstream service. If no tracing header is received, Lambda will call X-Ray for a tracing decision (enum) values(PassThrough, Active) default(PassThrough)
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    functionARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function.
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription

    delegate = rescanArtifact

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Image from Private Elastic Container Registry.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    imageUri: STRING
    Container image URI : The location of the container image to use for your function.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    role: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
    command: STRING
    Override the CMD value in the image configuration. CMD specifies the parameters for ENTRYPOINT. To enter multiple values, use a comma (,) between each value.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    entryPoint: STRING
    Override the ENTRYPOINT value in the image configuration. ENTRYPOINT defines the location of the runtime executable. To enter multiple values, use a comma (,) between each value.
    functionARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function.
    functionName: STRING
    AWS lambda function name.
    imageConfig: BOOLEAN
    select this for adding Container image overrides.
    workingDirectory: STRING
    Override the WORKDIR value in the image configuration. WORKDIR defines the working directory that Docker uses.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Image from Private Elastic Container Registry.

      Public properties
    command: STRING
    Override the CMD value in the image configuration. CMD specifies the parameters for ENTRYPOINT. To enter multiple values, use a comma (,) between each value. (string)
    entryPoint: STRING
    Override the ENTRYPOINT value in the image configuration. ENTRYPOINT defines the location of the runtime executable. To enter multiple values, use a comma (,) between each value. (string)
    functionName: STRING
    AWS lambda function name. (string)
    imageConfig: STRING
    select this for adding Container image overrides. (boolean)
    imageUri: STRING
    Container image URI : The location of the container image to use for your function. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    role: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    workingDirectory: STRING
    Override the WORKDIR value in the image configuration. WORKDIR defines the working directory that Docker uses. (string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    functionARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    bucketName: STRING
    Amazon S3 bucket name where the .zip file containing your deployment package is stored.
    handler: STRING
    The function within your code that Lambda calls to begin execution.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    role: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
    runtime: ENUM [nodejs10.x, nodejs12.x, nodejs14.x, java8, java8.al2, java11, python2.7, python3.6, python3.7, python3.8, dotnetcore2.1, dotnetcore3.1, ruby2.5, ruby2.7, go1.x, provided.al2, provided]
    The runtime environment for the Lambda function uploaded.
    s3Key: STRING
    The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) key name you want to upload.
    deadLetterConfig: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic you specify as your Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description: STRING
    AWS lambda function description.
    environment: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The key-value pairs that represent your environment's configuration settings.
    functionARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function.
    functionName: STRING
    AWS lambda function name.
    kmsKeyArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key.
    lambdaTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The list of tags (key-value pairs) assigned to the new function.
    memorySize: INTEGER = 128
    The amount of memory, in MB, the Lambda function is given.
    publish: BOOLEAN
    This boolean parameter can be used to request AWS Lambda to create the Lambda function and publish a version as an atomic operation.
    s3ObjectVersion: STRING
    The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) version you want to upload.
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of one or more security groups IDs in your VPC.
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of one or more subnet IDs in your VPC.
    timeout: INTEGER = 3
    The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function.
    tracingConfig: ENUM [PassThrough, Active] = PassThrough
    Tracing settings. If PassThrough, Lambda will only trace the request from an upstream service if it contains a tracing header with sampled=1. If Active, Lambda will respect any tracing header it receives from an upstream service. If no tracing header is received, Lambda will call X-Ray for a tracing decision
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.

      Public properties
    bucketName: STRING
    Amazon S3 bucket name where the .zip file containing your deployment package is stored. (string)
    deadLetterConfig: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic you specify as your Dead Letter Queue (DLQ). (string)
    description: STRING
    AWS lambda function description. (string)
    environment: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The key-value pairs that represent your environment's configuration settings. (map_string_string)
    functionName: STRING
    AWS lambda function name. (string)
    handler: STRING
    The function within your code that Lambda calls to begin execution. (string)
    kmsKeyArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key. (string)
    lambdaTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    The list of tags (key-value pairs) assigned to the new function. (map_string_string)
    memorySize: STRING
    The amount of memory, in MB, the Lambda function is given. (integer) default(128)
    publish: STRING
    This boolean parameter can be used to request AWS Lambda to create the Lambda function and publish a version as an atomic operation. (boolean) default(false)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    role: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. (string)
    runtime: STRING
    The runtime environment for the Lambda function uploaded. (enum) values(nodejs10.x, nodejs12.x, nodejs14.x, java8, java8.al2, java11, python2.7, python3.6, python3.7, python3.8, dotnetcore2.1, dotnetcore3.1, ruby2.5, ruby2.7, go1.x, provided.al2, provided)
    s3Key: STRING
    The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) key name you want to upload. (string)
    s3ObjectVersion: STRING
    The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) version you want to upload. (string)
    securityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of one or more security groups IDs in your VPC. (set_of_string)
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of one or more subnet IDs in your VPC. (set_of_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    timeout: STRING
    The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. (integer) default(3)
    tracingConfig: STRING
    Tracing settings. If PassThrough, Lambda will only trace the request from an upstream service if it contains a tracing header with sampled=1. If Active, Lambda will respect any tracing header it receives from an upstream service. If no tracing header is received, Lambda will call X-Ray for a tracing decision (enum) values(PassThrough, Active) default(PassThrough)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    functionARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function.
    version: STRING
    The version of the Lambda function.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisioned >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Provisioned

    Creates an RDS DB instance.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.AppliedProvisioner>
    A list of provisioners associated with the instance.
      Public properties
    allocatedStorage: INTEGER
    The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to be initially allocated for the database instance.
    backupRetentionPeriod: INTEGER = 1
    The number of days for which automated backups are retained.
    dbInstanceClass: STRING
    The compute and memory capacity of the DB instance. Note that not all instance classes are available in all regions for all DB engines.
    dbInstanceIdentifier: STRING
    The DB instance identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.
    dbName: STRING
    The name of the database to create when the DB instance is created. Constraints: 1 to 60 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. First character must be a letter. Can't contain two consecutive hyphens. Can't end with a hyphen.
    dbSubnetGroupName: STRING
    A DB subnet group to associate with this DB instance.
    engine: STRING
    The name of the database engine to be used for this instance.
    masterUserPassword: STRING
    The password for the master database user.Constraints: At least 8 printable ASCII characters. Can't contain: / (slash), '(single quote), "(double quote) and @ (at sign).
    monitoringInterval: INTEGER
    The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    address: STRING
    Specifies the DNS address of the DB instance.
    applyImmediately: BOOLEAN
    Specifies whether the modifications in this request and any pending modifications are asynchronously applied as soon as possible, regardless of the PreferredMaintenanceWindow setting for the DB instance.
    autoMinorVersionUpgrade: BOOLEAN = true
    Indicates that minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window.
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The EC2 Availability Zone that the database instance will be created in.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.BaseConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    characterSetName: STRING
    For supported engines, indicates that the DB instance should be associated with the specified CharacterSet.
    copyTagsToSnapshot: BOOLEAN
    When set to 'true', copies all tags from the DB instance to snapshots of the DB instance.
    dbClusterIdentifier: STRING
    The identifier of the DB cluster that the instance will belong to.
    dbInstanceArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB instance.
    dbParameterGroupName: STRING
    The name of the DB parameter group to associate with this DB instance. If this argument is omitted, the default DBParameterGroup for the specified engine will be used.
    dbSecurityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of DB security groups to associate with this DB instance.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    domain: STRING
    Specify the Active Directory Domain to create the instance in.
    domainIAMRoleName: STRING
    Specify the name of the IAM role to be used when making API calls to the Directory Service.
    enableIAMDatabaseAuthentication: BOOLEAN
    When set to 'true', enables mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts; otherwise false.
    engineVersion: STRING
    The version number of the database engine to use.
    finalDBSnapshotIdentifier: STRING
    The DBSnapshotIdentifier of the new DBSnapshot created while DB instance is deleted and SkipFinalSnapshot is set to 'false'.
    finalPort: STRING
    Specifies the port that the database engine is listening on.
    iops: INTEGER
    The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be initially allocated for the DB instance.
    kmsKeyId: STRING
    The KMS key identifier for an encrypted DB instance.
    licenseModel: ENUM [general-public-license, bring-your-own-license, license-included]
    License model information for this DB instance.
    masterUsername: STRING
    The name for the master database user.
    monitoringRoleArn: STRING
    The ARN for the IAM role that permits RDS to send enhanced monitoring metrics to CloudWatch Logs.
    multiAZ: BOOLEAN
    Specifies if the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. You cannot set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the MultiAZ parameter is set to true.
    optionGroupName: STRING
    Indicates that the DB instance should be associated with the specified option group.
    port: INTEGER
    The port number on which the database accepts connections.
    preferredBackupWindow: STRING
    The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled, using the BackupRetentionPeriod parameter. Should be specified as a range hh24:mi-hh24:mi (24H Clock UTC).Example: 03:15-03:45
    preferredMaintenanceWindow: STRING
    The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
    promotionTier: INTEGER
    A value that specifies the order in which an Aurora Replica is promoted to the primary instance after a failure of the existing primary instance.
    publiclyAccessible: BOOLEAN
    Specifies the accessibility options for the DB instance
    A list of tags.
    skipFinalSnapshot: BOOLEAN
    When set to 'false', a DB snapshot is created before the DB instance is deleted.
    storageEncrypted: BOOLEAN
    Specifies whether the DB instance is encrypted.
    storageType: ENUM [standard, gp2, io1]
    Specifies the storage type to be associated with the DB instance.
    tdeCredentialArn: STRING
    The ARN from the Key Store with which to associate the instance for TDE encryption.
    tdeCredentialPassword: STRING
    The password for the given ARN from the Key Store in order to access the device.
    timezone: STRING
    The time zone of the DB instance. The time zone parameter is currently supported only by Microsoft SQL Server .
    vpcSecurityGroupIds: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of EC2 VPC security groups IDs or name to associate with this DB instance. The name should be in the format Name:.
      Hidden properties
    ordinal: INTEGER = 1
    The index of the cardinality amount created provisioneds.
    waitTime: INTEGER = 30
    Time in sec to wait to get update after modifying.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisionable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Provisionable, udm.Taggable

    Creates an RDS DB instance.

      Public properties
    allocatedStorage: STRING
    The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to be initially allocated for the database instance. (integer)
    applyImmediately: STRING
    Specifies whether the modifications in this request and any pending modifications are asynchronously applied as soon as possible, regardless of the PreferredMaintenanceWindow setting for the DB instance. (boolean) default(false)
    autoMinorVersionUpgrade: STRING
    Indicates that minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window. (boolean) default(true)
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The EC2 Availability Zone that the database instance will be created in. (string)
    backupRetentionPeriod: STRING
    The number of days for which automated backups are retained. (integer) default(1)
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    characterSetName: STRING
    For supported engines, indicates that the DB instance should be associated with the specified CharacterSet. (string)
    copyTagsToSnapshot: STRING
    When set to 'true', copies all tags from the DB instance to snapshots of the DB instance. (boolean) default(false)
    dbClusterIdentifier: STRING
    The identifier of the DB cluster that the instance will belong to. (string)
    dbInstanceClass: STRING
    The compute and memory capacity of the DB instance. Note that not all instance classes are available in all regions for all DB engines. (string)
    dbInstanceIdentifier: STRING
    The DB instance identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string. (string)
    dbName: STRING
    The name of the database to create when the DB instance is created. Constraints: 1 to 60 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. First character must be a letter. Can't contain two consecutive hyphens. Can't end with a hyphen. (string)
    dbParameterGroupName: STRING
    The name of the DB parameter group to associate with this DB instance. If this argument is omitted, the default DBParameterGroup for the specified engine will be used. (string)
    dbSecurityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of DB security groups to associate with this DB instance. (set_of_string)
    dbSubnetGroupName: STRING
    A DB subnet group to associate with this DB instance. (string)
    domain: STRING
    Specify the Active Directory Domain to create the instance in. (string)
    domainIAMRoleName: STRING
    Specify the name of the IAM role to be used when making API calls to the Directory Service. (string)
    enableIAMDatabaseAuthentication: STRING
    When set to 'true', enables mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts; otherwise false. (boolean) default(false)
    engine: STRING
    The name of the database engine to be used for this instance. (string)
    engineVersion: STRING
    The version number of the database engine to use. (string)
    finalDBSnapshotIdentifier: STRING
    The DBSnapshotIdentifier of the new DBSnapshot created while DB instance is deleted and SkipFinalSnapshot is set to 'false'. (string)
    iops: STRING
    The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be initially allocated for the DB instance. (integer)
    kmsKeyId: STRING
    The KMS key identifier for an encrypted DB instance. (string)
    licenseModel: STRING
    License model information for this DB instance. (enum) values(general-public-license, bring-your-own-license, license-included)
    masterUserPassword: STRING
    The password for the master database user.Constraints: At least 8 printable ASCII characters. Can't contain: / (slash), '(single quote), "(double quote) and @ (at sign). (string)
    masterUsername: STRING
    The name for the master database user. (string)
    monitoringInterval: STRING
    The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance. (integer) default(0)
    monitoringRoleArn: STRING
    The ARN for the IAM role that permits RDS to send enhanced monitoring metrics to CloudWatch Logs. (string)
    multiAZ: STRING
    Specifies if the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. You cannot set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the MultiAZ parameter is set to true. (boolean)
    optionGroupName: STRING
    Indicates that the DB instance should be associated with the specified option group. (string)
    port: STRING
    The port number on which the database accepts connections. (integer)
    preferredBackupWindow: STRING
    The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled, using the BackupRetentionPeriod parameter. Should be specified as a range hh24:mi-hh24:mi (24H Clock UTC).Example: 03:15-03:45 (string)
    preferredMaintenanceWindow: STRING
    The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). (string)
    promotionTier: STRING
    A value that specifies the order in which an Aurora Replica is promoted to the primary instance after a failure of the existing primary instance. (integer)
    publiclyAccessible: STRING
    Specifies the accessibility options for the DB instance (boolean)
    A list of tags. (map_string_string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    skipFinalSnapshot: STRING
    When set to 'false', a DB snapshot is created before the DB instance is deleted. (boolean) default(false)
    storageEncrypted: STRING
    Specifies whether the DB instance is encrypted. (boolean) default(false)
    storageType: STRING
    Specifies the storage type to be associated with the DB instance. (enum) values(standard, gp2, io1)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    tdeCredentialArn: STRING
    The ARN from the Key Store with which to associate the instance for TDE encryption. (string)
    tdeCredentialPassword: STRING
    The password for the given ARN from the Key Store in order to access the device. (string)
    timezone: STRING
    The time zone of the DB instance. The time zone parameter is currently supported only by Microsoft SQL Server . (string)
    vpcSecurityGroupIds: SET_OF_STRING
    A list of EC2 VPC security groups IDs or name to associate with this DB instance. The name should be in the format Name:. (set_of_string)
      Hidden properties
    address: STRING
    Specifies the DNS address of the DB instance.
    cardinality: STRING = 1
    Number of instances to launch.
    dbInstanceArn: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB instance.
    finalPort: STRING
    Specifies the port that the database engine is listening on.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.Provisioner>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates an RDS DB Security group.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    description: STRING
    The description for the DB security group.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    cidrIPs: SET_OF_STRING
    The IP range to authorize.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    ec2SecurityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    Name or ID of the EC2 security group to authorize.
    securityGroupName: STRING
    The name for the DB security group. This value is stored as a lowercase string.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Creates an RDS DB Security group.

      Public properties
    cidrIPs: SET_OF_STRING
    The IP range to authorize. (set_of_string)
    description: STRING
    The description for the DB security group. (string)
    ec2SecurityGroups: SET_OF_STRING
    Name or ID of the EC2 security group to authorize. (set_of_string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    securityGroupName: STRING
    The name for the DB security group. This value is stored as a lowercase string. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates an RDS DB Subnet group.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    description: STRING
    The description for the DB subnet group.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    subnetGroupName: STRING
    The name for the DB subnet group. This value is stored as a lowercase string.
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    AWS subnets to use.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    subnetGroupARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the subnet group.
    subnetGroupsTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Metadata assigned to an Amazon RDS resource consisting of a key-value pair.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Creates an RDS DB Subnet group.

      Public properties
    description: STRING
    The description for the DB subnet group. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    subnetGroupARN: STRING
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the subnet group. (string)
    subnetGroupName: STRING
    The name for the DB subnet group. This value is stored as a lowercase string. (string)
    subnetGroupsTags: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Metadata assigned to an Amazon RDS resource consisting of a key-value pair. (map_string_string)
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    AWS subnets to use. (set_of_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy file.Archive >> udm.BaseDeployableArchiveArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ArchiveArtifact, udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.FileArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS S3 Archive.

      Public properties
    acl: STRING
    The canned ACL to apply to the object. (enum) values(public-read, private, public-read-write, authenticated-read, aws-exec-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control) default(private)
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    createTargetPath: STRING
    Create the targetPath on the host if it does not exist.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    isRescanned: BOOLEAN
    Indicates if the artifact has been rescanned
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    targetFileName: STRING
    Name of the file on bucket along with extension. (string)
    targetPath: STRING
    Path to which artifact must be copied to when being deployed.
    targetPathInBucket: STRING
    Path in S3 Bucket to which artifact must be copied to when being deployed. (string)
    targetPathShared: STRING
    Is the targetPath shared by others on the host. When true, the targetPath is not deleted during undeployment; only the artifacts copied to it.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription

    delegate = rescanArtifact

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployedContainer >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Taggable

    Defines an AWS S3 bucket.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    bucketName: STRING
    AWS S3 bucket name. Please check AWS bucket name restrictions on Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    endpoint: STRING
    The region specific website endpoint of the bucket.
    errorDocument: STRING
    The object key name to use when a 4XX class error occurs. Required if staticWebsiteHosting is enabled.
    indexDocument: STRING
    A suffix that is appended to a request that is for a directory on the website endpoint. Required if staticWebsiteHosting is enabled.
    logging: BOOLEAN
    Enable logging for your bucket to get detailed access logs delivered to the bucket of your choice.
    policy: STRING
    Policy Document in JSON format for policy to attach with Bucket
    staticWebsiteHosting: BOOLEAN
    Enable static website hosting for this S3 bucket.
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    targetBucket: STRING
    Target bucket to save bucket logs. Required if logging is enabled.
    targetPrefix: STRING = logs/
    To specify a key prefix for log objects. Required if logging is enabled.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS S3 bucket.

      Public properties
    bucketName: STRING
    AWS S3 bucket name. Please check AWS bucket name restrictions on Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS. (string)
    endpoint: STRING
    The region specific website endpoint of the bucket. (string)
    errorDocument: STRING
    The object key name to use when a 4XX class error occurs. Required if staticWebsiteHosting is enabled. (string)
    indexDocument: STRING
    A suffix that is appended to a request that is for a directory on the website endpoint. Required if staticWebsiteHosting is enabled. (string)
    logging: STRING = false
    Enable logging for your bucket to get detailed access logs delivered to the bucket of your choice. (boolean) default(false)
    policy: STRING
    Policy Document in JSON format for policy to attach with Bucket (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. Cannot be modified once bucket is created in AWS. (string)
    staticWebsiteHosting: STRING = false
    Enable static website hosting for this S3 bucket. (boolean) default(false)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container. (set_of_string)
    targetBucket: STRING
    Target bucket to save bucket logs. Required if logging is enabled. (string)
    targetPrefix: STRING = logs/
    To specify a key prefix for log objects. Required if logging is enabled. (string) default(logs/)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy file.File >> udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.FileArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS S3 File.

      Public properties
    acl: STRING
    The canned ACL to apply to the object. (enum) values(public-read, private, public-read-write, authenticated-read, aws-exec-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control) default(private)
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    createTargetPath: STRING
    Create the targetPath on the host if it does not exist.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    isRescanned: BOOLEAN
    Indicates if the artifact has been rescanned
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    targetFileName: STRING
    Name of the file on bucket along with extension. (string)
    targetPath: STRING
    Path to which artifact must be copied to when being deployed.
    targetPathInBucket: STRING
    Path in S3 Bucket to which artifact must be copied to when being deployed. (string)
    targetPathShared: STRING
    Is the targetPath shared by others on the host. When true, the targetPath is not deleted during undeployment; only the artifacts copied to it.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription

    delegate = rescanArtifact

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy file.Folder >> udm.BaseDeployableFolderArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.FolderArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    Specification for an AWS S3 Folder.

      Public properties
    acl: STRING
    The canned ACL to apply to the object. (enum) values(public-read, private, public-read-write, authenticated-read, aws-exec-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control) default(private)
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    createTargetPath: STRING
    Create the targetPath on the host if it does not exist.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    isRescanned: BOOLEAN
    Indicates if the artifact has been rescanned
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    targetPath: STRING
    Path in S3 Bucket to which artifact must be copied to when being deployed. (string)
    targetPathShared: STRING
    Is the targetPath shared by others on the host. When true, the targetPath is not deleted during undeployment; only the artifacts copied to it.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription

    delegate = rescanArtifact

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Uploads an archive file to AWS S3

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    acl: ENUM [public-read, private, public-read-write, authenticated-read, aws-exec-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control] = private
    The canned ACL to apply to the object.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    targetFileName: STRING
    Name of the file on bucket along with extension.
    targetPathInBucket: STRING
    Path in S3 Bucket to which artifact must be copied to when being deployed.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Uploads an file to AWS S3

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    acl: ENUM [public-read, private, public-read-write, authenticated-read, aws-exec-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control] = private
    The canned ACL to apply to the object.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    targetFileName: STRING
    Name of the file on bucket along with extension.
    targetPathInBucket: STRING
    Path in S3 Bucket to which artifact must be copied to when being deployed.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    targetPath: STRING
    Path to which artifact must be copied to when being deployed.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployedArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Uploads folder to AWS S3

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    acl: ENUM [public-read, private, public-read-write, authenticated-read, aws-exec-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control] = private
    The canned ACL to apply to the object.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    targetPath: STRING
    Path in S3 Bucket to which artifact must be copied to when being deployed.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a route in a route table.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    egressOnlyInternetGatewayId: STRING
    [IPv6 traffic only] The ID of an egress-only internet gateway.
    gatewayId: STRING
    The name or ID of an internet gateway or virtual private gateway attached to your VPC.
    instanceId: STRING
    The name or ID of a NAT instance in your VPC. The operation fails if you specify an instance unless exactly one network interface is attached.
    ipv4Address: STRING
    The IPv4 CIDR address block used for the destination match. For example,
    ipv6Address: STRING
    The IPv6 CIDR block used for the destination match. For example, 4b05:d018:dbe:2100::/56
    natGatewayId: STRING
    [IPv4 traffic only] The ID of a NAT gateway.
    networkInterfaceId: STRING
    The name or ID of a network interface.
    vpcPeeringConnectionId: STRING
    The name or ID of a VPC peering connection.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for a route.

      Public properties
    egressOnlyInternetGatewayId: STRING
    [IPv6 traffic only] The ID of an egress-only internet gateway. (string)
    gatewayId: STRING
    The name or ID of an internet gateway or virtual private gateway attached to your VPC. (string)
    instanceId: STRING
    The name or ID of a NAT instance in your VPC. The operation fails if you specify an instance unless exactly one network interface is attached. (string)
    ipv4Address: STRING
    The IPv4 CIDR address block used for the destination match. For example, (string)
    ipv6Address: STRING
    The IPv6 CIDR block used for the destination match. For example, 4b05:d018:dbe:2100::/56 (string)
    natGatewayId: STRING
    [IPv4 traffic only] The ID of a NAT gateway. (string)
    networkInterfaceId: STRING
    The name or ID of a network interface. (string)
    vpcPeeringConnectionId: STRING
    The name or ID of a VPC peering connection. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a VPC RouteTable.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    routes: SET_OF_CI<aws.vpc.Route>
      Public properties
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the VPC associated with the route table. The name should be in the format Name:.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    is_main: BOOLEAN
    If true, this route table replaces the main route table of the VPC
    originalRouteTableId: STRING
    The ID of the original (default) route table
    routeTableId: STRING
    The ID of the route table
    routeTableName: STRING
    Route table name.
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The set of ID or names of subnets which has to be associated with this route table. The name should be in the format Name:.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Creates a VPC subnet.

    routes: SET_OF_CI<aws.vpc.RouteSpec>
      Public properties
    is_main: STRING
    If true, this route table replaces the main route table of the VPC (boolean)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    routeTableName: STRING
    Route table name. (string)
    subnets: SET_OF_STRING
    The set of ID or names of subnets which has to be associated with this route table. The name should be in the format Name:. (set_of_string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the VPC associated with the route table. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    originalRouteTableId: STRING
    The ID of the original (default) route table
    routeTableId: STRING
    The ID of the route table


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a security group.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    inboundRules: SET_OF_CI<aws.vpc.SecurityGroupInboundRule>
    Inbound Rules
    outboundRules: SET_OF_CI<aws.vpc.SecurityGroupOutboundRule>
    Outbound Rules
      Public properties
    description: STRING
    Security group description.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    securityGroupName: STRING
    Security group name.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    securityGroupId: STRING
    The ID of the security group.
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the VPC associated with the security group. The name should be in the format Name:.
      Hidden properties
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates an inbound rule in security group.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    portRange: STRING
    The port range for inbound rule.
    protocol: STRING
    The protocol name for inbound rule.
    source: STRING
    The source (security group/IPv4 CIDR/IPv6 CIDR) for inbound rule.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the VPC associated with the source. The name should be in the format Name:.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for an inbound security group rule.

      Public properties
    portRange: STRING
    The port range for inbound rule. (string)
    protocol: STRING
    The protocol name for inbound rule. (string)
    source: STRING
    The source (security group/IPv4 CIDR/IPv6 CIDR) for inbound rule. (string)
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the VPC associated with the source. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates an outbound rule in security group.

    container: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer>
    The (embedded) deployed which contains this embedded deployed.
      Public properties
    destination: STRING
    The destination (security group/IPv4 CIDR/IPv6 CIDR) for outbound rule.
    portRange: STRING
    The port range for outbound rule.
    protocol: STRING
    The protocol name for outbound rule.
    deployable: CI<udm.EmbeddedDeployable>
    The embedded deployable that this embedded deployed is derived from.
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the VPC associated with the destination. The name should be in the format Name:.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseEmbeddedDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployable

    Specification for an outbound security group rule.

      Public properties
    destination: STRING
    The destination (security group/IPv4 CIDR/IPv6 CIDR) for outbound rule. (string)
    portRange: STRING
    The port range for outbound rule. (string)
    protocol: STRING
    The protocol name for outbound rule. (string)
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the VPC associated with the destination. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Creates a security group.

    inboundRules: SET_OF_CI<aws.vpc.SecurityGroupInboundRuleSpec>
    Inbound Rules
    outboundRules: SET_OF_CI<aws.vpc.SecurityGroupOutboundRuleSpec>
    Outbound Rules
      Public properties
    description: STRING
    Security group description. (string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    securityGroupName: STRING
    Security group name. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the VPC associated with the security group. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    securityGroupId: STRING
    The ID of the security group


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Creates a VPC subnet.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    cidrBlock: STRING
    The IPv4 network range for the subnet, in CIDR notation. For example,
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the vpc associated with the network string. The name should be in the format Name:.
    assignIpv6AddressOnCreation: BOOLEAN
    Specify true to indicate that network interfaces created in this subnet should be assigned an IPv6 address.
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The Availability Zone in which to create the subnet.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    ipv6CidrBlock: STRING
    The IPv6 network range for the subnet, in CIDR notation. The subnet size must use a /64 prefix length. Note that when VPC IPv6 CIDR Block is unknown, please specify only last two hexa digits e.g. XX in ****:****:****:**XX::/**.
    mapPublicIpOnLaunch: BOOLEAN
    Specify true to indicate that network interfaces created in this subnet should be assigned a public IPv4 address.
    subnetId: STRING
    The ID of the subnet.
    subnetName: STRING
    VPC subnet name.
      Hidden properties
    ipv6CidrBlockSuffix: STRING = /64
    The suffix to be used for subnet IPv6 CIDR Block.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    Creates a VPC subnet.

      Public properties
    assignIpv6AddressOnCreation: STRING
    Specify true to indicate that network interfaces created in this subnet should be assigned an IPv6 address. (boolean) default(false)
    availabilityZone: STRING
    The Availability Zone in which to create the subnet. (string)
    cidrBlock: STRING
    The IPv4 network range for the subnet, in CIDR notation. For example, (string)
    ipv6CidrBlock: STRING
    The IPv6 network range for the subnet, in CIDR notation. The subnet size must use a /64 prefix length. Note that when VPC IPv6 CIDR Block is unknown, please specify only last two hexa digits e.g. XX in ****:****:****:**XX::/**. (string)
    mapPublicIpOnLaunch: STRING
    Specify true to indicate that network interfaces created in this subnet should be assigned a public IPv4 address. (boolean) default(false)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    subnetId: STRING
    The ID of the subnet. (string)
    subnetName: STRING
    VPC subnet name. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    vpc: STRING
    The ID or name of the vpc associated with the network string. The name should be in the format Name:. (string)
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisioned >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Provisioned

    Creates a virtual private cloud.

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.AppliedProvisioner>
    A list of provisioners associated with the instance.
      Public properties
    cidrBlock: STRING
    The IPv4 network range for the VPC in CIDR notation. e.g.
    instanceTenancy: ENUM [default, dedicated, host] = default
    The tenancy options for instances launched into the VPC.
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use.
    amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock: BOOLEAN
    Requests an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block with a /56 prefix length for the VPC.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.BaseConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    classicLink: BOOLEAN
    Enables a VPC for ClassicLink. You can then link EC2-Classic instances to your ClassicLink-enabled VPC to allow communication over private IP addresses.
    classicLinkDnsSupport: BOOLEAN
    Enables a VPC to support DNS hostname resolution for ClassicLink.
    createInternetGateway: BOOLEAN
    Creates internet gateway.
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    dnsHostnames: BOOLEAN
    Indicates whether the instances launched in the VPC get DNS hostnames. If enabled, instances in the VPC get DNS hostnames, otherwise they do not.
    dnsSupport: BOOLEAN = true
    Indicates whether the DNS resolution is supported for the VPC.
    internetGatewayId: STRING
    The ID of the internet gateway.
    internetGatewayName: STRING
    Internet gateway name.
    The id or name of one or more peer VPCs. The name should be in the format Name:.
    vpcId: STRING
    ID of VPC
    vpcName: STRING
    Virtual private cloud name.
      Hidden properties
    ordinal: INTEGER = 1
    The index of the cardinality amount created provisioneds.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseProvisionable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Provisionable, udm.Taggable

    Creates a virtual private cloud.

      Public properties
    amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock: STRING
    Requests an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block with a /56 prefix length for the VPC. (boolean) default(false)
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    cidrBlock: STRING
    The IPv4 network range for the VPC in CIDR notation. e.g. (string)
    classicLink: STRING
    Enables a VPC for ClassicLink. You can then link EC2-Classic instances to your ClassicLink-enabled VPC to allow communication over private IP addresses. (boolean) default(false)
    classicLinkDnsSupport: STRING
    Enables a VPC to support DNS hostname resolution for ClassicLink. (boolean) default(false)
    createInternetGateway: STRING
    Creates internet gateway. (boolean) default(false)
    dnsHostnames: STRING
    Indicates whether the instances launched in the VPC get DNS hostnames. If enabled, instances in the VPC get DNS hostnames, otherwise they do not. (boolean) default(false)
    dnsSupport: STRING
    Indicates whether the DNS resolution is supported for the VPC. (boolean) default(true)
    instanceTenancy: STRING
    The tenancy options for instances launched into the VPC. (enum) values(default, dedicated, host) default(default)
    internetGatewayId: STRING
    The ID of the internet gateway. (string)
    internetGatewayName: STRING
    Internet gateway name. (string)
    The id or name of one or more peer VPCs. The name should be in the format Name:. (set_of_string)
    region: STRING
    AWS region to use. (string)
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    vpcName: STRING
    Virtual private cloud name. (string)
      Hidden properties
    cardinality: STRING = 1
    Number of instances to launch.
    provisioners: LIST_OF_CI<udm.Provisioner>
    The set of created CIs.
    vpcId: STRING
    ID of VPC