IBM WebSphere Application Server Extensions Manual

    NOTE: WAS plugin extensions is now obsolete. Please use the WAS-plugin from now on. See Migration to WAS plugin 4.5.0 below on how to port your CIs.


    This document describes the functionality provided by the IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) extensions plugin.

    NOTE: The WAS extensions plugin is an extension to the standard XL Deploy WAS plugin and is provided as-is. The WAS extensions plugin provides commonly used extensions to the WAS plugin that can be used as a starting point for customizing your XL Deploy installation. Functionality in the WAS extensions plugin is not covered by XL Deploy technical support.

    Refer to XL Deploy Reference Manual for background information on XL Deploy and deployment concepts.


    • XL Deploy requirements
      • XL Deploy: version 5.0.0+
      • IBM WebSphere Application Server Standard and Network Deployment: 7.0, 8.0 and 8.5 (Unix and Windows)
      • Other XL Deploy Plugins: WAS plugin 5.0.0+


    It is recommended to only use the parts from the extensions you really need. This will make later upgrades easier. Please file feature requests for any types you use with XL Deploy support so we can better prioritize the features we need to include in the normal WAS plugin.

    In the case that using a subset is not possible, then this version of the WAS plugin extensions can be installed as a normal plugin. Any previous versions installed in the XL Deploy hotfix directory must be removed.

    Release notes

    WAS plugin extensions 5.0.0

    Compatible format with XL Deploy 5.0.

    WAS plugin extensions is now obsolete. Please use the WAS-plugin from now one.

    WAS plugin extensions 4.5.0

    WAS plugin extensions is now obsolete. Please use the WAS-plugin from now one. See Migration to WAS plugin 4.5.0 below on how to port your CIs.

    WAS plugin extensions 4.0.0

    Compatibility with XL Deploy 4.0.0

    WAS plugin extensions 3.9.0

    Many types and properties that were ported to the WAS plugin were deprecated and were possible the wasx type was implemented as a sub type of the new WAS type. It is recommended to update your packages to use the types out of the was.* namespace.

    This version can be installed as a normal plugin. To achieve this a number of scripts were moved to new locations so they will not interfere anymore with the scripts in the WAS plugin. If you have customized scripts you will have to double check if the location is still correct and if the script needs updating.

    Migration to WAS plugin 4.5.0

    From version 4.5.0, the functionality of the WAS plugin extensions has been incorporated in the official WAS plugin. Version 4.5.0 of was-plugin-extensions exists for backwards compatibility only. Please port all your CIs to the WAS plugin, since this will be the only supported WAS plugin from now on.

    The majority of the CIs can be ported by substituting the wasx prefix for was.

    The following table shows the exceptions to this pattern:

    WAS plugin extensions 4.5.0 WAS plugin 4.5.0
    wasx.Variables Not migrated, use multiple was.Variable
    wasx.StringNameSpaceBindings Not migrated, use multiple was.StringNameSpaceBinding
    wasx.ClassLoader Not migrated
    wasx.SystemLoginConfiguration Not migrated
    wasx.CSIv2Configuration Not migrated
    wasx.Interceptor Not migrated
    wasx.WasServerOrbService was.ORBService
    wasx.NodeAgentFileSyncServiceCustomProperty was.FileSynchronizationService
    wasx.SSLConFig was.SSLConfig
    wasx.URLResource was.URL
    wasx.SIBus was.SiBus
    wasx.SIBusMember was.SiBusMember
    wasx.WebsphereMQServer was.WMQServer
    wasx.ResourceReference Not migrated, use was.EjbRef, was.ResourceEnvRef and was.ResourceRef embedded CIs instead
    ServerConfiguration Extended and split into following CIs:
    • was.ApplicationServer
    • was.EJBContainer
    • was.WebContainer
    • was.TransactionService
    • was.PMIService
    • was.CoreGroupService
    • was.JavaProcessDefinition
    • was.LoggingAndTracing
    • was.ServerSessionManager
    • was.TransportChain, was.HTTPInboundChannel

    Migrated type-modifications

    Type-modifications previously present in the extensions plugin will be automatically upgraded to new state according to the following transition table:

    Type modification New state
    was.Module All properties will be migrated to the extended was.Module type.
    All properties which affect multiple modules (e.g. jspReloadInterval, warClassloaderMode) will keep the same behavior.
    Property 'webModuleSessionTimeout' is migrated to an embedded SessionManager instance.
    was.Datasource - allowExistingJaasAlias This is the default behavior thus the property is deprecated
    was.WmqQueue - useRFH2 UseRFH2 property replaced by targetClient property.
    If useRFH2 is 'true', targetClient is set to 'JMS' else 'MQ'
    was.WmqQueueConnectionFactory - sslConfiguration CI property sslConfiguration is migrated to STRING property sslConfigurationName
    wasx.UnmanagedWebServer Migrated to was.UnmanagedWebServer

    Possible breaking changes / different behavior

    Overwrite behavior

    Take notice that existing values of complex properties (i.e. JVM args, Environment vars etc.) will by default be overwritten by values specified in XL Deploy CIs. If the existing values on WebSphere are to be preserved, please remember to include them in XL Deploy CIs prior to deployment.

    If a CI property is not explicitly set, XL Deploy will use its default value. If a default value is not defined, an empty value will be sent to the WebSphere Application Server.

    Managed server control task

    was.ManagedServer doesn't have property "template". Instead, this control tasks accepts parameter of type was.ManagedServer_create. One can invoke control tasks from cli using following snippet:

    newServerId='Infrastructure/localhost/vagrantCell01/vagrantNode01/test3' newServer = factory.configurationItem(newServerId, 'was.ManagedServer', {'serverType': 'APPLICATION_SERVER', 'tags' : ['scope_jvm'] }); repository.create(newServer) control = deployit.prepareControlTask(newServer, "create") control.parameters.values['template'] = 'default' taskId = deployit.createControlTask(control) deployit.startTaskAndWait(taskId)

    CI Reference

    Configuration Item Overview


    CI Description
    wasx.AbstractSchedulerSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CSIv2ConfigurationSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.ClassLoaderSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.CoreGroupSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CustomPropertiesSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CustomServiceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.DerbyDatasourceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.EjbNameSpaceBindingSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsQueueConnectionFactorySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsQueueSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsTopicConnectionFactorySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsTopicSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.HealthPolicySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.IndirectNameSpaceBindingSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.InterceptorSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.J2CActivationSpecificationSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.J2CConnectionFactorySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JaasAliasSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JdbcProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JmsProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.KeystoreFile Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.KeystoreSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ListenerPortSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MailProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MailSessionSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MsSqlDatasourceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.NodeAgentFileSyncServiceCustomPropertySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.OracleJdbcProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.OracleXaJdbcProviderSpec Specification of an Oracle XA JDBC Driver
    wasx.ResourceEnvironmentEntrySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ResourceReferenceSpec Deprecated please use the embedded WAS plugin deployeds: EjbRef, ResourceRef, ResourceEnvRef
    wasx.SIBusMemberSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.SIBusSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.SSLConFigSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.SchedulerSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServerConfigurationSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServerPortSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServicePolicySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServletCacheInstanceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.StringNameSpaceBindingSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.StringNameSpaceBindingsSpec Deprecated please use multiple was
    wasx.SystemLoginConfigurationSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.ThreadPoolSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.TimerManagerSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.URLProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.URLResourceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.VariableSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.VariablesSpec Deprecated please use multiple was
    wasx.WasServerOrbServiceSpec Deprecated
    wasx.WebsphereMQServerSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.WmqActivationSpecificationSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.WorkManagerProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.WorkManagerSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type


    CI Description
    wasx.AbstractScheduler Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CSIv2Configuration Description unavailable
    wasx.ClassLoader Description unavailable
    wasx.CopiedKeystoreFile Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CoreGroup Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CustomProperties Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CustomService Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.DerbyDatasource Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.EjbNameSpaceBinding Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsConnectionFactory Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsDestination Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsQueue Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsQueueConnectionFactory Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsTopic Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsTopicConnectionFactory Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.HealthPolicy Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.IndirectNameSpaceBinding Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Interceptor Description unavailable
    wasx.J2CActivationSpecification Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.J2CConnectionFactory Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JaasAlias Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JdbcProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JmsProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Keystore Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ListenerPort Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MailProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MailSession Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MsSqlDatasource Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.NodeAgentFileSyncServiceCustomProperty Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.OracleJdbcProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.OracleXaJdbcProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ResourceEnvironmentEntry Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ResourceReference Deprecated please use the embedded WAS plugin deployeds: EjbRef, ResourceRef, ResourceEnvRef
    wasx.SIBus Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.SIBusMember Description unavailable
    wasx.SSLConFig Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Scheduler Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServerConfiguration Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServerPort Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServicePolicy Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServletCacheInstance Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.StringNameSpaceBinding Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.StringNameSpaceBindings Deprecated please use multiple was
    wasx.SystemLoginConfiguration Description unavailable
    wasx.ThreadPool Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.TimerManager Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.URLProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.URLResource Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Variable Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Variables Deprecated please use multiple was
    wasx.WasServerOrbService Deprecated
    wasx.WebsphereMQServer Description unavailable
    wasx.WmqActivationSpecification Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.WorkManager Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.WorkManagerProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type

    Other Configuration Items

    CI Description
    wasx.AbstractScheduler Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.AbstractSchedulerSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CSIv2Configuration Description unavailable
    wasx.CSIv2ConfigurationSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.ClassLoader Description unavailable
    wasx.ClassLoaderSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.CopiedKeystoreFile Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CoreGroup Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CoreGroupSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CustomProperties Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CustomPropertiesSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CustomService Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.CustomServiceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.DerbyDatasource Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.DerbyDatasourceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.EjbNameSpaceBinding Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.EjbNameSpaceBindingSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsConnectionFactory Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsDestination Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsQueue Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsQueueConnectionFactory Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsQueueConnectionFactorySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsQueueSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsTopic Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsTopicConnectionFactory Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsTopicConnectionFactorySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.GenericJmsTopicSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.HealthPolicy Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.HealthPolicySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.IndirectNameSpaceBinding Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.IndirectNameSpaceBindingSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Interceptor Description unavailable
    wasx.InterceptorSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.J2CActivationSpecification Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.J2CActivationSpecificationSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.J2CConnectionFactory Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.J2CConnectionFactorySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JaasAlias Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JaasAliasSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JdbcProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JdbcProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JmsProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.JmsProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Keystore Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.KeystoreFile Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.KeystoreSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ListenerPort Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ListenerPortSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MailProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MailProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MailSession Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MailSessionSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MsSqlDatasource Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.MsSqlDatasourceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.NodeAgentFileSyncServiceCustomProperty Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.NodeAgentFileSyncServiceCustomPropertySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.OracleJdbcProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.OracleJdbcProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.OracleXaJdbcProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.OracleXaJdbcProviderSpec Specification of an Oracle XA JDBC Driver
    wasx.ResourceEnvironmentEntry Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ResourceEnvironmentEntrySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ResourceReference Deprecated please use the embedded WAS plugin deployeds: EjbRef, ResourceRef, ResourceEnvRef
    wasx.ResourceReferenceSpec Deprecated please use the embedded WAS plugin deployeds: EjbRef, ResourceRef, ResourceEnvRef
    wasx.SIBus Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.SIBusMember Description unavailable
    wasx.SIBusMemberSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.SIBusSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.SSLConFig Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.SSLConFigSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Scheduler Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.SchedulerSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServerConfiguration Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServerConfigurationSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServerPort Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServerPortSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServicePolicy Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServicePolicySpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServletCacheInstance Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ServletCacheInstanceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.StringNameSpaceBinding Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.StringNameSpaceBindingSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.StringNameSpaceBindings Deprecated please use multiple was
    wasx.StringNameSpaceBindingsSpec Deprecated please use multiple was
    wasx.SystemLoginConfiguration Description unavailable
    wasx.SystemLoginConfigurationSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.ThreadPool Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.ThreadPoolSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.TimerManager Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.TimerManagerSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.URLProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.URLProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.URLResource Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.URLResourceSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Variable Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.VariableSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.Variables Deprecated please use multiple was
    wasx.VariablesSpec Deprecated please use multiple was
    wasx.WasServerOrbService Deprecated
    wasx.WasServerOrbServiceSpec Deprecated
    wasx.WebsphereMQServer Description unavailable
    wasx.WebsphereMQServerSpec Description unavailable (deployable)
    wasx.WmqActivationSpecification Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.WmqActivationSpecificationSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.WorkManager Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.WorkManagerProvider Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.WorkManagerProviderSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type
    wasx.WorkManagerSpec Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type

    Configuration Item Details


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    datasourceJndiName : STRING
    Datasource Jndi Name
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name
    pollInterval : INTEGER
    Poll Interval
    schedulerName : STRING
    Scheduler Name
    tablePrefix : STRING
    Table Prefix
    workManagerJndiName : STRING
    Work Manager Jndi Name
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    createScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    datasourceJndiName : STRING
    Datasource Jndi Name (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name (string)
    pollInterval : STRING
    Poll Interval (integer)
    schedulerName : STRING
    Scheduler Name (string)
    tablePrefix : STRING
    Table Prefix (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    workManagerJndiName : STRING
    Work Manager Jndi Name (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Description unavailable

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    inboundClientCertificateAuthentication : STRING
    Possible values: Supported, Required, Never.
    inboundTransport : STRING
    Possible values: SSL-Supported, SSL-Required, TCP/IP.
    outboundClientCertificateAuthentication : STRING
    Possible values: Supported, Required, Never.
    outboundTransport : STRING
    Possible values: SSL-Supported, SSL-Required, TCP/IP.
    createSecurityDomainIfNotFound : BOOLEAN  = false
    Create the specified security domain if it does not exist.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    inboundBasicAuthentication : BOOLEAN
    Inbound Basic Authentication
    inboundLTPA : BOOLEAN
    Enable Lightweight Third Party Authentication
    inboundMessageLevelAuth : STRING
    Possible values: Supported, Required, Never.
    inboundSslSettingsCentrallyManaged : BOOLEAN
    Inbound Ssl Settings Centrally Managed
    outboundBasicAuthentication : BOOLEAN
    Outbound Basic Authentication
    outboundLTPA : BOOLEAN
    Enable Lightweight Third Party Authentication
    outboundMessageLevelAuth : STRING
    Possible values: Supported, Required, Never.
    outboundSslSettingsCentrallyManaged : BOOLEAN
    Outbound Ssl Settings Centrally Managed
    securityDomainName : STRING  = 
    Provide a security domain for the target server. Leave empty to target Global Security.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/security/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Description unavailable (deployable)

    Public Properties
    createSecurityDomainIfNotFound : STRING
    Create the specified security domain if it does not exist. (boolean) default(false)
    inboundBasicAuthentication : STRING
    Inbound Basic Authentication (boolean)
    inboundClientCertificateAuthentication : STRING
    Possible values: Supported, Required, Never. (string)
    inboundLTPA : STRING
    Enable Lightweight Third Party Authentication (boolean)
    inboundMessageLevelAuth : STRING
    Possible values: Supported, Required, Never. (string)
    inboundSslSettingsCentrallyManaged : STRING
    Inbound Ssl Settings Centrally Managed (boolean)
    inboundTransport : STRING
    Possible values: SSL-Supported, SSL-Required, TCP/IP. (string)
    outboundBasicAuthentication : STRING
    Outbound Basic Authentication (boolean)
    outboundClientCertificateAuthentication : STRING
    Possible values: Supported, Required, Never. (string)
    outboundLTPA : STRING
    Enable Lightweight Third Party Authentication (boolean)
    outboundMessageLevelAuth : STRING
    Possible values: Supported, Required, Never. (string)
    outboundSslSettingsCentrallyManaged : STRING
    Outbound Ssl Settings Centrally Managed (boolean)
    outboundTransport : STRING
    Possible values: SSL-Supported, SSL-Required, TCP/IP. (string)
    securityDomainName : STRING
    Provide a security domain for the target server. Leave empty to target Global Security. (string) default()
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Description unavailable

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    libraries : SET_OF_STRING
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 62
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/classloader/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 38
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/classloader/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Description unavailable (deployable)

    Public Properties
    libraries : SET_OF_STRING
    Libraries (set_of_string)
    mode : STRING
    Mode (enum) values(PARENT_FIRST, PARENT_LAST) default(PARENT_FIRST)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy generic.CopiedArtifact >> generic.AbstractDeployedArtifact >> generic.AbstractDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    targetDirectory : STRING
    Path to which artifact must be copied to on the generic server.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders : MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    targetFile : STRING
    Name of the artifact on the generic server.
    Hidden Properties
    createOptions : SET_OF_STRING  = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOptions : SET_OF_STRING  = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOptions : SET_OF_STRING  = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions : SET_OF_STRING  = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    copyDirectlyToTargetPath : BOOLEAN  = false
    If set to true, files are directly copied to the target directory without first being uploaded to the staging or temporary directory (like versions of XL Deploy prior to 4.0.0)
    createTargetDirectory : BOOLEAN  = false
    Create the target directory on the generic server if it does not exist.
    inspectClasspathResources : SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources : SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    preserveExistingFiles : BOOLEAN  = false
    If set to true, preserve the existing files on the remote host (do not delete the copied files during the destroy operation).
    restartRequired : BOOLEAN  = false
    The generic container requires a restart for the action performed by this deployed.
    restartRequiredForNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    The generic container requires a restart for the NOOP action performed by this deployed.
    targetDirectoryShared : BOOLEAN  = true
    Is the target directory shared by others on the generic server. When true, the target directory is not deleted during a destroy operation; only the artifacts copied to it.
    targetPathSharedSubDirectories : BOOLEAN  = false
    If set to true, the sub directories on the target machine are not deleted if files other than that copied by XL Deploy are present. Please note that setting this option to true will cause the removal process to be a slower.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    numCoordinators : INTEGER  = 1
    Number of Coordinators
    coreGroupClusters : SET_OF_CI<was.Cluster>
    Core Group Clusters
    coreGroupServers : SET_OF_CI<was.ManagedServer>
    Core Group Servers
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    preferredCoordinatorServers : LIST_OF_CI<was.ManagedServer>
    Preferred Coordinator Servers
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = coreGroupServers,coreGroupClusters,preferredCoordinatorServers
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/server/coregroup/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/server/coregroup/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    numCoordinators : STRING
    Number of Coordinators (integer) default(1)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    properties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    The values of the custom properties
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    overwriteExisting : BOOLEAN  = false
    If set, existing custom properties of the same name will be overwritten. Otherwise, the value will be appended to the existing property.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    overwriteExisting : STRING
    If set, existing custom properties of the same name will be overwritten. Otherwise, the value will be appended to the existing property. (boolean) default(false)
    properties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    The values of the custom properties (map_string_string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.CustomService >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    classname : STRING
    Specifies the class name of the service implementation.
    classpath : STRING
    Specifies the classpath used to locate the classes and JAR files for this service.
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies Additional custom properties that you can configure for this service.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of the custom service.
    enable : BOOLEAN  = false
    Specifies whether or not the server attempts to start the specified service when server starts.
    externalConfigURL : STRING
    Specifies the URL for a custom service configuration file.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = name, customProperties
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/customservice/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/customservice/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/customservice/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/customservice/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.CustomServiceSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    classname : STRING
    Specifies the class name of the service implementation. (string)
    classpath : STRING
    Specifies the classpath used to locate the classes and JAR files for this service. (string)
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies Additional custom properties that you can configure for this service. (map_string_string)
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of the custom service. (string)
    enable : STRING
    Specifies whether or not the server attempts to start the specified service when server starts. (boolean) default(false)
    externalConfigURL : STRING
    Specifies the URL for a custom service configuration file. (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Datasource >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    databaseName : STRING
    Database Name
    datasourceHelperClassname : STRING  = org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource
    Specifies the data source helper class.
    jdbcProvider : STRING
    Specifies the name of the JDBC Provider for this data source.
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name of the data source.
    ConnectionPool_agedTimeout : INTEGER  = 0
    Specifies the interval, in seconds, after which an unused, aged connection is discarded (regardless of recent activity) by the pool maintenance thread.
    ConnectionPool_connectionTimeout : INTEGER  = 180
    Specifies connection timeout value for a JDBC data source.
    ConnectionPool_maxConnections : INTEGER  = 10
    Specifies Maximum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    ConnectionPool_minConnections : INTEGER  = 1
    Specifies Minimum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    ConnectionPool_purgePolicy : ENUM [EntirePool, FailingConnectionOnly]  = EntirePool
    Specifies how to purge connections when a stale connection or fatal connection error is detected.
    ConnectionPool_reapTime : INTEGER  = 180
    Specifies the interval, in seconds, between runs of the pool maintenance thread.
    ConnectionPool_unusedTimeout : INTEGER  = 1800
    Specifies the maximum number of seconds that an idle connection can remain in the pool before being discarded by the maintenance thread.
    containerManagedPersistence : BOOLEAN  = true
    Specifies that the datasource is used for container-managed persistence (CMP) of enterprise beans.
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies Additional custom properties that you can configure for this service.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this data source.
    jaasAliasName : STRING
    Specifies an existing JAAS/J2C authentication alias name. When specified username and password must not be set.
    mappingConfigAlias : STRING
    Used only in the absence of a loginConfiguration on the component resource reference.
    password : STRING
    Password to create a new JAAS/J2C authentication data with XL Deploy-generated alias name.
    testConnection : BOOLEAN  = false
    If set, the connection to the database is tested.
    useJaasAliasForContainerManagedAuthentication : BOOLEAN
    Specifies the container-managed authentication to the JAAS/J2C authentication data entry for the datasource.
    useJaasAliasForXaRecovery : BOOLEAN
    Specifies the Jaas auth data for XA recovery, Should only be set for datasources using XA JDBC providers.
    username : STRING
    Username to create a new JAAS/J2C authentication data with XL Deploy-generated alias name.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = name,alias,containerManagedPersistence,description,jndiName,createJaasAlias,jdbcProvider,username,password,ConnectionPool,datasourceHelperClassname,customProperties,allowExistingJaasAlias,jaasAliasName,useJaasAliasForXaRecovery,useJaasAliasForContainerManagedAuthentication,mappingConfigAlias,testConnection,testConnectionScript,testConnectionOrder,updateJaasScript,updateJaasOrder
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/datasource/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/datasource/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/datasource/, was/datasource/, was/jaas/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/datasource/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    testConnectionOrder : INTEGER  = 102
    Test Connection Order
    testConnectionScript : STRING  = was/datasource/
    Test Connection Script
    updateJaasOrder : INTEGER  = 101
    Update Jaas Order
    updateJaasScript : STRING  = was/jaas/
    Update Jaas Script
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    language = python, script = was/datasource/

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    ConnectionPool_agedTimeout : STRING
    Specifies the interval, in seconds, after which an unused, aged connection is discarded (regardless of recent activity) by the pool maintenance thread. (integer) default(0)
    ConnectionPool_connectionTimeout : STRING
    Specifies connection timeout value for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(180)
    ConnectionPool_maxConnections : STRING
    Specifies Maximum number of connections for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(10)
    ConnectionPool_minConnections : STRING
    Specifies Minimum number of connections for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(1)
    ConnectionPool_purgePolicy : STRING
    Specifies how to purge connections when a stale connection or fatal connection error is detected. (enum) values(EntirePool, FailingConnectionOnly) default(EntirePool)
    ConnectionPool_reapTime : STRING
    Specifies the interval, in seconds, between runs of the pool maintenance thread. (integer) default(180)
    ConnectionPool_unusedTimeout : STRING
    Specifies the maximum number of seconds that an idle connection can remain in the pool before being discarded by the maintenance thread. (integer) default(1800)
    containerManagedPersistence : STRING
    Specifies that the datasource is used for container-managed persistence (CMP) of enterprise beans. (boolean) default(true)
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies Additional custom properties that you can configure for this service. (map_string_string)
    databaseName : STRING
    Database Name (string)
    datasourceHelperClassname : STRING
    Specifies the data source helper class. (string) default(org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource)
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this data source. (string)
    jaasAliasName : STRING
    Specifies an existing JAAS/J2C authentication alias name. When specified username and password must not be set. (string)
    jdbcProvider : STRING
    Specifies the name of the JDBC Provider for this data source. (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name of the data source. (string)
    mappingConfigAlias : STRING
    Used only in the absence of a loginConfiguration on the component resource reference. (string)
    password : STRING
    Password to create a new JAAS/J2C authentication data with XL Deploy-generated alias name. (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    testConnection : STRING
    If set, the connection to the database is tested. (boolean) default(false)
    useJaasAliasForContainerManagedAuthentication : STRING
    Specifies the container-managed authentication to the JAAS/J2C authentication data entry for the datasource. (boolean)
    useJaasAliasForXaRecovery : STRING
    Specifies the Jaas auth data for XA recovery, Should only be set for datasources using XA JDBC providers. (boolean)
    username : STRING
    Username to create a new JAAS/J2C authentication data with XL Deploy-generated alias name. (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    ejbJndiName : STRING
    EJB JNDI name
    nameInNameSpace : STRING
    The name in the name space
    applicationCluster : CI<was.Cluster>
    The cluster on which the enterprise bean is running, if running on a cluster. This property or the 'applicationServer' property (not both) must be set
    applicationServer : CI<was.ManagedServer>
    The server on which the enterprise bean is running, if running on a server. This property or the 'applicationCluster' property (not both) must be set
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    ejbJndiName : STRING
    EJB JNDI name (string)
    nameInNameSpace : STRING
    The name in the name space (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    connectionTimeout : INTEGER  = 180
    Connection timeout value for a JDBC data source.
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name
    maxConnections : INTEGER  = 10
    Maximum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    minConnections : INTEGER  = 1
    Minimum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    authDataAlias : STRING
    Component-managed Authentication Alias
    authDataAliasContainer : STRING
    DEPRECATED: please use 'containerAuthDataAlias'
    containerAuthDataAlias : STRING
    Container-managed Authentication Alias
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    mappingConfigAlias : STRING
    Mapping-configuration alias
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = genericJmsDestinationType,jmsProvider,wasType,jmsType,containerAuthDataAlias,mappingConfigAlias,authDataAliasContainer,connectionTimeout,maxConnections,minConnections
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jms/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/jms/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = GenericJMSConnectionFactory
    WebSphere config type.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name
    genericJmsDestinationType : STRING
    Generic Jms Destination Type
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = genericJmsDestinationType,jmsProvider,wasType,jmsType
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/jms/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/jms/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = GenericJMSDestination
    WebSphere config type.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy wasx.GenericJmsDestination >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = genericJmsDestinationType,jmsProvider,wasType,jmsType
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/jms/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/jms/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    genericJmsDestinationType : STRING  = QUEUE
    Generic Jms Destination Type
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = GenericJMSDestination
    WebSphere config type.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy wasx.GenericJmsConnectionFactory >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    connectionTimeout : INTEGER  = 180
    Connection timeout value for a JDBC data source.
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name
    maxConnections : INTEGER  = 10
    Maximum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    minConnections : INTEGER  = 1
    Minimum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    authDataAlias : STRING
    Component-managed Authentication Alias
    authDataAliasContainer : STRING
    DEPRECATED: please use 'containerAuthDataAlias'
    containerAuthDataAlias : STRING
    Container-managed Authentication Alias
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    mappingConfigAlias : STRING
    Mapping-configuration alias
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = genericJmsDestinationType,jmsProvider,wasType,jmsType,containerAuthDataAlias,mappingConfigAlias,authDataAliasContainer,connectionTimeout,maxConnections,minConnections
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jms/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/jms/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    genericJmsDestinationType : STRING  = QUEUE
    Generic Jms Destination Type
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = GenericJMSConnectionFactory
    WebSphere config type.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    authDataAlias : STRING
    Component-managed Authentication Alias (string)
    authDataAliasContainer : STRING
    DEPRECATED: please use 'containerAuthDataAlias' (string)
    connectionTimeout : STRING
    Connection timeout value for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(180)
    containerAuthDataAlias : STRING
    Container-managed Authentication Alias (string)
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name (string)
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name (string)
    mappingConfigAlias : STRING
    Mapping-configuration alias (string)
    maxConnections : STRING
    Maximum number of connections for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(10)
    minConnections : STRING
    Minimum number of connections for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(1)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name (string)
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy wasx.GenericJmsDestination >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = genericJmsDestinationType,jmsProvider,wasType,jmsType
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/jms/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/jms/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    genericJmsDestinationType : STRING  = TOPIC
    Generic Jms Destination Type
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = GenericJMSDestination
    WebSphere config type.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy wasx.GenericJmsConnectionFactory >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    connectionTimeout : INTEGER  = 180
    Connection timeout value for a JDBC data source.
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name
    maxConnections : INTEGER  = 10
    Maximum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    minConnections : INTEGER  = 1
    Minimum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    authDataAlias : STRING
    Component-managed Authentication Alias
    authDataAliasContainer : STRING
    DEPRECATED: please use 'containerAuthDataAlias'
    containerAuthDataAlias : STRING
    Container-managed Authentication Alias
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    mappingConfigAlias : STRING
    Mapping-configuration alias
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = genericJmsDestinationType,jmsProvider,wasType,jmsType,containerAuthDataAlias,mappingConfigAlias,authDataAliasContainer,connectionTimeout,maxConnections,minConnections
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jms/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/jms/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    genericJmsDestinationType : STRING  = TOPIC
    Generic Jms Destination Type
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = GenericJMSConnectionFactory
    WebSphere config type.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    authDataAlias : STRING
    Component-managed Authentication Alias (string)
    authDataAliasContainer : STRING
    DEPRECATED: please use 'containerAuthDataAlias' (string)
    connectionTimeout : STRING
    Connection timeout value for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(180)
    containerAuthDataAlias : STRING
    Container-managed Authentication Alias (string)
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name (string)
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name (string)
    mappingConfigAlias : STRING
    Mapping-configuration alias (string)
    maxConnections : STRING
    Maximum number of connections for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(10)
    minConnections : STRING
    Minimum number of connections for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(1)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    externalJNDIName : STRING
    External JNDI name (string)
    jmsProvider : STRING
    Jms Provider (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    Action 1
    Condition Type
    reactionMode : ENUM [SUPERVISE, AUTOMATIC]
    Reaction Mode
    Action 2
    Action 3
    ConditionParamsAge_ageUnits : ENUM [DAYS, HOURS]
    Required for condition type 'AGE'
    ConditionParamsAge_maxAge : INTEGER
    Required for condition type 'AGE'
    ConditionParamsExcessiveMemory_memoryUsed : INTEGER
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_MEMORY'
    ConditionParamsExcessiveMemory_timeOverThreshold : INTEGER
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_MEMORY'
    ConditionParamsExcessiveMemory_timeUnits : ENUM [MINUTES, SECONDS]
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_MEMORY'
    ConditionParamsExcessiveRequestTimeout_timeoutPercentage : INTEGER
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT'
    ConditionParamsExcessiveResponseTime_responseTime : INTEGER
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_RESPONSE_TIME'
    ConditionParamsExcessiveResponseTime_responseTimeUnits : ENUM [MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLISECONDS]
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_RESPONSE_TIME'
    ConditionParamsMemoryLeak_level : ENUM [FAST, NORMAL, CONSERVATIVE]
    Required for condition type 'MEMORY_LEAK'
    ConditionParamsStormDrain_level : ENUM [NORMAL, CONSERVATIVE]
    Required for condition type 'STORM_DRAIN'
    ConditionParamsWorkload_totalRequests : INTEGER
    Required for condition type 'WORKLOAD'
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/policies/health/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/policies/health/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    Action1_type : STRING
    Action2_type : STRING
    Action3_type : STRING
    ConditionParamsAge_ageUnits : STRING
    Required for condition type 'AGE' (enum) values(DAYS, HOURS)
    ConditionParamsAge_maxAge : STRING
    Required for condition type 'AGE' (integer)
    ConditionParamsExcessiveMemory_memoryUsed : STRING
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_MEMORY' (integer)
    ConditionParamsExcessiveMemory_timeOverThreshold : STRING
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_MEMORY' (integer)
    ConditionParamsExcessiveMemory_timeUnits : STRING
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_MEMORY' (enum) values(MINUTES, SECONDS)
    ConditionParamsExcessiveRequestTimeout_timeoutPercentage : STRING
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT' (integer)
    ConditionParamsExcessiveResponseTime_responseTime : STRING
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_RESPONSE_TIME' (integer)
    ConditionParamsExcessiveResponseTime_responseTimeUnits : STRING
    Required for condition type 'EXCESSIVE_RESPONSE_TIME' (enum) values(MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLISECONDS)
    ConditionParamsMemoryLeak_level : STRING
    Required for condition type 'MEMORY_LEAK' (enum) values(FAST, NORMAL, CONSERVATIVE)
    ConditionParamsStormDrain_level : STRING
    Required for condition type 'STORM_DRAIN' (enum) values(NORMAL, CONSERVATIVE)
    ConditionParamsWorkload_totalRequests : STRING
    Required for condition type 'WORKLOAD' (integer)
    conditionType : STRING
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    reactionMode : STRING
    Reaction Mode (enum) values(SUPERVISE, AUTOMATIC)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name
    nameInNameSpace : STRING
    The name in the name space
    providerURL : STRING
    Provider U R L
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name (string)
    nameInNameSpace : STRING
    The name in the name space (string)
    providerURL : STRING
    Provider U R L (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Description unavailable

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom Properties
    interceptorClassName : STRING
    Interceptor Class Name
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    removeOtherInterceptorsStartingWith : STRING  =
    when specified, all other interceptors are removed if their names start with this value. E.g. to remove default interceptors, use ''
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/security/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/security/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Description unavailable (deployable)

    Public Properties
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom Properties (map_string_string)
    interceptorClassName : STRING
    Interceptor Class Name (string)
    removeOtherInterceptorsStartingWith : STRING
    when specified, all other interceptors are removed if their names start with this value. E.g. to remove default interceptors, use '' (string) default(
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    messageListenerType : STRING
    Message Listener Type
    provider : STRING
    The provider of the J2C Activation Specification
    authenticationAlias : STRING
    Authentication Alias
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    jndiName : STRING
    The JNDI name of the J2C Activation Specification
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = provider
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/ra/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/ra/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    authenticationAlias : STRING
    Authentication Alias (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    The JNDI name of the J2C Activation Specification (string)
    messageListenerType : STRING
    Message Listener Type (string)
    provider : STRING
    The provider of the J2C Activation Specification (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    provider : STRING
    The provider of the J2C Connection Factory
    connectionFactoryInterface : STRING
    Identifies the connection definition for the Java 2 resource adapter that you specify. This parameter is required.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    jndiName : STRING
    The JNDI name of the J2C Connection Factory
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = provider,CustomProperty
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/ra/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/ra/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    connectionFactoryInterface : STRING
    Identifies the connection definition for the Java 2 resource adapter that you specify. This parameter is required. (string)
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    The JNDI name of the J2C Connection Factory (string)
    provider : STRING
    The provider of the J2C Connection Factory (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.JaasAlias >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    password : STRING
    Specifies the password to use for the target enterprise information system (EIS).
    username : STRING
    Specifies the Java(TM) 2 Connector(J2C) authentication data userId.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies an optional description for the authentication data entry.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = name,username,updateJaasScript,updateJaasOrder
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 58
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/jaas/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 41
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/jaas/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/jaas/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/jaas/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/jaas/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    updateJaasOrder : INTEGER  = 101
    Update Jaas Order
    updateJaasScript : STRING  = was/jaas/
    Update Jaas Script
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.JaasAliasSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    description : STRING
    Specifies an optional description for the authentication data entry. (string)
    password : STRING
    Specifies the password to use for the target enterprise information system (EIS). (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    username : STRING
    Specifies the Java(TM) 2 Connector(J2C) authentication data userId. (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    implementationClassName : STRING
    Implementation Class Name
    isolatedClassLoader : BOOLEAN
    Isolated Class Loader
    nativepath : STRING
    Native Library Path
    providerType : STRING
    Provider Type
    xa : BOOLEAN
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = containerRestartRequired
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 58
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jdbc/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 42
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jdbc/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jdbc/
    Discover Script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    containerRestartRequired : BOOLEAN  = true
    Container Restart Required
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING
    Classpath (string)
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    implementationClassName : STRING
    Implementation Class Name (string)
    isolatedClassLoader : STRING
    Isolated Class Loader (boolean)
    nativepath : STRING
    Native Library Path (string)
    providerType : STRING
    Provider Type (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    xa : STRING
    Xa (boolean)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    externalInitialContextFactory : STRING
    External Initial Context Factory
    externalProviderURL : STRING
    External Provider U R L
    classpath : STRING
    customProperties : SET_OF_STRING
    As =. A different separator can be specified via the hidden 'valueSeparator' property
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = customProperties,valueSeparator
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 58
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jms/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 42
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jms/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    valueSeparator : STRING  = =
    Separates the name from the value
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING
    Classpath (string)
    customProperties : SET_OF_STRING
    As =. A different separator can be specified via the hidden 'valueSeparator' property (set_of_string)
    externalInitialContextFactory : STRING
    External Initial Context Factory (string)
    externalProviderURL : STRING
    External Provider U R L (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    keystoreFile : CI<wasx.CopiedKeystoreFile >
    Keystore File
    keystoreName : STRING
    Keystore Name
    keystoreType : STRING
    Keystore Type
    password : STRING
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    useRelativePath : BOOLEAN
    when true, the path of the keystoreFile is made relative using ${CONFIG_ROOT} but only when it matches the value of ${CONFIG_ROOT}
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/security/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/security/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy generic.File >> udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Artifact, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.Deployable, udm.FileArtifact

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    checksum : STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    excludeFileNamesRegex : STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri : STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders : SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    scanPlaceholders : BOOLEAN  = true
    Whether to scan this artifact for placeholders when it is imported
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    targetDirectory : STRING
    Path to which artifact must be copied to on the generic server. (string)
    targetFile : STRING
    Name of the artifact on the generic server. (string)
    Hidden Properties
    textFileNamesRegex : STRING  = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    delimiters : STRING  = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings : MAP_STRING_STRING  = {.+\.properties=ISO-8859-1}
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    keystoreName : STRING
    Keystore Name (string)
    keystoreType : STRING
    Keystore Type (string)
    password : STRING
    Password (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    useRelativePath : STRING
    when true, the path of the keystoreFile is made relative using ${CONFIG_ROOT} but only when it matches the value of ${CONFIG_ROOT} (boolean)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    connectionFactoryJNDIName : STRING
    The JNDI name for the JMS connection factory to be used by the listener port; for example, jms/connFactory1.
    destinationJNDIName : STRING
    The JNDI name for the destination to be used by the listener port; for example, jms/destn1.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    initialStateStarted : BOOLEAN  = true
    If unset, The Execution state requested when the server is first started,is 'stopped'.
    maxMessages : INTEGER  = 1
    The maximum number of messages that the listener can process in one transaction, The default is 1.
    maxRetries : INTEGER  = 0
    The maximum number of times that the listener tries to deliver a message to a message-driven bean instance before the listener is stopped, in the range 0 through 2147483647, The default is 0.
    maxSessions : INTEGER  = 1
    The maximum number of concurrent sessions that a listener can have with the JMS server to process messages, The default is 1.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = initialStateStarted,wasType
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/server/listenerport/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/server/listenerport/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [wasx/server/listenerport/, wasx/server/listenerport/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = ListenerPort
    WAS config type of ListenerPort.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    connectionFactoryJNDIName : STRING
    The JNDI name for the JMS connection factory to be used by the listener port; for example, jms/connFactory1. (string)
    destinationJNDIName : STRING
    The JNDI name for the destination to be used by the listener port; for example, jms/destn1. (string)
    initialStateStarted : STRING
    If unset, The Execution state requested when the server is first started,is 'stopped'. (boolean) default(true)
    maxMessages : STRING
    The maximum number of messages that the listener can process in one transaction, The default is 1. (integer) default(1)
    maxRetries : STRING
    The maximum number of times that the listener tries to deliver a message to a message-driven bean instance before the listener is stopped, in the range 0 through 2147483647, The default is 0. (integer) default(0)
    maxSessions : STRING
    The maximum number of concurrent sessions that a listener can have with the JMS server to process messages, The default is 1. (integer) default(1)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING
    description : STRING
    providerName : STRING
    Provider Name
    scope : STRING
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    isolatedClassLoader : BOOLEAN
    Isolated Class Loader
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 59
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/mail/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/mail/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = wasx/mail/
    Discover Script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING
    Classpath (string)
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    isolatedClassLoader : STRING
    Isolated Class Loader (boolean)
    providerName : STRING
    Provider Name (string)
    scope : STRING
    Scope (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    description : STRING
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name
    mailFrom : STRING
    Mail From
    mailSessionName : STRING
    Mail Session Name
    mailStoreHost : STRING
    Mail Store Host
    mailStorePassword : STRING
    Mail Store Password
    mailStoreProtocol : STRING
    Mail Store Protocol
    mailStoreUser : STRING
    Mail Store User
    mailTransportHost : STRING
    Mail Transport Host
    mailTransportPassword : STRING
    Mail Transport Password
    mailTransportProtocol : STRING
    Mail Transport Protocol
    mailTransportUser : STRING
    Mail Transport User
    provider : CI<wasx.MailProvider >
    scope : STRING
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/mail/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name (string)
    mailFrom : STRING
    Mail From (string)
    mailSessionName : STRING
    Mail Session Name (string)
    mailStoreHost : STRING
    Mail Store Host (string)
    mailStorePassword : STRING
    Mail Store Password (string)
    mailStoreProtocol : STRING
    Mail Store Protocol (string)
    mailStoreUser : STRING
    Mail Store User (string)
    mailTransportHost : STRING
    Mail Transport Host (string)
    mailTransportPassword : STRING
    Mail Transport Password (string)
    mailTransportProtocol : STRING
    Mail Transport Protocol (string)
    mailTransportUser : STRING
    Mail Transport User (string)
    scope : STRING
    Scope (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Datasource >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    databaseName : STRING
    Database Name
    datasourceHelperClassname : STRING  =
    Specifies the data source helper class.
    jdbcProvider : STRING  = Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver (XA)
    Specifies the name of the JDBC Provider for this data source.
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name of the data source.
    portNumber : INTEGER  = 1433
    Port Number
    serverName : STRING
    Server Name
    ConnectionPool_agedTimeout : INTEGER  = 0
    Specifies the interval, in seconds, after which an unused, aged connection is discarded (regardless of recent activity) by the pool maintenance thread.
    ConnectionPool_connectionTimeout : INTEGER  = 180
    Specifies connection timeout value for a JDBC data source.
    ConnectionPool_maxConnections : INTEGER  = 10
    Specifies Maximum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    ConnectionPool_minConnections : INTEGER  = 1
    Specifies Minimum number of connections for a JDBC data source.
    ConnectionPool_purgePolicy : ENUM [EntirePool, FailingConnectionOnly]  = EntirePool
    Specifies how to purge connections when a stale connection or fatal connection error is detected.
    ConnectionPool_reapTime : INTEGER  = 180
    Specifies the interval, in seconds, between runs of the pool maintenance thread.
    ConnectionPool_unusedTimeout : INTEGER  = 1800
    Specifies the maximum number of seconds that an idle connection can remain in the pool before being discarded by the maintenance thread.
    containerManagedPersistence : BOOLEAN  = true
    Specifies that the datasource is used for container-managed persistence (CMP) of enterprise beans.
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies Additional custom properties that you can configure for this service.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this data source.
    jaasAliasName : STRING
    Specifies an existing JAAS/J2C authentication alias name. When specified username and password must not be set.
    mappingConfigAlias : STRING
    Used only in the absence of a loginConfiguration on the component resource reference.
    password : STRING
    Password to create a new JAAS/J2C authentication data with XL Deploy-generated alias name.
    testConnection : BOOLEAN  = false
    If set, the connection to the database is tested.
    useJaasAliasForContainerManagedAuthentication : BOOLEAN
    Specifies the container-managed authentication to the JAAS/J2C authentication data entry for the datasource.
    useJaasAliasForXaRecovery : BOOLEAN
    Specifies the Jaas auth data for XA recovery, Should only be set for datasources using XA JDBC providers.
    username : STRING
    Username to create a new JAAS/J2C authentication data with XL Deploy-generated alias name.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = name,alias,containerManagedPersistence,description,jndiName,createJaasAlias,jdbcProvider,username,password,ConnectionPool,datasourceHelperClassname,customProperties,allowExistingJaasAlias,jaasAliasName,useJaasAliasForXaRecovery,useJaasAliasForContainerManagedAuthentication,mappingConfigAlias,testConnection,testConnectionScript,testConnectionOrder,updateJaasScript,updateJaasOrder
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/datasource/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/datasource/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/datasource/, was/datasource/, was/jaas/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/datasource/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    testConnectionOrder : INTEGER  = 102
    Test Connection Order
    testConnectionScript : STRING  = was/datasource/
    Test Connection Script
    updateJaasOrder : INTEGER  = 101
    Update Jaas Order
    updateJaasScript : STRING  = was/jaas/
    Update Jaas Script
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    language = python, script = was/datasource/

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    ConnectionPool_agedTimeout : STRING
    Specifies the interval, in seconds, after which an unused, aged connection is discarded (regardless of recent activity) by the pool maintenance thread. (integer) default(0)
    ConnectionPool_connectionTimeout : STRING
    Specifies connection timeout value for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(180)
    ConnectionPool_maxConnections : STRING
    Specifies Maximum number of connections for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(10)
    ConnectionPool_minConnections : STRING
    Specifies Minimum number of connections for a JDBC data source. (integer) default(1)
    ConnectionPool_purgePolicy : STRING
    Specifies how to purge connections when a stale connection or fatal connection error is detected. (enum) values(EntirePool, FailingConnectionOnly) default(EntirePool)
    ConnectionPool_reapTime : STRING
    Specifies the interval, in seconds, between runs of the pool maintenance thread. (integer) default(180)
    ConnectionPool_unusedTimeout : STRING
    Specifies the maximum number of seconds that an idle connection can remain in the pool before being discarded by the maintenance thread. (integer) default(1800)
    containerManagedPersistence : STRING
    Specifies that the datasource is used for container-managed persistence (CMP) of enterprise beans. (boolean) default(true)
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies Additional custom properties that you can configure for this service. (map_string_string)
    databaseName : STRING
    Database Name (string)
    datasourceHelperClassname : STRING
    Specifies the data source helper class. (string) default(
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this data source. (string)
    jaasAliasName : STRING
    Specifies an existing JAAS/J2C authentication alias name. When specified username and password must not be set. (string)
    jdbcProvider : STRING
    Specifies the name of the JDBC Provider for this data source. (string) default(Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver (XA))
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name of the data source. (string)
    mappingConfigAlias : STRING
    Used only in the absence of a loginConfiguration on the component resource reference. (string)
    password : STRING
    Password to create a new JAAS/J2C authentication data with XL Deploy-generated alias name. (string)
    portNumber : STRING
    Port Number (integer) default(1433)
    serverName : STRING
    Server Name (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    testConnection : STRING
    If set, the connection to the database is tested. (boolean) default(false)
    useJaasAliasForContainerManagedAuthentication : STRING
    Specifies the container-managed authentication to the JAAS/J2C authentication data entry for the datasource. (boolean)
    useJaasAliasForXaRecovery : STRING
    Specifies the Jaas auth data for XA recovery, Should only be set for datasources using XA JDBC providers. (boolean)
    username : STRING
    Username to create a new JAAS/J2C authentication data with XL Deploy-generated alias name. (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    propertyName : STRING
    Property Name
    propertyValue : STRING
    Property Value
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/nodeagent/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    propertyName : STRING
    Property Name (string)
    propertyValue : STRING
    Property Value (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy wasx.JdbcProvider >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING  = ${ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ojdbc6.jar
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING  = Oracle JDBC Driver
    implementationClassName : STRING  = oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
    Implementation Class Name
    isolatedClassLoader : BOOLEAN
    Isolated Class Loader
    nativepath : STRING
    Native Library Path
    providerType : STRING  = Oracle JDBC Driver
    Provider Type
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = containerRestartRequired
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 58
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jdbc/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 42
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jdbc/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jdbc/
    Discover Script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    containerRestartRequired : BOOLEAN  = true
    Container Restart Required
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    xa : BOOLEAN  = false


    Type Hierarchy wasx.JdbcProviderSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING
    Classpath (string) default(${ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ojdbc6.jar)
    description : STRING
    Description (string) default(Oracle JDBC Driver)
    implementationClassName : STRING
    Implementation Class Name (string) default(oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource)
    isolatedClassLoader : STRING
    Isolated Class Loader (boolean)
    nativepath : STRING
    Native Library Path (string)
    providerType : STRING
    Provider Type (string) default(Oracle JDBC Driver)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    xa : STRING
    Xa (boolean)


    Type Hierarchy wasx.JdbcProvider >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING  = ${ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ojdbc6.jar
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING  = Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)
    implementationClassName : STRING  = oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource
    Implementation Class Name
    isolatedClassLoader : BOOLEAN
    Isolated Class Loader
    nativepath : STRING
    Native Library Path
    providerType : STRING  = Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)
    Provider Type
    xa : BOOLEAN  = true
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = containerRestartRequired
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 58
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jdbc/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 42
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jdbc/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jdbc/
    Discover Script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    containerRestartRequired : BOOLEAN  = true
    Container Restart Required
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy wasx.JdbcProviderSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Specification of an Oracle XA JDBC Driver.

    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING
    Classpath (string) default(${ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ojdbc6.jar)
    description : STRING
    Description (string) default(Oracle JDBC Driver (XA))
    implementationClassName : STRING
    Implementation Class Name (string) default(oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource)
    isolatedClassLoader : STRING
    Isolated Class Loader (boolean)
    nativepath : STRING
    Native Library Path (string)
    providerType : STRING
    Provider Type (string) default(Oracle JDBC Driver (XA))
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    xa : STRING
    Xa (boolean) default(true)


    Type Hierarchy was.ResourceEnvironmentEntry >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the resource, including any naming subcontexts.
    provider : STRING
    Specifies the resource environment provider
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies custom properties that your enterprise information system (EIS) requires for the resource providers and resource factories that you configure.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = provider,customProperties
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/resources/environment/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/resources/environment/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/resources/environment/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/resources/environment/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/resources/environment/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.ResourceEnvironmentEntrySpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies custom properties that your enterprise information system (EIS) requires for the resource providers and resource factories that you configure. (map_string_string)
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the resource, including any naming subcontexts. (string)
    provider : STRING
    Specifies the resource environment provider (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the embedded WAS plugin deployeds: EjbRef, ResourceRef, ResourceEnvRef.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    applicationName : STRING
    Application Name
    bindingName : STRING
    Binding Name
    moduleName : STRING
    Module Name
    resourceReferenceName : STRING
    Resource Reference Name
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    ejbName : STRING
    must be used for Ejb modules, but can be left out in case of web modules
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/application/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the embedded WAS plugin deployeds: EjbRef, ResourceRef, ResourceEnvRef. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    applicationName : STRING
    Application Name (string)
    bindingName : STRING
    Binding Name (string)
    ejbName : STRING
    must be used for Ejb modules, but can be left out in case of web modules (string)
    moduleName : STRING
    Module Name (string)
    resourceReferenceName : STRING
    Resource Reference Name (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    busName : STRING
    Bus Name
    interEngineAuthAlias : CI<wasx.JaasAlias >
    Inter Engine Auth Alias
    mediationsAuthAlias : CI<wasx.JaasAlias >
    Mediations Auth Alias
    protocol : STRING
    this should be one of the permitted transports, like 'InboundSecureMessaging'
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    transport_bootstrapBasicMessaging : BOOLEAN
    transport_bootstrapSecureMessaging : BOOLEAN
    transport_bootstrapTunneledMessaging : BOOLEAN
    transport_bootstrapTunneledSecureMessaging : BOOLEAN
    transport_inboundBasicMessaging : BOOLEAN
    transport_inboundSecureMQLink : BOOLEAN
    transport_inboundSecureMessaging : BOOLEAN
    transport_outboundBasicMQLink : BOOLEAN
    transport_outboundBasicWMQClient : BOOLEAN
    transport_outboundSecureMQLink : BOOLEAN
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 59
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/sib/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Description unavailable

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    bus : CI<wasx.SIBus >
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    used for servers only, otherwise ignored
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    logDirectory : STRING
    required for clusters, used for servers, and ignored for MQServers
    relatedCluster : CI<was.Cluster>
    Related Cluster
    relatedMQServer : CI<wasx.WebsphereMQServer >
    Related M Q Server
    relatedServer : CI<was.Server>
    Related Server
    storeDirectory : STRING
    required for clusters, used for servers, and ignored for MQServers
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/sib/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Description unavailable (deployable)

    Public Properties
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    used for servers only, otherwise ignored (map_string_string)
    logDirectory : STRING
    required for clusters, used for servers, and ignored for MQServers (string)
    storeDirectory : STRING
    required for clusters, used for servers, and ignored for MQServers (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    busName : STRING
    Bus Name (string)
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    protocol : STRING
    this should be one of the permitted transports, like 'InboundSecureMessaging' (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    transport_bootstrapBasicMessaging : STRING
    BootstrapBasicMessaging (boolean)
    transport_bootstrapSecureMessaging : STRING
    BootstrapSecureMessaging (boolean)
    transport_bootstrapTunneledMessaging : STRING
    BootstrapTunneledMessaging (boolean)
    transport_bootstrapTunneledSecureMessaging : STRING
    BootstrapTunneledSecureMessaging (boolean)
    transport_inboundBasicMessaging : STRING
    InboundBasicMessaging (boolean)
    transport_inboundSecureMQLink : STRING
    InboundSecureMQLink (boolean)
    transport_inboundSecureMessaging : STRING
    InboundSecureMessaging (boolean)
    transport_outboundBasicMQLink : STRING
    OutboundBasicMQLink (boolean)
    transport_outboundBasicWMQClient : STRING
    OutboundBasicWMQClient (boolean)
    transport_outboundSecureMQLink : STRING
    OutboundSecureMQLink (boolean)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    clientAuthentication : STRING
    Either 'None', or 'Supported' or 'Required'
    keystore : CI<wasx.Keystore >
    sslConfigName : STRING
    Ssl Config Name
    clientKeyAlias : STRING
    Client Key Alias
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    serverKeyAlias : STRING
    Server Key Alias
    sslDheDssExportWithDes40CbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Dhe Dss Export With Des40 Cbc Sha
    sslDheDssWith3DesEdeCbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Dhe Dss With3 Des Ede Cbc Sha
    sslDheDssWithAes128CbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Dhe Dss With Aes128 Cbc Sha
    sslDheDssWithDesCbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Dhe Dss With Des Cbc Sha
    sslDheDssWithRc4128Sha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Dhe Dss With Rc4128 Sha
    sslDheRsaExportDes40CbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Dhe Rsa Export Des40 Cbc Sha
    sslDheRsaWith3DesEdeCbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Dhe Rsa With3 Des Ede Cbc Sha
    sslDheRsaWithAes128CbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Dhe Rsa With Aes128 Cbc Sha
    sslDheRsaWithDesCbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Dhe Rsa With Des Cbc Sha
    sslRsaExportWithDes40CbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa Export With Des40 Cbc Sha
    sslRsaExportWithRc440Md5 : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa Export With Rc440 Md5
    sslRsaFipsWith3DesEdeCbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa Fips With3 Des Ede Cbc Sha
    sslRsaFipsWithDesCbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa Fips With Des Cbc Sha
    sslRsaWith3DesEdeCbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa With3 Des Ede Cbc Sha
    sslRsaWithAes128cbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa With Aes128cbc Sha
    sslRsaWithDesCbcSha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa With Des Cbc Sha
    sslRsaWithNullMd5 : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa With Null Md5
    sslRsaWithNullSha : BOOLEAN  = true
    Ssl Rsa With Null Sha
    sslRsaWithRc4128Md5 : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa With Rc4128 Md5
    sslRsaWithRc4128Sha : BOOLEAN  = false
    Ssl Rsa With Rc4128 Sha
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 61
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/security/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 39
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/security/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    clientAuthentication : STRING
    Either 'None', or 'Supported' or 'Required' (string)
    clientKeyAlias : STRING
    Client Key Alias (string)
    serverKeyAlias : STRING
    Server Key Alias (string)
    sslConfigName : STRING
    Ssl Config Name (string)
    sslDheDssExportWithDes40CbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Dhe Dss Export With Des40 Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslDheDssWith3DesEdeCbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Dhe Dss With3 Des Ede Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslDheDssWithAes128CbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Dhe Dss With Aes128 Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslDheDssWithDesCbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Dhe Dss With Des Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslDheDssWithRc4128Sha : STRING
    Ssl Dhe Dss With Rc4128 Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslDheRsaExportDes40CbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Dhe Rsa Export Des40 Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslDheRsaWith3DesEdeCbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Dhe Rsa With3 Des Ede Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslDheRsaWithAes128CbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Dhe Rsa With Aes128 Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslDheRsaWithDesCbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Dhe Rsa With Des Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaExportWithDes40CbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Rsa Export With Des40 Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaExportWithRc440Md5 : STRING
    Ssl Rsa Export With Rc440 Md5 (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaFipsWith3DesEdeCbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Rsa Fips With3 Des Ede Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaFipsWithDesCbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Rsa Fips With Des Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaWith3DesEdeCbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Rsa With3 Des Ede Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaWithAes128cbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Rsa With Aes128cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaWithDesCbcSha : STRING
    Ssl Rsa With Des Cbc Sha (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaWithNullMd5 : STRING
    Ssl Rsa With Null Md5 (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaWithNullSha : STRING
    Ssl Rsa With Null Sha (boolean) default(true)
    sslRsaWithRc4128Md5 : STRING
    Ssl Rsa With Rc4128 Md5 (boolean) default(false)
    sslRsaWithRc4128Sha : STRING
    Ssl Rsa With Rc4128 Sha (boolean) default(false)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy wasx.AbstractScheduler >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    datasourceJndiName : STRING
    Datasource Jndi Name
    ejbTimerServiceServers : LIST_OF_CI<was.Server>
    Ejb Timer Service Servers
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name
    pollInterval : INTEGER
    Poll Interval
    schedulerName : STRING
    Scheduler Name
    scope : STRING
    tablePrefix : STRING
    Table Prefix
    workManagerJndiName : STRING
    Work Manager Jndi Name
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/scheduler/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/scheduler/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy wasx.AbstractSchedulerSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    datasourceJndiName : STRING
    Datasource Jndi Name (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name (string)
    pollInterval : STRING
    Poll Interval (integer)
    schedulerName : STRING
    Scheduler Name (string)
    scope : STRING
    Scope (string)
    tablePrefix : STRING
    Table Prefix (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    workManagerJndiName : STRING
    Work Manager Jndi Name (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    ApplicationServer_applicationClassLoaderPolicy : ENUM [SINGLE, MULTIPLE]
    Server-wide application classloader policy and mode
    ApplicationServer_applicationClassLoadingMode : ENUM [PARENT_FIRST, PARENT_LAST]
    Application Class Loading Mode
    DefaultCookieSettings_domain : STRING  = 
    Cookie domain
    DefaultCookieSettings_maximumAge : INTEGER  = -1
    Cookie maximum age in seconds (-1 means Current browser session)
    DefaultCookieSettings_name : STRING  = JSESSIONID
    Cookie name
    DefaultCookieSettings_path : STRING  = /
    Cookie path
    DefaultCookieSettings_secure : BOOLEAN  = false
    Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions
    EJBContainer_passivationDirectory : STRING  = ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/temp
    Passivation directory
    EJBTimerServiceScheduler : CI<wasx.Scheduler >
    E J B Timer Service Scheduler
    ErrorStreamRedirect_baseHour : INTEGER  = 24
    Log File Rotation: Start Time
    ErrorStreamRedirect_fileName : STRING  = ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/SystemErr.log
    File Name
    ErrorStreamRedirect_formatWrites : BOOLEAN  = true
    Format print statements
    ErrorStreamRedirect_maxNumberOfBackupFiles : INTEGER  = 1
    Max # of Historical Log Files
    ErrorStreamRedirect_messageFormatKind : STRING  = BASIC
    File Formatting
    ErrorStreamRedirect_rolloverPeriod : INTEGER  = 24
    Log File Rotation: Repeat Time
    ErrorStreamRedirect_rolloverSize : STRING
    Rollover Size (MB)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_rolloverType : STRING  = SIZE
    Log File Rotation: Type
    ErrorStreamRedirect_suppressStackTrace : BOOLEAN
    Suppress Stack Traces
    ErrorStreamRedirect_suppressWrites : BOOLEAN
    Don't show application print statements
    HAManagerService_activateEnabled : BOOLEAN
    H A Manager Service_activate Enabled
    HAManagerService_enable : BOOLEAN
    H A Manager Service_enable
    JavaProcessDefEnvironmentEntries : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Environment Entries
    JavaProcessDef_workingDirectory : STRING
    Working directory of started process.
    JavaVirtualMachine_bootClasspath : STRING
    Boot Classpath
    JavaVirtualMachine_classpath : STRING
    JavaVirtualMachine_disableJIT : BOOLEAN
    Disable just-in-time compiler
    JavaVirtualMachine_genericJvmArguments : STRING
    Generic JVM arguments
    JavaVirtualMachine_initialHeapSize : STRING
    Initial heap size to be allocated to the JVM (in megabytes)
    JavaVirtualMachine_maximumHeapSize : STRING
    Maximum heap size to be allocated to the JVM (in megabytes)
    JavaVirtualMachine_verboseModeClass : BOOLEAN
    Verbose class loading
    JavaVirtualMachine_verboseModeGarbageCollection : BOOLEAN
    Verbose garbage collection
    JavaVirtualMachine_verboseModeJNI : BOOLEAN
    Verbose JNI
    MonitoringPolicy_nodeRestartState : STRING
    Node Restart State
    Notes : STRING
    OutputRedirect_stderrFilename : STRING
    Path to the stderr log file. Example: /data/waslogs/stderr.log
    OutputRedirect_stdoutFilename : STRING
    Path to the stdout log file. Example: /data/waslogs/stdout.log
    OutputStreamRedirect_baseHour : INTEGER  = 24
    Log File Rotation: Start Time
    OutputStreamRedirect_fileName : STRING  = ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/SystemOut.log
    File Name
    OutputStreamRedirect_formatWrites : BOOLEAN  = true
    Format print statements
    OutputStreamRedirect_maxNumberOfBackupFiles : INTEGER  = 1
    Max # of Historical Log Files
    OutputStreamRedirect_messageFormatKind : STRING  = BASIC
    File Formatting
    OutputStreamRedirect_rolloverPeriod : INTEGER  = 24
    Log File Rotation: Repeat Time
    OutputStreamRedirect_rolloverSize : STRING
    Rollover Size (MB)
    OutputStreamRedirect_rolloverType : STRING  = SIZE
    Log File Rotation: Type
    OutputStreamRedirect_suppressStackTrace : BOOLEAN
    Suppress Stack Traces
    OutputStreamRedirect_suppressWrites : BOOLEAN
    Don't show application print statements
    PMICustomModuleMetrics : MAP_STRING_STRING
    If 'PMIService_statisticSet' is 'custom', mapping of PMI module names to comma-separated list of metrics to be measured, e.g. key: 'threadPoolModule', value: '3,1,2,5,4'. Has no effect for other values of 'PMIService_statisticSet'
    PMIService_enable : BOOLEAN
    Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI)
    PMIService_statisticSet : STRING
    Valid values are 'none', 'basic', 'all' and 'custom'
    PMIService_synchronizedUpdate : BOOLEAN
    Use Sequential Counter Updates
    Ports_ports : MAP_STRING_STRING
    ProcessExecution_processPriority : INTEGER
    ProcessExecution_runAsGroup : STRING
    ProcessExecution_runAsUser : STRING
    ProcessExecution_runInProcessGroup : INTEGER
    ProcessExecution_umask : STRING
    Umask of started process.
    SessionManager_enableCookies : BOOLEAN
    Enable Cookies
    TransactionService_asyncResponseTimeout : INTEGER
    Async Response Timeout
    TransactionService_clientInactivityTimeout : INTEGER
    Client Inactivity Timeout
    TransactionService_propogatedOrBMTTranLifetimeTimeout : INTEGER
    Maximum Transaction Timeout
    TransactionService_totalTranLifetimeTimeout : INTEGER
    Total Transaction Lifetime Timeout
    TuningParams_allowOverflow : BOOLEAN  = true
    Allow overflow
    TuningParams_invalidationTimeout : INTEGER  = 3
    Timeout (min)
    TuningParams_maxInMemorySessionCount : INTEGER  = 1000
    Maximum # of HTTP sessions in memory
    WebContainerProperties_custom : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom Properties
    WebContainerSessionDbPersistence_datasourceJNDIName : STRING
    Only relevant for distributed session mode 'DATABASE'
    WebContainerSessionDbPersistence_password : STRING
    Only relevant for distributed session mode 'DATABASE'
    WebContainerSessionDbPersistence_tableSpaceName : STRING
    Only relevant for distributed session mode 'DATABASE'
    WebContainerSessionDbPersistence_userId : STRING
    Only relevant for distributed session mode 'DATABASE'
    WebContainerSessionManager_sessionPersistenceMode : ENUM [NONE, DATABASE]
    Supported values are 'NONE' and 'DATABASE'
    WebContainer_enableServletCaching : BOOLEAN
    Enable Servlet Caching
    appendGenericJvmArguments : BOOLEAN
    Append Generic JVM arguments to existing values
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    jvmCustomProperties : SET_OF_STRING
    JVM Custom Properties
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/server/
    Python wsadmin script invoked to modify server configuration.
    createVerb : STRING  = Apply
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    valueSeparator : STRING  = =
    Separates the name from the value
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    ApplicationServer_applicationClassLoaderPolicy : STRING
    Server-wide application classloader policy and mode (enum) values(SINGLE, MULTIPLE)
    ApplicationServer_applicationClassLoadingMode : STRING
    Application Class Loading Mode (enum) values(PARENT_FIRST, PARENT_LAST)
    DefaultCookieSettings_domain : STRING
    Cookie domain (string) default()
    DefaultCookieSettings_maximumAge : STRING
    Cookie maximum age in seconds (-1 means Current browser session) (integer) default(-1)
    DefaultCookieSettings_name : STRING
    Cookie name (string) default(JSESSIONID)
    DefaultCookieSettings_path : STRING
    Cookie path (string) default(/)
    DefaultCookieSettings_secure : STRING
    Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions (boolean) default(false)
    EJBContainer_passivationDirectory : STRING
    Passivation directory (string) default(${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/temp)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_baseHour : STRING
    Log File Rotation: Start Time (integer) default(24)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_fileName : STRING
    File Name (string) default(${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/SystemErr.log)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_formatWrites : STRING
    Format print statements (boolean) default(true)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_maxNumberOfBackupFiles : STRING
    Max # of Historical Log Files (integer) default(1)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_messageFormatKind : STRING
    File Formatting (string) default(BASIC)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_rolloverPeriod : STRING
    Log File Rotation: Repeat Time (integer) default(24)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_rolloverSize : STRING
    Rollover Size (MB) (string)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_rolloverType : STRING
    Log File Rotation: Type (string) default(SIZE)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_suppressStackTrace : STRING
    Suppress Stack Traces (boolean)
    ErrorStreamRedirect_suppressWrites : STRING
    Don't show application print statements (boolean)
    HAManagerService_activateEnabled : STRING
    H A Manager Service_activate Enabled (boolean)
    HAManagerService_enable : STRING
    H A Manager Service_enable (boolean)
    JavaProcessDefEnvironmentEntries : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Environment Entries (map_string_string)
    JavaProcessDef_workingDirectory : STRING
    Working directory of started process. (string)
    JavaVirtualMachine_bootClasspath : STRING
    Boot Classpath (string)
    JavaVirtualMachine_classpath : STRING
    Classpath (string)
    JavaVirtualMachine_disableJIT : STRING
    Disable just-in-time compiler (boolean)
    JavaVirtualMachine_genericJvmArguments : STRING
    Generic JVM arguments (string)
    JavaVirtualMachine_initialHeapSize : STRING
    Initial heap size to be allocated to the JVM (in megabytes) (string)
    JavaVirtualMachine_maximumHeapSize : STRING
    Maximum heap size to be allocated to the JVM (in megabytes) (string)
    JavaVirtualMachine_verboseModeClass : STRING
    Verbose class loading (boolean)
    JavaVirtualMachine_verboseModeGarbageCollection : STRING
    Verbose garbage collection (boolean)
    JavaVirtualMachine_verboseModeJNI : STRING
    Verbose JNI (boolean)
    MonitoringPolicy_nodeRestartState : STRING
    Node Restart State (string)
    Notes : STRING
    Notes (string)
    OutputRedirect_stderrFilename : STRING
    Path to the stderr log file. Example: /data/waslogs/stderr.log (string)
    OutputRedirect_stdoutFilename : STRING
    Path to the stdout log file. Example: /data/waslogs/stdout.log (string)
    OutputStreamRedirect_baseHour : STRING
    Log File Rotation: Start Time (integer) default(24)
    OutputStreamRedirect_fileName : STRING
    File Name (string) default(${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/SystemOut.log)
    OutputStreamRedirect_formatWrites : STRING
    Format print statements (boolean) default(true)
    OutputStreamRedirect_maxNumberOfBackupFiles : STRING
    Max # of Historical Log Files (integer) default(1)
    OutputStreamRedirect_messageFormatKind : STRING
    File Formatting (string) default(BASIC)
    OutputStreamRedirect_rolloverPeriod : STRING
    Log File Rotation: Repeat Time (integer) default(24)
    OutputStreamRedirect_rolloverSize : STRING
    Rollover Size (MB) (string)
    OutputStreamRedirect_rolloverType : STRING
    Log File Rotation: Type (string) default(SIZE)
    OutputStreamRedirect_suppressStackTrace : STRING
    Suppress Stack Traces (boolean)
    OutputStreamRedirect_suppressWrites : STRING
    Don't show application print statements (boolean)
    PMICustomModuleMetrics : MAP_STRING_STRING
    If 'PMIService_statisticSet' is 'custom', mapping of PMI module names to comma-separated list of metrics to be measured, e.g. key: 'threadPoolModule', value: '3,1,2,5,4'. Has no effect for other values of 'PMIService_statisticSet' (map_string_string)
    PMIService_enable : STRING
    Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) (boolean)
    PMIService_statisticSet : STRING
    Valid values are 'none', 'basic', 'all' and 'custom' (string)
    PMIService_synchronizedUpdate : STRING
    Use Sequential Counter Updates (boolean)
    Ports_ports : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Ports (map_string_string)
    ProcessExecution_processPriority : STRING
    ProcessExecution_runAsGroup : STRING
    ProcessExecution_runAsUser : STRING
    ProcessExecution_runInProcessGroup : STRING
    ProcessExecution_umask : STRING
    Umask of started process. (string)
    SessionManager_enableCookies : STRING
    Enable Cookies (boolean)
    TransactionService_asyncResponseTimeout : STRING
    Async Response Timeout (integer)
    TransactionService_clientInactivityTimeout : STRING
    Client Inactivity Timeout (integer)
    TransactionService_propogatedOrBMTTranLifetimeTimeout : STRING
    Maximum Transaction Timeout (integer)
    TransactionService_totalTranLifetimeTimeout : STRING
    Total Transaction Lifetime Timeout (integer)
    TuningParams_allowOverflow : STRING
    Allow overflow (boolean) default(true)
    TuningParams_invalidationTimeout : STRING
    Timeout (min) (integer) default(3)
    TuningParams_maxInMemorySessionCount : STRING
    Maximum # of HTTP sessions in memory (integer) default(1000)
    WebContainerProperties_custom : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom Properties (map_string_string)
    WebContainerSessionDbPersistence_datasourceJNDIName : STRING
    Only relevant for distributed session mode 'DATABASE' (string)
    WebContainerSessionDbPersistence_password : STRING
    Only relevant for distributed session mode 'DATABASE' (string)
    WebContainerSessionDbPersistence_tableSpaceName : STRING
    Only relevant for distributed session mode 'DATABASE' (string)
    WebContainerSessionDbPersistence_userId : STRING
    Only relevant for distributed session mode 'DATABASE' (string)
    WebContainerSessionManager_sessionPersistenceMode : STRING
    Supported values are 'NONE' and 'DATABASE' (enum) values(NONE, DATABASE)
    WebContainer_enableServletCaching : STRING
    Enable Servlet Caching (boolean)
    appendGenericJvmArguments : STRING
    Append Generic JVM arguments to existing values (boolean)
    jvmCustomProperties : SET_OF_STRING
    JVM Custom Properties (set_of_string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.ServerPort >> was.ServerConfigurationResource >> was.ConfigurationResource >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    enableRemoval : BOOLEAN  = false
    Allows removal of server port. This is error prone operation and by default it's not enabled.
    host : STRING
    Specifies the IP address, the full domain name system (DNS) host name with a domain name suffix, or the short DNS host name that a web client uses to request a web application resource. Web application resources include servlets, JSP, or HTML pages. Host names on the ports can be resolvable names or IP addresses. The server will bind the port to the specific host name or IP address given. That port is accessible through the IP address that resolves from the given host name or IP address. The IP address can be in IPv4 format on all platforms, or in IPv6 format on operating systems on which the server supports IPv6.
    port : STRING
    Specifies the port configured for the application server to accept web client requests. You must specify a port value in conjunction with the host name. Valid port values are between 0 and 65535. A port value of 0 causes the system to pick an ephemeral port. Port numbers on the application server can be reused only when the host names resolve to unique IP addresses (such as for multiple network address cards) and there is not a port with the same port number and a wildcard '*' host name.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id,name,wasContainerTypes,enableRemoval,overwriteExistingValues,overwriteExistingCustomProperties
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/server/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/server/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/server/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/server/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/server/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Configure
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasContainerTypes : SET_OF_STRING  = [Server]
    List of container types on which the resource should be discovered.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    overwriteExistingCustomProperties : BOOLEAN  = false
    overwriteExistingValues : BOOLEAN  = false
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.ServerPortSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    enableRemoval : STRING
    Allows removal of server port. This is error prone operation and by default it's not enabled. (boolean) default(false)
    host : STRING
    Specifies the IP address, the full domain name system (DNS) host name with a domain name suffix, or the short DNS host name that a web client uses to request a web application resource. Web application resources include servlets, JSP, or HTML pages. Host names on the ports can be resolvable names or IP addresses. The server will bind the port to the specific host name or IP address given. That port is accessible through the IP address that resolves from the given host name or IP address. The IP address can be in IPv4 format on all platforms, or in IPv6 format on operating systems on which the server supports IPv6. (string)
    port : STRING
    Specifies the port configured for the application server to accept web client requests. You must specify a port value in conjunction with the host name. Valid port values are between 0 and 65535. A port value of 0 causes the system to pick an ephemeral port. Port numbers on the application server can be reused only when the host names resolve to unique IP addresses (such as for multiple network address cards) and there is not a port with the same port number and a wildcard '*' host name. (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.ServicePolicy >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    Goal Type
    GoalAttributes_goalDeltaPercent : INTEGER  = 0
    Only applicable for Percentile Response Time goals
    GoalAttributes_goalDeltaValue : INTEGER  = 0
    Only applicable for Average Response Time goals
    GoalAttributes_goalDeltaValueUnits : ENUM [MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES]  = MILLISECONDS
    Only applicable for Average Response Time goals
    GoalAttributes_goalPercent : INTEGER  = 90
    Only applicable for Percentile Response Time goals
    GoalAttributes_goalValue : INTEGER  = 1
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals
    GoalAttributes_goalValueUnits : ENUM [MILLISECONDS, SECONDS]  = MILLISECONDS
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals
    In WAS 6.1, only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals
    GoalAttributes_timePeriodValue : INTEGER  = 0
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals
    GoalAttributes_timePeriodValueUnits : ENUM [MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES]  = MILLISECONDS
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals
    GoalAttributes_violationEnabled : BOOLEAN
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals
    additionalTransactionClasses : SET_OF_STRING
    Transaction classes to be added to the Service Policy in addition to the default class
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = GoalAttributes,goalType,additionalTransactionClasses
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/policies/service/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/policies/service/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/policies/service/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/policies/service/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/policies/service/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.ServicePolicySpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    GoalAttributes_goalDeltaPercent : STRING
    Only applicable for Percentile Response Time goals (integer) default(0)
    GoalAttributes_goalDeltaValue : STRING
    Only applicable for Average Response Time goals (integer) default(0)
    GoalAttributes_goalDeltaValueUnits : STRING
    Only applicable for Average Response Time goals (enum) values(MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES) default(MILLISECONDS)
    GoalAttributes_goalPercent : STRING
    Only applicable for Percentile Response Time goals (integer) default(90)
    GoalAttributes_goalValue : STRING
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals (integer) default(1)
    GoalAttributes_goalValueUnits : STRING
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals (enum) values(MILLISECONDS, SECONDS) default(MILLISECONDS)
    GoalAttributes_importance : STRING
    In WAS 6.1, only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals (enum) values(HIGHEST, VERY_HIGH, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, VERY_LOW, LOWEST) default(MEDIUM)
    GoalAttributes_timePeriodValue : STRING
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals (integer) default(0)
    GoalAttributes_timePeriodValueUnits : STRING
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals (enum) values(MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES) default(MILLISECONDS)
    GoalAttributes_violationEnabled : STRING
    Only applicable for Percentile or Average Response Time goals (boolean)
    additionalTransactionClasses : SET_OF_STRING
    Transaction classes to be added to the Service Policy in addition to the default class (set_of_string)
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    goalType : STRING
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.ServletCacheInstance >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    cacheSize : INTEGER  = 2000
    Specifies a positive integer for the maximum number of entries the cache holds.
    defaultPriority : INTEGER  = 1
    Specifies the default priority for servlets that can be cached.
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name for the resource.
    DiskCache_algorithm : ENUM [NONE, RANDOM, SIZE]  = NONE
    Specifies the eviction algorithm that the disk cache will use to evict entries once the high threshold is reached.
    DiskCache_highThreshold : INTEGER  = 95
    Specifies when the eviction policy starts.
    DiskCache_lowThreshold : INTEGER  = 90
    Specifies when the eviction policy ends.
    MemoryCache_highThreshold : INTEGER  = 95
    Specifies when the memory cache eviction policy starts.
    MemoryCache_lowThreshold : INTEGER  = 80
    Specifies when the memory cache eviction policy ends.
    category : STRING
    Specifies a category string to classify or group the resource.
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies Additional custom properties that you can configure for this service.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies a description for the resource.
    diskCacheCleanupFrequency : INTEGER  = 0
    Specifies a value for the disk cache cleanup frequency,in minutes. If this value is set to 0, the cleanup runs only at midnight.
    diskCacheEntrySizeInMB : INTEGER  = 0
    Specifies a value for the maximum size of an individual cache entry in MB.
    diskCachePerformanceLevel : ENUM [HIGH, BALANCED, LOW, CUSTOM]  = BALANCED
    Specifies the level of performance that is required by the disk cache.
    diskCacheSizeInEntries : INTEGER  = 0
    Specifies a value for the maximum disk cache size in number of entries.
    diskCacheSizeInGB : INTEGER  = 0
    Specifies a value for the maximum disk cache size in GB.
    diskOffloadLocation : STRING
    Specifies a directory to use for disk offload.
    enableDiskOffload : BOOLEAN  = false
    Specifies that when the cache becomes full, the cache entries are saved to disk.
    flushToDiskOnStop : BOOLEAN  = false
    Specifies if in-memory cached objects are saved to disk when the server is stopped.
    maxBufferedCacheIdsPerMetaEntry : INTEGER  = 1000
    Specifies a value for the maximum number of cache identifiers that are stored for an individual dependency ID or template in the disk cache metadata in memory.
    maxBufferedDependencyIds : INTEGER  = 10000
    Specifies a value for the maximum number of dependency identifier buckets in the disk cache metadata in memory.
    maxBufferedTemplates : INTEGER  = 100
    Specifies a value for the maximum number of template buckets that are in the disk cache metadata in memory.
    memoryCacheSizeInMB : INTEGER  = 0
    Specifies a value for the maximum memory cache size in MB.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = customProperties, diskCacheCleanupFrequency, maxBufferedTemplates, maxBufferedDependencyIds, maxBufferedCacheIdsPerMetaEntry, diskCachePerformanceLevel, diskCacheEntrySizeInMB, diskCacheSizeInEntries, diskCacheSizeInGB, flushToDiskOnStop, diskOffloadLocation, DiskCache, MemoryCache, memoryCacheSizeInMB
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/resources/cache/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/resources/cache/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/resources/cache/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/resources/cache/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/resources/cache/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.ServletCacheInstanceSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    DiskCache_algorithm : STRING
    Specifies the eviction algorithm that the disk cache will use to evict entries once the high threshold is reached. (enum) values(NONE, RANDOM, SIZE) default(NONE)
    DiskCache_highThreshold : STRING
    Specifies when the eviction policy starts. (integer) default(95)
    DiskCache_lowThreshold : STRING
    Specifies when the eviction policy ends. (integer) default(90)
    MemoryCache_highThreshold : STRING
    Specifies when the memory cache eviction policy starts. (integer) default(95)
    MemoryCache_lowThreshold : STRING
    Specifies when the memory cache eviction policy ends. (integer) default(80)
    cacheSize : STRING
    Specifies a positive integer for the maximum number of entries the cache holds. (integer) default(2000)
    category : STRING
    Specifies a category string to classify or group the resource. (string)
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Specifies Additional custom properties that you can configure for this service. (map_string_string)
    defaultPriority : STRING
    Specifies the default priority for servlets that can be cached. (integer) default(1)
    description : STRING
    Specifies a description for the resource. (string)
    diskCacheCleanupFrequency : STRING
    Specifies a value for the disk cache cleanup frequency,in minutes. If this value is set to 0, the cleanup runs only at midnight. (integer) default(0)
    diskCacheEntrySizeInMB : STRING
    Specifies a value for the maximum size of an individual cache entry in MB. (integer) default(0)
    diskCachePerformanceLevel : STRING
    Specifies the level of performance that is required by the disk cache. (enum) values(HIGH, BALANCED, LOW, CUSTOM) default(BALANCED)
    diskCacheSizeInEntries : STRING
    Specifies a value for the maximum disk cache size in number of entries. (integer) default(0)
    diskCacheSizeInGB : STRING
    Specifies a value for the maximum disk cache size in GB. (integer) default(0)
    diskOffloadLocation : STRING
    Specifies a directory to use for disk offload. (string)
    enableDiskOffload : STRING
    Specifies that when the cache becomes full, the cache entries are saved to disk. (boolean) default(false)
    flushToDiskOnStop : STRING
    Specifies if in-memory cached objects are saved to disk when the server is stopped. (boolean) default(false)
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name for the resource. (string)
    maxBufferedCacheIdsPerMetaEntry : STRING
    Specifies a value for the maximum number of cache identifiers that are stored for an individual dependency ID or template in the disk cache metadata in memory. (integer) default(1000)
    maxBufferedDependencyIds : STRING
    Specifies a value for the maximum number of dependency identifier buckets in the disk cache metadata in memory. (integer) default(10000)
    maxBufferedTemplates : STRING
    Specifies a value for the maximum number of template buckets that are in the disk cache metadata in memory. (integer) default(100)
    memoryCacheSizeInMB : STRING
    Specifies a value for the maximum memory cache size in MB. (integer) default(0)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.StringNameSpaceBinding >> was.ConfigResource >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    nameInNameSpace : STRING
    Specifies a name for this binding in the name space.
    value : STRING
    Specifies the string to be bound into the name space.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = wasType,value
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/env/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/common/config/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/env/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/common/config/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/env/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = StringNameSpaceBinding
    WebSphere admin resource type.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.StringNameSpaceBindingSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    nameInNameSpace : STRING
    Specifies a name for this binding in the name space. (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    value : STRING
    Specifies the string to be bound into the name space. (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use multiple was.StringNameSpaceBindingSpec.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    bindings : SET_OF_STRING
    Aas :=. Different separators can be specified via the hidden 'nameSeparator' and 'valueSeparator' properties
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    nameSeparator : STRING  = :
    Separates the name from the nameInNameSpace
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    valueSeparator : STRING  = =
    Separates the nameInNameSpace and the value
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use multiple was.StringNameSpaceBindingSpec. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    bindings : SET_OF_STRING
    Aas :=. Different separators can be specified via the hidden 'nameSeparator' and 'valueSeparator' properties (set_of_string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Description unavailable

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    aliasName : STRING
    Alias Name
    moduleOrder : INTEGER
    Module Order
    strategy : STRING
    className : STRING
    Class Name
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom Properties
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/jaas/systemlogins/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Configure System Login
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/jaas/systemlogins/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Description unavailable (deployable)

    Public Properties
    aliasName : STRING
    Alias Name (string)
    className : STRING
    Class Name (string)
    customProperties : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Custom Properties (map_string_string)
    moduleOrder : STRING
    Module Order (integer)
    strategy : STRING
    Strategy (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.ThreadPool >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    inactivityTimeout : INTEGER  = 3500
    Specifies the number of milliseconds of the inactivity that should elapse before a thread is reclaimed.
    maximumSize : INTEGER  = 50
    Specifies the maximum number of threads to allow in the pool
    minimumSize : INTEGER  = 10
    Specifies the minimum number of threads to allow in the pool
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies text description of the thread pool.
    isGrowable : BOOLEAN
    Specifies whether the number of threads can increase beyond the maximum size configured for the thread pool.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = wasType
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/server/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Configure
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/server/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/server/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/server/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Configure
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = ThreadPool
    WAS config type of ThreadPool.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.ThreadPoolSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    description : STRING
    Specifies text description of the thread pool. (string)
    inactivityTimeout : STRING
    Specifies the number of milliseconds of the inactivity that should elapse before a thread is reclaimed. (integer) default(3500)
    isGrowable : STRING
    Specifies whether the number of threads can increase beyond the maximum size configured for the thread pool. (boolean)
    maximumSize : STRING
    Specifies the maximum number of threads to allow in the pool (integer) default(50)
    minimumSize : STRING
    Specifies the minimum number of threads to allow in the pool (integer) default(10)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name
    numAlarmThreads : INTEGER
    Num Alarm Threads
    timerManagerName : STRING
    Timer Manager Name
    ServiceNames_internationalization : BOOLEAN
    Service Names_internationalization
    ServiceNames_security : BOOLEAN
    Service Names_security
    ServiceNames_workArea : BOOLEAN
    Service Names_work Area
    ServiceNames_zOSWLMServiceClass : BOOLEAN
    Service Names_z O S W L M Service Class
    category : STRING
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/async/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    ServiceNames_internationalization : STRING
    Service Names_internationalization (boolean)
    ServiceNames_security : STRING
    Service Names_security (boolean)
    ServiceNames_workArea : STRING
    Service Names_work Area (boolean)
    ServiceNames_zOSWLMServiceClass : STRING
    Service Names_z O S W L M Service Class (boolean)
    category : STRING
    Category (string)
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name (string)
    numAlarmThreads : STRING
    Num Alarm Threads (integer)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    timerManagerName : STRING
    Timer Manager Name (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    protocol : STRING
    streamHandlerClassName : STRING
    Stream Handler Class Name
    urlProviderName : STRING
    Url Provider Name
    classpath : STRING
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 59
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/url/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    classpath : STRING
    Classpath (string)
    protocol : STRING
    Protocol (string)
    streamHandlerClassName : STRING
    Stream Handler Class Name (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    urlProviderName : STRING
    Url Provider Name (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name
    spec : STRING
    urlResourceName : STRING
    Url Resource Name
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/url/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    Jndi Name (string)
    spec : STRING
    Spec (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    urlResourceName : STRING
    Url Resource Name (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Variable >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description about this WebSphere variable
    overwrite : BOOLEAN  = false
    If set, will replace the value of an existing variable of the same name. Otherwise, will fail if a variable of that name is already present.
    value : STRING
    Specifies the value of the WebSphere variable.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = name,overwrite
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/env/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/env/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/env/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/env/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/env/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.VariableSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description about this WebSphere variable (string)
    overwrite : STRING
    If set, will replace the value of an existing variable of the same name. Otherwise, will fail if a variable of that name is already present. (boolean) default(false)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    value : STRING
    Specifies the value of the WebSphere variable. (string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use multiple was.VariableSpec.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    variables : SET_OF_STRING
    As =. A different separator can be specified via the hidden 'valueSeparator' property
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/env/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    valueSeparator : STRING  = =
    Separates the name from the value
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use multiple was.VariableSpec. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    variables : SET_OF_STRING
    As =. A different separator can be specified via the hidden 'valueSeparator' property (set_of_string)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated. Please use the WAS plugin type was.ORBService.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    passByReference : BOOLEAN
    Pass By Reference
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/server/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated. Please use the WAS plugin type was.ORBService. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    passByReference : STRING
    Pass By Reference (boolean)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Description unavailable

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    mqServerName : STRING
    Mq Server Name
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    createScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    destroyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Description unavailable (deployable)

    Public Properties
    mqServerName : STRING
    Mq Server Name (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    destinationJndiName : STRING
    The JNDI name of a WebSphere MQ messaging provider queue or topic type destination. When an MDB is deployed with this activation specification, messages for the MDB are consumed from this destination.
    destinationType : STRING  = javax.jms.Queue
    The type of the destination specified by using the destinationJndiName parameter
    qmgrHostname : STRING  = localhost
    The host name to use, for this activation specification, when attempting a client mode connection to WebSphere MQ. It must be a valid TCP/IP host name or IPv4 or IPv6 address.
    qmgrName : STRING
    The name of the queue manager to use, for this activation specification, when contacting WebSphere MQ.
    qmgrPortNumber : INTEGER  = 1414
    The port number to use, for this activation specification, when attempting a client mode connection to WebSphere MQ.
    qmgrSvrconnChannel : STRING  = SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN
    The SVRCONN channel to use when connecting to WebSphere MQ.
    wmqTransportType : STRING  = BINDINGS_THEN_CLIENT
    This parameter determines the way in which a connection is established to WebSphere MQ for this activation specification.
    authenticationAlias : STRING
    Authentication Alias
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    jndiName : STRING
    The name and location used to bind this object into WebSphere Application Server JNDI
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = authenticationAlias
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jms/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/jms/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    authenticationAlias : STRING
    Authentication Alias (string)
    destinationJndiName : STRING
    The JNDI name of a WebSphere MQ messaging provider queue or topic type destination. When an MDB is deployed with this activation specification, messages for the MDB are consumed from this destination. (string)
    destinationType : STRING
    The type of the destination specified by using the destinationJndiName parameter (string) default(javax.jms.Queue)
    jndiName : STRING
    The name and location used to bind this object into WebSphere Application Server JNDI (string)
    qmgrHostname : STRING
    The host name to use, for this activation specification, when attempting a client mode connection to WebSphere MQ. It must be a valid TCP/IP host name or IPv4 or IPv6 address. (string) default(localhost)
    qmgrName : STRING
    The name of the queue manager to use, for this activation specification, when contacting WebSphere MQ. (string)
    qmgrPortNumber : STRING
    The port number to use, for this activation specification, when attempting a client mode connection to WebSphere MQ. (integer) default(1414)
    qmgrSvrconnChannel : STRING
    The SVRCONN channel to use when connecting to WebSphere MQ. (string) default(SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    wmqTransportType : STRING
    This parameter determines the way in which a connection is established to WebSphere MQ for this activation specification. (string) default(BINDINGS_THEN_CLIENT)


    Type Hierarchy was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    category : STRING
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name
    maxThreads : STRING
    Maximum number of threads
    minThreads : STRING
    Minimum number of threads
    numAlarmThreads : STRING
    Number of alarm threads
    provider : STRING  = WorkManagerProvider
    threadPriority : STRING
    Thread Priority
    workReqQFullAction : STRING
    Work Req Q Full Action
    workReqQSize : STRING
    Work Req Q Size
    workTimeout : STRING
    Work Timeout
    ServiceNames_applicationProfilingService : BOOLEAN
    Service Names_application Profiling Service
    ServiceNames_internationalization : BOOLEAN
    Service Names_internationalization
    ServiceNames_security : BOOLEAN
    Service Names_security
    ServiceNames_workArea : BOOLEAN
    Service Names_work Area
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    isGrowable : BOOLEAN
    Is growable
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = provider,ServiceNames,workReqQFullAction
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/async/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = wasx/resources/async/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.WorkManagerProvider >> was.ConfigResource >> was.Resource >> was.ExtensibleDeployedResource >> was.ExtensibleDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this work manager provider for administrative purposes.
    Hidden Properties
    additionalPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = wasType,provider,providerType,customProperties
    Additional Properties Not To Expose
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The restart strategy for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, restart container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 58
    The order in which a create step will be executed.
    createScript : STRING  = was/common/config/
    Python script invoked to deploy a Java EE artifact or create a Java EE resource
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the create operation.
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 42
    The order in which a destroy step will be executed.
    destroyScript : STRING  = was/common/config/
    Python script invoked to undeploy a Java EE artifact or destroy a Java EE resource
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the destroy operation.
    discoverOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    discoverScript : STRING  = was/common/config/
    Discover Script
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [was/common/config/, was/common/config/]
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order in which a modify step will be executed.
    modifyScript : STRING  = was/common/config/
    Python script invoked to upgrade a Java EE artifact or modify a Java EE resource
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the modify operation.
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Noop
    Noop Verb
    restartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP, START, STOP_START]  = STOP_START
    The restart strategy for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start.
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose : STRING  = id, type, properties, deployable, container, createOrder, createScript, createVerb, syncAfterCreateOrder, modifyOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, noopOrder, noopScript, noopVerb, syncAfterModifyOrder, destroyOrder, destroyScript, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, destroyVerb, syncAfterDestroyOrder, startOrder, startScript, startVerb, stopOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, discoverScript, inspectScript, discoverOrder, libraryScripts, retryAttemptsForAppReadyCheck, restartStrategy, containerRestartStrategy,applyRestartStrategyOnNoop, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard properties that are not exposed to any python wsadmin script.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    syncAfterCreateOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after create step will be executed.
    syncAfterDestroyOrder : INTEGER  = 45
    The order in which a synchronize after destroy step will be executed.
    syncAfterModifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order in which a synchronize after modify step will be executed.
    wasType : STRING  = WorkManagerProvider
    WebSphere admin resource type.
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the restart strategy is apply for a NOOP operation
    exposeDeployedApplication : BOOLEAN  = false
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    noopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy was.WorkManagerProviderSpec >> was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this work manager provider for administrative purposes. (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy was.Deployable >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Deprecated please use the WAS plugin type. (deployable)

    Public Properties
    ServiceNames_applicationProfilingService : STRING
    Service Names_application Profiling Service (boolean)
    ServiceNames_internationalization : STRING
    Service Names_internationalization (boolean)
    ServiceNames_security : STRING
    Service Names_security (boolean)
    ServiceNames_workArea : STRING
    Service Names_work Area (boolean)
    category : STRING
    Category (string)
    description : STRING
    Description (string)
    isGrowable : STRING
    Is growable (boolean)
    jndiName : STRING
    JNDI name (string)
    maxThreads : STRING
    Maximum number of threads (string)
    minThreads : STRING
    Minimum number of threads (string)
    numAlarmThreads : STRING
    Number of alarm threads (string)
    provider : STRING
    Provider (string) default(WorkManagerProvider)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    threadPriority : STRING
    Thread Priority (string)
    workReqQFullAction : STRING
    Work Req Q Full Action (string)
    workReqQSize : STRING
    Work Req Q Size (string)
    workTimeout : STRING
    Work Timeout (string)