OSB Plugin Reference 9.6.x

    The XL Deploy Oracle Service Bus (OSB) plugin supports importing and deleting OSB projects.

    This document provides information that is specific to this version of the OSB plugin. For general information about the plugin, refer to Introduction to the XL Deploy OSB plugin.


    • XL Deploy 5.5.0 or later
    • XL Deploy WebLogic (WLS) plugin 5.1.x
    • WebLogic ALSB 3.0 to OSB 12c
    • WebLogic Domain user credentials
    • User credentials for accessing the host running the WebLogic Administration Server
    • User credentials for accessing the target hosts of managed servers (for NoStage mode)

    Using the deployables and deployeds

    Deployable vs. container table

    The following table describes which deployable/container combinations are possible.

    Deployable Container Generated deployed
    osb.Configuration osb.Domain

    Deployed actions table

    The following table describes the effect a deployed has on its container.

    Deployed Actions performed for operations
      Create Destroy Modify
    osb.Configuration Import the projects in the OSB Domain Delete the projects from the OSB Domain
    • Delete the projects from the OSB Domain
    • Import the projects in the OSB Domain

    Release Notes - OSB Plugin

    Version 7.0.0

    Compatible with XL Deploy 7.0.0.

    Version 6.2.0

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-9600] - Fix sbKernelLibs and wlst.sh/bat.ftl to support OSB 12c

    Version 6.0.0


    • [DEPL-10001] - Make setPreserveExistingEnvValue property configurable for osb-plugin

    Version 5.5.0

    Compatible with XL Deploy 5.5.0.

    Version 5.1.0

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8383] - Fixed the issue that displayed the password to WLST in cleartext

    Version 5.0.1

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8383] - Fixed the issue that displayed the password to WLST in cleartext

    Version 5.0.0

    XL Deploy 5.0.0 compatibility.

    Version 4.5.2

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8026] - Fixed the issue that caused deployment failure to an OSB container because the OSB plugin does not honor the activation timeout property
    • [DEPL-8383] - Fixed the issue that displayed the password to WLST in cleartext

    Version 4.5.0


    • [DEPL-6379] - Updated wslt.sh and wslt.cmd to mimic logic in wls Domain#getScriptCommandLine.

    Version 4.0.0


    Updated to use newer versions of dependencies.


    • [DEPL-5141] - osb plugin does not apply customization files to updated resources


    • [DEPL-5309] - Update OSB plugin documentation with manifest.xml example

    Version 3.9.3


    • This version is compatible with Deployit Weblogic Plugin 3.9.2

    Version 3.9.2


    • [DEPLOYITPB-4827] - Added com.bea.common.configfwk_1.7.0.0.jar to configfwkLibs property to support OSB

    Version 3.9.1

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-4650] OSB customization files should be applied on updates
    • Fixed osbHome property not showing in discovery options.

    Version 3.9.0

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-4239] - Make osbHome a java property that is required for inspection

    Version 3.8.0


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3552] - Support OSB

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3533] - Delete step problem

    Version 3.7.0


    • Updated to use plugin-api-3.7.0 and wls-plugin-3.7.0

    Version 3.7.0-beta-1

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-1669] - Port the OSB plugin to the new plugin API

    CI Reference

    Configuration Item Overview


    osb.Configuration OSB project configuration
    osb.ResourceConfiguration OSB resource configuration


    osb.DeployedConfiguration Deployed OSB Configuration
    osb.DeployedResourceConfiguration Deployed OSB Resource Configuration
    osb.ExtensibleDeployedArtifact Description unavailable


    osb.Domain OSB domain on the WebLogic server

    Configuration Item Details


    Type Hierarchy generic.Folder >> udm.BaseDeployableFolderArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.FolderArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    OSB project configuration

      Public properties
    projectNames: SET_OF_STRING
    List of projects
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Type Hierarchy osb.ExtensibleDeployedArtifact >> wls.ExtensibleDeployedArtifact >> wls.BaseWlsDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, python.IPythonManagedDeployed

    Deployed OSB Configuration

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deploymentOrder: INTEGER = 100
    By default, new applications and modules are configured with a Deployment Order value of 100
    projectNames: SET_OF_STRING
    List of projects
    redeploymentStrategy: ENUM [CLASSIC, STOP_START, SIDE_BY_SIDE] = CLASSIC
    Indicates what redeployment strategy to use for upgrading the application. Possible values: CLASSIC, STOP_START, SIDE_BY_SIDE
    retireTimeout: INTEGER = -1
    Timeout interval (in secs) before the previous application version is undeployed for side by side redeployment strategy
    automaticVersioning: BOOLEAN = true
    If set, the 'versionIdentifier' property is managed by the plugin. Any value explicitly set for 'versionIdentifier' is ignored. 'automaticVersioning' is enabled by default, in which case a unique version is created for the deployed module. If the manifest file includes an implementation version, then you must disable 'automaticVersioning'. If your manifest file includes a specification version and you want to use the implementation version that is defined in the manifest file, then you must set 'automaticVersioning' to false and enter the specification version as the 'versionIdentifier' property on the CI.
    block: BOOLEAN = true
    boolean value specifying whether the deployment should block user interaction until the command complete
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    passphrase: STRING
    PassPhrase OSB JarFile
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    planPath: STRING
    Name of the deployment plan file. The filename can be absolute or relative to the application directory.
    preserveExistingAccessControlPolicies: BOOLEAN = true
    Preserve Existing Access Control Policies
    preserveExistingCredentials: BOOLEAN = true
    Preserve Existing Credentials
    preserveExistingEnvValues: BOOLEAN = true
    Preserve Existing Env Values
    preserveExistingOperationalValues: BOOLEAN = true
    Preserve Existing Operational Values
    preserveExistingSecurityAndPolicyConfig: BOOLEAN = true
    Preserve Existing Security And Policy Config
    stageMode: ENUM [Stage, NoStage] = Stage
    Indicates whether the artifact will be deployed as staged or nostage mode
    stagingDirectory: STRING
    Absolute directory path where the artifact will be uploaded and used by the servers for nostage deployment mode
    versionIdentifier: STRING
    Version Identifier
    versioned: BOOLEAN
    Indicates wither this artifact is to be deployed as a versioned application
      Hidden properties
    configurationExtension: STRING = jar
    Configuration Extension
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 60
    Create Order
    createScript: STRING = osb/configuration/import.py
    Python script invoked to import this OSB configuration
    createVerb: STRING = Import
    Create Verb
    customizationFileExtension: STRING = xml
    Customization File Extension
    deleteArtifactOrder: INTEGER = 31
    Delete Artifact Order
    deleteRetiredArtifactOrder: INTEGER = 99
    Delete Retired Artifact Order
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    Destroy Order
    destroyScript: STRING = osb/configuration/delete.py
    Python script invoked to delete this OSB configuration
    destroyVerb: STRING = Delete
    Destroy Verb
    discoverOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    isRunningRetryWaitInterval: INTEGER = 500
    Time in milliseconds to wait before next retry to check if the deployment is still running
    manifestVersionProperty: STRING = Extension-Name
    Property in the manifest file of the archive indicating that it is a versioned artifact. You can override this property in XLDEPLOY_HOME/conf/deployit-defaults.properties. For example: wls.WarModule.manifestVersionProperty=Weblogic-Application-Version.
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 60
    Modify Order
    modifyScript: STRING = osb/configuration/import.py
    Python script invoked to modify this OSB configuration
    modifyVerb: STRING = Upgrade
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose: STRING = id, name, type, deployable, properties, container, createScript, createVerb, createOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, modifyOrder, destroyScript, destroyVerb, destroyOrder, deleteArtifactOrder, startScript, startVerb, startOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, stopOrder, deploymentStrategy, placeholders, file, redeploymentStrategy, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, stopRetiredApplicationOrder, undeployRetiredApplicationOrder, deleteRetiredArtifactOrder, isRunningRetryWaitInterval, wlstPath, libraryScripts, discoverOrder, deploymentOrder, isStartOrStopOperationRequired, automaticVersioning, createOptions, modifyOptions, destroyOptions, noopOptions, manifestVersionProperty, versionTemplateFile, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard Properties Not To Expose
    startOrder: INTEGER = 90
    Start Order
    startScript: STRING = wls/application/start-application.py
    Python script invoked to start this Java EE artifact
    startVerb: STRING = Start
    Start Verb
    stopOrder: INTEGER = 10
    Stop Order
    stopRetiredApplicationOrder: INTEGER = 95
    Stop Retired Application Order
    stopScript: STRING = wls/application/stop-application.py
    Python script invoked to stop this Java EE artifact
    stopVerb: STRING = Stop
    Stop Verb
    undeployRetiredApplicationOrder: INTEGER = 98
    Undeploy Retired Application Order
    versionExpression: STRING = [#ftl]${manifestAttributes["Specification-Version"]}[#if manifestAttributes["Implementation-Version"]??]@${manifestAttributes["Implementation-Version"]}[/#if]
    FreeMarker expression used to build the version based on the manifest file (properties are put in a map named 'manifestAttributes'). You can override this property in XLDEPLOY_HOME/conf/deployit-defaults.properties. For example: wls.WarModule.versionExpression=${manifestAttributes['Weblogic-Application-Version']}.
    wlstPath: STRING = AppDeployments
    Wlst Path
    activationTimeout: INTEGER = -10
    Time (in milliseconds) that WLST waits for the activation of configuration changes to complete before canceling the operation. A value of -1 indicates that the operation will not time out. A value of -10 indicates that this parameter will not be taken into account and server set default will be used. This argument normally defaults to 300,000 ms (or 5 minutes).
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    exposeDeployedApplication: BOOLEAN
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    isStartOrStopOperationRequired: BOOLEAN = true
    Is Start Or Stop Operation Required
    libraryScripts: LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script


    Type Hierarchy wls.ExtensibleDeployedArtifact >> wls.BaseWlsDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, python.IPythonManagedDeployed

    Deployed OSB Resource Configuration

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deploymentOrder: INTEGER = 100
    By default, new applications and modules are configured with a Deployment Order value of 100
    redeploymentStrategy: ENUM [CLASSIC, STOP_START, SIDE_BY_SIDE] = CLASSIC
    Indicates what redeployment strategy to use for upgrading the application. Possible values: CLASSIC, STOP_START, SIDE_BY_SIDE
    retireTimeout: INTEGER = -1
    Timeout interval (in secs) before the previous application version is undeployed for side by side redeployment strategy
    automaticVersioning: BOOLEAN = true
    If set, the 'versionIdentifier' property is managed by the plugin. Any value explicitly set for 'versionIdentifier' is ignored. 'automaticVersioning' is enabled by default, in which case a unique version is created for the deployed module. If the manifest file includes an implementation version, then you must disable 'automaticVersioning'. If your manifest file includes a specification version and you want to use the implementation version that is defined in the manifest file, then you must set 'automaticVersioning' to false and enter the specification version as the 'versionIdentifier' property on the CI.
    block: BOOLEAN = true
    boolean value specifying whether the deployment should block user interaction until the command complete
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    passphrase: STRING
    PassPhrase OSB JarFile
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    planPath: STRING
    Name of the deployment plan file. The filename can be absolute or relative to the application directory.
    stageMode: ENUM [Stage, NoStage] = Stage
    Indicates whether the artifact will be deployed as staged or nostage mode
    stagingDirectory: STRING
    Absolute directory path where the artifact will be uploaded and used by the servers for nostage deployment mode
    versionIdentifier: STRING
    Version Identifier
    versioned: BOOLEAN
    Indicates wither this artifact is to be deployed as a versioned application
      Hidden properties
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 60
    Create Order
    createScript: STRING = osb/configuration/resourceImport.py
    Python script invoked to import this OSB resource configuration
    createVerb: STRING = Import Resources
    Create Verb
    deleteArtifactOrder: INTEGER = 31
    Delete Artifact Order
    deleteRetiredArtifactOrder: INTEGER = 99
    Delete Retired Artifact Order
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    Destroy Order
    destroyScript: STRING = osb/configuration/resourceDelete.py
    Python script invoked to delete this OSB resource configuration
    destroyVerb: STRING = Delete
    Destroy Verb
    discoverOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    isRunningRetryWaitInterval: INTEGER = 500
    Time in milliseconds to wait before next retry to check if the deployment is still running
    manifestVersionProperty: STRING = Extension-Name
    Property in the manifest file of the archive indicating that it is a versioned artifact. You can override this property in XLDEPLOY_HOME/conf/deployit-defaults.properties. For example: wls.WarModule.manifestVersionProperty=Weblogic-Application-Version.
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 60
    Modify Order
    modifyScript: STRING = osb/configuration/resourceImport.py
    Python script invoked to modify this OSB resource configuration
    modifyVerb: STRING = Upgrade Resources
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    resourceConfigurationExtension: STRING = jar
    Resource Configuration Extension
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose: STRING = id, name, type, deployable, properties, container, createScript, createVerb, createOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, modifyOrder, destroyScript, destroyVerb, destroyOrder, deleteArtifactOrder, startScript, startVerb, startOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, stopOrder, deploymentStrategy, placeholders, file, redeploymentStrategy, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, stopRetiredApplicationOrder, undeployRetiredApplicationOrder, deleteRetiredArtifactOrder, isRunningRetryWaitInterval, wlstPath, libraryScripts, discoverOrder, deploymentOrder, isStartOrStopOperationRequired, automaticVersioning, createOptions, modifyOptions, destroyOptions, noopOptions, manifestVersionProperty, versionTemplateFile, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard Properties Not To Expose
    startOrder: INTEGER = 90
    Start Order
    startScript: STRING = wls/application/start-application.py
    Python script invoked to start this Java EE artifact
    startVerb: STRING = Start
    Start Verb
    stopOrder: INTEGER = 10
    Stop Order
    stopRetiredApplicationOrder: INTEGER = 95
    Stop Retired Application Order
    stopScript: STRING = wls/application/stop-application.py
    Python script invoked to stop this Java EE artifact
    stopVerb: STRING = Stop
    Stop Verb
    undeployRetiredApplicationOrder: INTEGER = 98
    Undeploy Retired Application Order
    versionExpression: STRING = [#ftl]${manifestAttributes["Specification-Version"]}[#if manifestAttributes["Implementation-Version"]??]@${manifestAttributes["Implementation-Version"]}[/#if]
    FreeMarker expression used to build the version based on the manifest file (properties are put in a map named 'manifestAttributes'). You can override this property in XLDEPLOY_HOME/conf/deployit-defaults.properties. For example: wls.WarModule.versionExpression=${manifestAttributes['Weblogic-Application-Version']}.
    wlstPath: STRING = AppDeployments
    Wlst Path
    activationTimeout: INTEGER = -10
    Time (in milliseconds) that WLST waits for the activation of configuration changes to complete before canceling the operation. A value of -1 indicates that the operation will not time out. A value of -10 indicates that this parameter will not be taken into account and server set default will be used. This argument normally defaults to 300,000 ms (or 5 minutes).
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    exposeDeployedApplication: BOOLEAN
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    isStartOrStopOperationRequired: BOOLEAN
    Is Start Or Stop Operation Required
    libraryScripts: LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script


    Type Hierarchy wls.Domain >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer, python.PythonManagedContainer, python.PythonManagingContainer, udm.Taggable, wls.WlsContainer

    OSB domain on the WebLogic server

    clusters: SET_OF_CI<wls.Cluster>
    WebLogic clusters belonging to domain
    servers: SET_OF_CI<wls.Server>
    WebLogic servers belonging to domain
      Public properties
    adminServerName: STRING = AdminServer
    The name of the admin server
    host: CI<overthere.Host>
    The host that runs the admin server
    osbHome: STRING
    OSB Home directory
    password: STRING
    Password which is used to login to the WebLogic Domain.
    port: INTEGER = 7001
    Port to be used by the AdminServer for this domain
    protocol: ENUM [t3, t3s] = t3
    Protocol to be used by the AdminServer for this domain
    startMode: ENUM [NodeManager, Script, WindowsService] = NodeManager
    Tells how a managed server is start and stop, default is NodeManager, others are Script or Windows Service
    username: STRING
    Username which is used to login to the WebLogic Domain.
    Version of Oracle WebLogic Server
    wlHome: STRING
    The location of the WebLogic Server installation
    domainHome: STRING
    The location of the WebLogic domain. Defaults to /../user_projects/domains/ (Unix) or \..\user_projects\domains\ (Windows)
    hostname: STRING
    Host to connect to for WLST
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    wlstPath: STRING
    Location of the wlst binary. Defaults to /common/bin/wlst.sh (Unix) or \common\bin\wlst.cmd (Windows)
      Hidden properties
    configfwkLibs: LIST_OF_STRING = [../modules/com.bea.common.configfwk_1.1.0.0.jar, ../modules/com.bea.common.configfwk_1.2.0.0.jar, ../modules/com.bea.common.configfwk_1.2.1.0.jar, ../modules/com.bea.common.configfwk_1.3.0.0.jar, ../modules/com.bea.common.configfwk_1.4.0.0.jar, modules/com.bea.common.configfwk_1.5.0.0.jar, modules/com.bea.common.configfwk_1.6.0.0.jar, modules/com.bea.common.configfwk_1.7.0.0.jar]
    All possible locations of the configfwk library relative to the OSB Home
    deployedsToDiscover: SET_OF_STRING = [wls.FilePersistentStore]
    Deployeds To Discover
    Specify if deploy, undeploy, start and stop operations should be batched and target multiple servers as part of one WLST command. Valid values: 'SINGLE_TARGET' (default, issues a separate call to each target server), 'MULTI_TARGET' (issues one call for multiple target servers by setting the WLST targets options).
    destroyJmsModuleOrder: INTEGER = 100
    Order used to trigger the clean of the JMS Modules of the domain
    pythonRuntimePath: STRING = osb/runtime
    Python Runtime Path
    sbKernelLibs: LIST_OF_STRING = [sb-kernel-api.jar, sb-kernel-impl.jar, sb-kernel-wls.jar, modules/oracle.servicebus.kernel-wls.jar, modules/oracle.servicebus.kernel-api.jar, modules/oracle.servicebus.configfwk.jar]
    All possibly needed service bus kernel libraries relative to the OSB home
    startOrder: INTEGER = 80
    Start Order
    stopOrder: INTEGER = 20
    Stop Order
    wlstTemplatePath: STRING = osb
    Path containing the wlst templates: wlst.sh.ftl (Unix) and wlst.cmd.ftl (Windows)
    customWlstTemplatePath: STRING
    Path containing the custom wlst templates: wlst.sh.ftl (Unix) and wlst.cmd.ftl (Windows)
    runWithDaemon: BOOLEAN = true
    Set to true to execute commands with the Python daemon


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy wls.ExtensibleDeployedArtifact >> wls.BaseWlsDeployed >> python.PythonManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, python.IPythonManagedDeployed

    Description unavailable

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deploymentOrder: INTEGER = 100
    By default, new applications and modules are configured with a Deployment Order value of 100
    redeploymentStrategy: ENUM [CLASSIC, STOP_START, SIDE_BY_SIDE] = CLASSIC
    Indicates what redeployment strategy to use for upgrading the application. Possible values: CLASSIC, STOP_START, SIDE_BY_SIDE
    retireTimeout: INTEGER = -1
    Timeout interval (in secs) before the previous application version is undeployed for side by side redeployment strategy
    automaticVersioning: BOOLEAN = true
    If set, the 'versionIdentifier' property is managed by the plugin. Any value explicitly set for 'versionIdentifier' is ignored. 'automaticVersioning' is enabled by default, in which case a unique version is created for the deployed module. If the manifest file includes an implementation version, then you must disable 'automaticVersioning'. If your manifest file includes a specification version and you want to use the implementation version that is defined in the manifest file, then you must set 'automaticVersioning' to false and enter the specification version as the 'versionIdentifier' property on the CI.
    block: BOOLEAN = true
    boolean value specifying whether the deployment should block user interaction until the command complete
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    planPath: STRING
    Name of the deployment plan file. The filename can be absolute or relative to the application directory.
    stageMode: ENUM [Stage, NoStage] = Stage
    Indicates whether the artifact will be deployed as staged or nostage mode
    stagingDirectory: STRING
    Absolute directory path where the artifact will be uploaded and used by the servers for nostage deployment mode
    versionIdentifier: STRING
    Version Identifier
    versioned: BOOLEAN
    Indicates wither this artifact is to be deployed as a versioned application
      Hidden properties
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 70
    Create Order
    createScript: STRING = wls/application/deploy-application.py
    Python script invoked to deploy this Java EE artifact
    createVerb: STRING = Deploy
    Create Verb
    deleteArtifactOrder: INTEGER = 31
    Delete Artifact Order
    deleteRetiredArtifactOrder: INTEGER = 99
    Delete Retired Artifact Order
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 30
    Destroy Order
    destroyScript: STRING = wls/application/undeploy-application.py
    Python script invoked to undeploy this Java EE artifact
    destroyVerb: STRING = Undeploy
    Destroy Verb
    discoverOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order in which a discover step will be executed.
    isRunningRetryWaitInterval: INTEGER = 500
    Time in milliseconds to wait before next retry to check if the deployment is still running
    manifestVersionProperty: STRING = Extension-Name
    Property in the manifest file of the archive indicating that it is a versioned artifact. You can override this property in XLDEPLOY_HOME/conf/deployit-defaults.properties. For example: wls.WarModule.manifestVersionProperty=Weblogic-Application-Version.
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 60
    Modify Order
    modifyVerb: STRING = Upgrade
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,exposeDeployedApplication,exposePreviousDeployed).
    standardPropertiesNotToExpose: STRING = id, name, type, deployable, properties, container, createScript, createVerb, createOrder, modifyScript, modifyVerb, modifyOrder, destroyScript, destroyVerb, destroyOrder, deleteArtifactOrder, startScript, startVerb, startOrder, stopScript, stopVerb, stopOrder, deploymentStrategy, placeholders, file, redeploymentStrategy, securityPermissions, inheritPermissions, exposeDeployedApplication, stopRetiredApplicationOrder, undeployRetiredApplicationOrder, deleteRetiredArtifactOrder, isRunningRetryWaitInterval, wlstPath, libraryScripts, discoverOrder, deploymentOrder, isStartOrStopOperationRequired, automaticVersioning, createOptions, modifyOptions, destroyOptions, noopOptions, manifestVersionProperty, versionTemplateFile, provisioners, ordinal, boundConfigurationItems
    Standard Properties Not To Expose
    startOrder: INTEGER = 90
    Start Order
    startScript: STRING = wls/application/start-application.py
    Python script invoked to start this Java EE artifact
    startVerb: STRING = Start
    Start Verb
    stopOrder: INTEGER = 10
    Stop Order
    stopRetiredApplicationOrder: INTEGER = 95
    Stop Retired Application Order
    stopScript: STRING = wls/application/stop-application.py
    Python script invoked to stop this Java EE artifact
    stopVerb: STRING = Stop
    Stop Verb
    undeployRetiredApplicationOrder: INTEGER = 98
    Undeploy Retired Application Order
    versionExpression: STRING = [#ftl]${manifestAttributes["Specification-Version"]}[#if manifestAttributes["Implementation-Version"]??]@${manifestAttributes["Implementation-Version"]}[/#if]
    FreeMarker expression used to build the version based on the manifest file (properties are put in a map named 'manifestAttributes'). You can override this property in XLDEPLOY_HOME/conf/deployit-defaults.properties. For example: wls.WarModule.versionExpression=${manifestAttributes['Weblogic-Application-Version']}.
    wlstPath: STRING = AppDeployments
    Wlst Path
    activationTimeout: INTEGER = -10
    Time (in milliseconds) that WLST waits for the activation of configuration changes to complete before canceling the operation. A value of -1 indicates that the operation will not time out. A value of -10 indicates that this parameter will not be taken into account and server set default will be used. This argument normally defaults to 300,000 ms (or 5 minutes).
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    exposeDeployedApplication: BOOLEAN
    Flag to indicate whether the deployed application CI is to be injected to the Python script execution context.
    isStartOrStopOperationRequired: BOOLEAN = true
    Is Start Or Stop Operation Required
    libraryScripts: LIST_OF_STRING
    List of scripts to be appended to the deployed's runtime script
    modifyScript: STRING
    Python script invoked to upgrade this Java EE artifact


    Type Hierarchy generic.Folder >> udm.BaseDeployableFolderArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.FolderArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    OSB resource configuration

      Public properties
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings