Oracle GlassFish Server Plugin Reference

    The XL Deploy GlassFish plugin adds the capability to manage deployments and resources on GlassFish application server.

    This document provides information that is specific to this version of the GlassFish plugin. For general information about the plugin, refer to Introduction to the XL Deploy GlassFish plugin.


    • XL Deploy 5.0.0 or later
    • GlassFish 3.x or 4.x
    • Linux server
    • User credentials for accessing the host and GlassFish command-line interface

    Using the deployables and deployeds

    Deployable vs. container table

    The following table describes which deployable/container combinations are possible.

    Deployable Container Generated deployed
    glassfish.Domain glassfish.EarModule
    glassfish.Domain glassfish.WarModule
    glassfish.Domain glassfish.EjbJarModule
    glassfish.JdbcConnectionPoolSpec glassfish.Domain glassfish.JdbcConnectionPool
    glassfish.Domain glassfish.JdbcResource
    glassfish.Domain glassfish.QueueConnectionFactory
    glassfish.Domain glassfish.TopicConnectionFactory
    glassfish.Domain glassfish.Queue
    glassfish.Domain glassfish.Topic
    glassfish.ApplicationRefSpec glassfish.RefContainer glassfish.ApplicationRef
    glassfish.ResourceRefSpec glassfish.RefContainer glassfish.ResourceRef

    Deployed actions table

    The following table describes the effect a deployed has on its container.

    Deployed Actions performed for operations
      Create Destroy Modify
    • upload artifact
    • deploy application
    • check if there are no references to the application
    • undeploy old application version
    • redeploy application version
    • create resource
    • delete resource
    • set properties
    • create resource
    • delete resource
    • create resource
    • delete resource

    Release Notes

    GlassFish plugin 5.0.0

    • new XL Deploy plugin format

    GlassFish plugin 4.5.0


    • [DEPL-6848] - Add glassfish-cli rules step primitive

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-7477] - Plugin does not handle asadmin errors containing Unicode characters
    • [DEPL-7478] - Plugin issues restart command even in case of NOOP operation
    • [DEPL-7704] - Cancelling or rolling back a deployment can give the wrong results in glassfish plugin

    GlassFish plugin 4.0.1


    • [DEPL-5551] - Support staging of artifacts

    GlassFish plugin 4.0.0

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-5398] - GlassFish plugin script error on undeployment

    CI Reference

    Configuration Item Overview


    CI Description
    glassfish.ApplicationRefSpec Specification of an Application Reference
    glassfish.Ear A JEE EAR archive
    glassfish.EjbJar An EjbJar archive
    glassfish.JdbcConnectionPoolSpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.JdbcResourceSpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.QueueConnectionFactorySpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.QueueSpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.ResourceRefSpec Specification of a Resource Reference
    glassfish.TopicConnectionFactorySpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.TopicSpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.War A JEE WAR archive


    CI Description
    glassfish.ApplicationRef Application reference is used to refer an application
    glassfish.Artifact Description unavailable
    glassfish.CliManagedDeployed Base for all deployed that utilize the Glassfish Cli for configuration
    glassfish.CliManagedDeployedArtifact Base for all deployed artifacts that utilize the Glassfish Cli for configuration
    glassfish.EarModule Ear with values configured for a deployment
    glassfish.EjbJarModule EjbJar with values configured for a deployment
    glassfish.JMSConnectionFactory Base class for all the JMS connection factories
    glassfish.JMSDestination Base class for all the JMS destinations
    glassfish.JMSResources Base class for all the JMS resources
    glassfish.JdbcConnectionPool A Glassfish jdbc connectionPool
    glassfish.JdbcResource JDBC Resource
    glassfish.JeeJdbcResource JDBC resource
    glassfish.Queue a Glassfish Queue
    glassfish.QueueConnectionFactory a Glassfish QCF
    glassfish.ResourceRef Resource reference is used to refer a glassfish resource
    glassfish.Topic A Glassfish Topic
    glassfish.TopicConnectionFactory a Glassfish QCF
    glassfish.WarModule War with values configured for a deployment


    CI Description
    glassfish.CliBasedContainer GlassFish Cli Managed Container
    glassfish.Cluster Glassfish Cluster
    glassfish.Domain Description unavailable
    glassfish.StandaloneServer Glassfish StandaloneServer

    Other Configuration Items

    CI Description
    glassfish.ApplicationRef Application reference is used to refer an application
    glassfish.ApplicationRefSpec Specification of an Application Reference
    glassfish.Artifact Description unavailable
    glassfish.CliBasedContainer GlassFish Cli Managed Container
    glassfish.CliManagedDeployed Base for all deployed that utilize the Glassfish Cli for configuration
    glassfish.CliManagedDeployedArtifact Base for all deployed artifacts that utilize the Glassfish Cli for configuration
    glassfish.Cluster Glassfish Cluster
    glassfish.Domain Description unavailable
    glassfish.Domain_create Generated type for method create
    glassfish.Ear A JEE EAR archive
    glassfish.EarModule Ear with values configured for a deployment
    glassfish.EjbJar An EjbJar archive
    glassfish.EjbJarModule EjbJar with values configured for a deployment
    glassfish.JMSConnectionFactory Base class for all the JMS connection factories
    glassfish.JMSDestination Base class for all the JMS destinations
    glassfish.JMSResources Base class for all the JMS resources
    glassfish.JdbcConnectionPool A Glassfish jdbc connectionPool
    glassfish.JdbcConnectionPoolSpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.JdbcResource JDBC Resource
    glassfish.JdbcResourceSpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.JeeJdbcResource JDBC resource
    glassfish.Queue a Glassfish Queue
    glassfish.QueueConnectionFactory a Glassfish QCF
    glassfish.QueueConnectionFactorySpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.QueueSpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.ResourceRef Resource reference is used to refer a glassfish resource
    glassfish.ResourceRefSpec Specification of a Resource Reference
    glassfish.StandaloneServer Glassfish StandaloneServer
    glassfish.StandaloneServer_create Generated type for method create
    glassfish.Topic A Glassfish Topic
    glassfish.TopicConnectionFactory a Glassfish QCF
    glassfish.TopicConnectionFactorySpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.TopicSpec null (deployable)
    glassfish.War A JEE WAR archive
    glassfish.WarModule War with values configured for a deployment

    Configuration Item Details


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Application reference is used to refer an application.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    applicationName : STRING
    Specifies name of the application to be referred
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 75
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/applicationref/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 25
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/applicationref/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/applicationref/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 75
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy jee.ResourceSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Specification of an Application Reference.

    Public Properties
    applicationName : STRING
    Specifies name of the application to be referred (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy glassfish.CliManagedDeployedArtifact >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Description unavailable

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    availabilityEnabled : BOOLEAN  = false
    Controls whether availability is enabled for web sessions and for stateful session bean (SFSB) checkpointing and potentially passivation
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this application
    force : BOOLEAN  = false
    Forces redeployment even if this application has already been deployed or already exists.
    keepState : BOOLEAN  = false
    Retains web sessions, SFSB instances, and persistently created EJB timers between redeployments
    lbenabled : BOOLEAN  = true
    This option controls whether the deployed application is available for load balancing. The default is true
    libraries : STRING
    A comma-separated list of library JAR files. Specify the library JAR files by their relative or absolute paths.
    placeholders : MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    verify : BOOLEAN  = false
    Verifies the syntax and semantics of the deployment descriptor. Verifier packages must be installed
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Deploy
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 30
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Undeploy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/application/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Update
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    enabled : BOOLEAN  = true
    Allows users to access the application.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces glassfish.CliManagingContainer, udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, glassfish.CliManagedContainer

    GlassFish Cli Managed Container

    host : CI<overthere.Host>
    Public Properties
    home : STRING
    GlassFish home directory (use first-level path containing bin/asadmin)
    port : INTEGER  = 4848
    TCP port which is used to login to DAS, default is 4848
    username : STRING
    Username which is used to login to DAS.
    adminHostAddress : STRING  = localhost
    Host which is used to login to DAS, default is localhost
    password : STRING
    Password which is used to login to DAS.
    secure : BOOLEAN  = false
    Connection to DAS should be secure.
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    Hidden Properties
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/library/, glassfish/library/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a GlassFish CLI script.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Base for all deployed that utilize the Glassfish Cli for configuration

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    inspectScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Base for all deployed artifacts that utilize the Glassfish Cli for configuration

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders : MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    inspectScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces glassfish.RefContainer, udm.Container, udm.ConfigurationItem, overthere.HostContainer, udm.Taggable, glassfish.CliManagedContainer

    Glassfish Cluster

    domain : CI<glassfish.Domain >
    Domain to which the server group belongs.
    Public Properties
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    Hidden Properties
    restartOrder : INTEGER  = 80
    Restart Order
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 80
    Start Order
    startScript : STRING  = glassfish/container/
    Start Script
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 20
    Stop Order
    stopScript : STRING  = glassfish/container/
    Stop Script
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Starts the Server instance


    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Stops the Server instance


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.CliBasedContainer >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces glassfish.CliManagingContainer, udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, glassfish.CliManagedContainer

    Description unavailable

    host : CI<overthere.Host>
    clusters : SET_OF_CI<glassfish.Cluster >
    StandaloneServer groups defined in domain
    servers : SET_OF_CI<glassfish.StandaloneServer >
    Profiles defined in domain
    Public Properties
    home : STRING
    GlassFish home directory (use first-level path containing bin/asadmin)
    port : INTEGER  = 4848
    TCP port which is used to login to DAS, default is 4848
    username : STRING
    Username which is used to login to DAS.
    adminHostAddress : STRING  = localhost
    Host which is used to login to DAS, default is localhost
    password : STRING
    Password which is used to login to DAS.
    secure : BOOLEAN  = false
    Connection to DAS should be secure.
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    Hidden Properties
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/container/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the domain.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/library/, glassfish/library/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a GlassFish CLI script.
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description
    create glassfish.Domain_create

    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Creates a domain


    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Deletes a domain


    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Starts the Domain Administration Server of the specified domain


    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Stops the Domain Administration Server of the specified domain


    Type Hierarchy udm.Parameters >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem

    Generated type for method create.

    Public Properties
    domainProperties : STRING
    Setting the optional name/value pairs overrides the default values for the properties of the domain to be created
    instancePort : INTEGER
    This HTTP port specifies where the web application context roots are available for a web browser to connect to


    Type Hierarchy jee.Ear >> udm.BaseDeployableArchiveArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Artifact, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.ArchiveArtifact, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.Deployable, udm.FileArtifact

    A JEE EAR archive

    Public Properties
    availabilityEnabled : STRING
    Controls whether availability is enabled for web sessions and for stateful session bean (SFSB) checkpointing and potentially passivation (boolean) default(false)
    checksum : STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    compatibility : STRING
    Supports the backward compatibility of JAR visibility in v2 instead of the stricter Java EE 6 requirements implemented in v3. (boolean) default(false)
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this application (string)
    excludeFileNamesRegex : STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri : STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    force : STRING
    Forces redeployment even if this application has already been deployed or already exists. (boolean) default(false)
    javaWebStartEnabled : STRING
    Specifies whether Java Web Start access is permitted for an application client module. (boolean) default(true)
    keepState : STRING
    Retains web sessions, SFSB instances, and persistently created EJB timers between redeployments (boolean) default(false)
    lbenabled : STRING
    This option controls whether the deployed application is available for load balancing. The default is true (boolean) default(true)
    libraries : STRING
    A comma-separated list of library JAR files. Specify the library JAR files by their relative or absolute paths. (string)
    placeholders : SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    precompileJsp : STRING
    Precompiles JSP pages during deployment. (boolean) default(false)
    scanPlaceholders : BOOLEAN  = false
    Whether to scan this artifact for placeholders when it is imported
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    verify : STRING
    Verifies the syntax and semantics of the deployment descriptor. Verifier packages must be installed (boolean) default(false)
    Hidden Properties
    textFileNamesRegex : STRING  = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    delimiters : STRING  = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings : MAP_STRING_STRING  = {.+\.properties=ISO-8859-1}
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.Artifact >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployedArtifact >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Ear with values configured for a deployment

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    availabilityEnabled : BOOLEAN  = false
    Controls whether availability is enabled for web sessions and for stateful session bean (SFSB) checkpointing and potentially passivation
    compatibility : BOOLEAN  = false
    Supports the backward compatibility of JAR visibility in v2 instead of the stricter Java EE 6 requirements implemented in v3.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this application
    force : BOOLEAN  = false
    Forces redeployment even if this application has already been deployed or already exists.
    javaWebStartEnabled : BOOLEAN  = true
    Specifies whether Java Web Start access is permitted for an application client module.
    keepState : BOOLEAN  = false
    Retains web sessions, SFSB instances, and persistently created EJB timers between redeployments
    lbenabled : BOOLEAN  = true
    This option controls whether the deployed application is available for load balancing. The default is true
    libraries : STRING
    A comma-separated list of library JAR files. Specify the library JAR files by their relative or absolute paths.
    placeholders : MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    precompileJsp : BOOLEAN  = false
    Precompiles JSP pages during deployment.
    verify : BOOLEAN  = false
    Verifies the syntax and semantics of the deployment descriptor. Verifier packages must be installed
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Deploy
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 30
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Undeploy
    Destroy Verb
    extension : STRING  = ear
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/application/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Update
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    enabled : BOOLEAN  = true
    Allows users to access the application.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy jee.EjbJar >> udm.BaseDeployableArchiveArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Artifact, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.ArchiveArtifact, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.Deployable, udm.FileArtifact

    An EjbJar archive

    Public Properties
    availabilityEnabled : STRING
    Controls whether availability is enabled for web sessions and for stateful session bean (SFSB) checkpointing and potentially passivation (boolean) default(false)
    checksum : STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    compatibility : STRING
    Supports the backward compatibility of JAR visibility in v2 instead of the stricter Java EE 6 requirements implemented in v3. (boolean) default(false)
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this application (string)
    excludeFileNamesRegex : STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri : STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    force : STRING
    Forces redeployment even if this application has already been deployed or already exists. (boolean) default(false)
    keepState : STRING
    Retains web sessions, SFSB instances, and persistently created EJB timers between redeployments (boolean) default(false)
    lbenabled : STRING
    This option controls whether the deployed application is available for load balancing. The default is true (boolean) default(true)
    libraries : STRING
    A comma-separated list of library JAR files. Specify the library JAR files by their relative or absolute paths. (string)
    placeholders : SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    scanPlaceholders : BOOLEAN  = false
    Whether to scan this artifact for placeholders when it is imported
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    verify : STRING
    Verifies the syntax and semantics of the deployment descriptor. Verifier packages must be installed (boolean) default(false)
    Hidden Properties
    textFileNamesRegex : STRING  = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    delimiters : STRING  = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings : MAP_STRING_STRING  = {.+\.properties=ISO-8859-1}
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.Artifact >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployedArtifact >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    EjbJar with values configured for a deployment

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    availabilityEnabled : BOOLEAN  = false
    Controls whether availability is enabled for web sessions and for stateful session bean (SFSB) checkpointing and potentially passivation
    compatibility : BOOLEAN  = false
    Supports the backward compatibility of JAR visibility in v2 instead of the stricter Java EE 6 requirements implemented in v3.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this application
    force : BOOLEAN  = false
    Forces redeployment even if this application has already been deployed or already exists.
    keepState : BOOLEAN  = false
    Retains web sessions, SFSB instances, and persistently created EJB timers between redeployments
    lbenabled : BOOLEAN  = true
    This option controls whether the deployed application is available for load balancing. The default is true
    libraries : STRING
    A comma-separated list of library JAR files. Specify the library JAR files by their relative or absolute paths.
    placeholders : MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    verify : BOOLEAN  = false
    Verifies the syntax and semantics of the deployment descriptor. Verifier packages must be installed
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Deploy
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 30
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Undeploy
    Destroy Verb
    extension : STRING  = jar
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/application/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Update
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    enabled : BOOLEAN  = true
    Allows users to access the application.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy glassfish.JMSResources >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Base class for all the JMS connection factories

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Text providing details about the JMS resource
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy glassfish.JMSResources >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Base class for all the JMS destinations

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the resource
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Base class for all the JMS resources

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    destroyScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    inspectScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    A Glassfish jdbc connectionPool

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    datasourceclassname : STRING
    Vendor-specific classname that implements the DataSource and/or XADataSource APIs
    databaseName : STRING
    Specifies the database for this connection pool
    datasourceName : STRING
    Specifies an underlying XADataSource, or a ConnectionPoolDataSource if connection pooling is done
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Description of the JDBC Connection Pool
    driverclassname : STRING
    Vendor-specific classname that implements the java.sql.Driver interface.
    idletimeout : INTEGER  = 300
    Maximum time that connection can remain idle in the pool(in seconds)
    isisolationguaranteed : BOOLEAN  = true
    All connections use same isolation level; requires Transaction Isolation
    maxpoolsize : INTEGER  = 32
    Maximum number of connections that can be created to satisfy client requests
    maxwait : INTEGER  = 60000
    Amount of time caller waits before connection timeout is sent(in milliseconds)
    nontransactionalconnections : BOOLEAN  = false
    Returns non-transactional connections
    password : STRING
    Specifies the password for connecting to the database
    ping : BOOLEAN  = false
    When enabled, the pool is pinged during creation or reconfiguration to identify and warn of any erroneous values for its attributes
    poolresize : INTEGER  = 2
    Number of connections to be removed when pool idle timeout expires
    port : STRING
    Specifies the port on which the database server listens for requests
    restype : ENUM [javax_sql_DataSource, javax_sql_XADataSource, javax_sql_ConnectionPoolDataSource, java_sql_Driver]
    Must be specified if the datasource class implements more than 1 of the interface(javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.XADataSource, or javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource).
    serverName : STRING
    Specifies the database server for this connection pool
    steadypoolsize : INTEGER  = 8
    Minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the pool
    url : STRING
    Specifies the URL for this connection pool. Although this is not a standard property, it is commonly used
    user : STRING
    Specifies the user name for connecting to the database
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcconnectionpool/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcconnectionpool/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcconnectionpool/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/jdbcconnectionpool/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcconnectionpool/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    propertyCategory : STRING  = Properties
    Property Category
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy jee.ResourceSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    null (deployable)

    Public Properties
    databaseName : STRING
    Specifies the database for this connection pool (string)
    datasourceName : STRING
    Specifies an underlying XADataSource, or a ConnectionPoolDataSource if connection pooling is done (string)
    datasourceclassname : STRING
    Vendor-specific classname that implements the DataSource and/or XADataSource APIs (string)
    description : STRING
    Description of the JDBC Connection Pool (string)
    driverclassname : STRING
    Vendor-specific classname that implements the java.sql.Driver interface. (string)
    idletimeout : STRING
    Maximum time that connection can remain idle in the pool(in seconds) (integer) default(300)
    isisolationguaranteed : STRING
    All connections use same isolation level; requires Transaction Isolation (boolean) default(true)
    maxpoolsize : STRING
    Maximum number of connections that can be created to satisfy client requests (integer) default(32)
    maxwait : STRING
    Amount of time caller waits before connection timeout is sent(in milliseconds) (integer) default(60000)
    nontransactionalconnections : STRING
    Returns non-transactional connections (boolean) default(false)
    password : STRING
    Specifies the password for connecting to the database (string)
    ping : STRING
    When enabled, the pool is pinged during creation or reconfiguration to identify and warn of any erroneous values for its attributes (boolean) default(false)
    poolresize : STRING
    Number of connections to be removed when pool idle timeout expires (integer) default(2)
    port : STRING
    Specifies the port on which the database server listens for requests (string)
    restype : STRING
    Must be specified if the datasource class implements more than 1 of the interface(javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.XADataSource, or javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource). (enum) values(javax_sql_DataSource, javax_sql_XADataSource, javax_sql_ConnectionPoolDataSource, java_sql_Driver)
    serverName : STRING
    Specifies the database server for this connection pool (string)
    steadypoolsize : STRING
    Minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the pool (integer) default(8)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    url : STRING
    Specifies the URL for this connection pool. Although this is not a standard property, it is commonly used (string)
    user : STRING
    Specifies the user name for connecting to the database (string)


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.JeeJdbcResource >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    JDBC Resource. This deployed is used when a glassfish.JdbcResourceSpec is specified in a package.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the JDBC resource
    poolName : STRING
    The name of the JDBC connection pool. If two or more JDBC resource elements point to the same connection pool element, they use the same pool connection at runtime.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcresource/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 35
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcresource/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcresource/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcresource/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    propertyCategory : STRING  = Properties
    Property Category
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy jee.DataSourceSpec >> jee.JndiResourceSpec >> jee.ResourceSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    null (deployable)

    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the JDBC resource (string)
    poolName : STRING
    The name of the JDBC connection pool. If two or more JDBC resource elements point to the same connection pool element, they use the same pool connection at runtime. (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    JDBC resource. This deployed is used when a jee.DataSourceSpec is specified in a package.

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the JDBC resource
    poolName : STRING
    The name of the JDBC connection pool. If two or more JDBC resource elements point to the same connection pool element, they use the same pool connection at runtime.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcresource/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 35
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcresource/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcresource/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jdbcresource/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    propertyCategory : STRING  = Properties
    Property Category
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.JMSDestination >> glassfish.JMSResources >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    a Glassfish Queue

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the resource
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    restype : STRING  = javax.jms.Queue
    The JMS resource type, which is javax.jms.Queue
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.JMSConnectionFactory >> glassfish.JMSResources >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    a Glassfish QCF

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Text providing details about the JMS resource
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    restype : STRING  = javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
    The JMS resource type, which is javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy jee.ResourceSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    null (deployable)

    Public Properties
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance (string)
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber (string)
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer (string)
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory (string)
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory (string)
    description : STRING
    Text providing details about the JMS resource (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy jee.ResourceSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    null (deployable)

    Public Properties
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance (string)
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber (string)
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer (string)
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory (string)
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the resource (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    Resource reference is used to refer a glassfish resource

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    resourceName : STRING
    Specifies the name/jndiname of the glassfish resource to be referred
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/resourceref/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 25
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/resourceref/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/resourceref/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 65
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy jee.ResourceSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    Specification of a Resource Reference.

    Public Properties
    resourceName : STRING
    Specifies the name/jndiname of the glassfish resource to be referred (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces glassfish.RefContainer, udm.Container, udm.ConfigurationItem, overthere.HostContainer, udm.Taggable, glassfish.CliManagedContainer

    Glassfish StandaloneServer

    domain : CI<glassfish.Domain >
    Domain to which the server group belongs.
    Public Properties
    host : CI<overthere.Host>
    Host on which server resides. When emtpy, the host on which the domain resides is used.
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    Hidden Properties
    restartOrder : INTEGER  = 80
    Restart Order
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 80
    Start Order
    startScript : STRING  = glassfish/container/
    Start Script
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 20
    Stop Order
    stopScript : STRING  = glassfish/container/
    Stop Script
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description
    create glassfish.StandaloneServer_create

    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Creates a server instance


    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Deletes a server instance


    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Starts the Server instance


    delegate = asadmin, script = glassfish/container/

    Stops the Server instance


    Type Hierarchy udm.Parameters >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem

    Generated type for method create.

    Public Properties
    node : STRING
    Name of the node on which the instance will reside
    config : STRING
    Specifies the named configuration that the instance references.uses the default configuration, if you do not provide any.
    systemProperties : STRING
    Setting the optional name/value pairs overrides the default values for the properties of the server to be created


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.JMSDestination >> glassfish.JMSResources >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    A Glassfish Topic

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the resource
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsdestination/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    restype : STRING  = javax.jms.Topic
    The JMS resource type, which is javax.jms.Topic
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.JMSConnectionFactory >> glassfish.JMSResources >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    a Glassfish QCF

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Text providing details about the JMS resource
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 60
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/jmsconnectionfactory/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    restype : STRING  = javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
    The JMS resource type, which can be javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource


    Type Hierarchy jee.ResourceSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    null (deployable)

    Public Properties
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance (string)
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber (string)
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer (string)
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory (string)
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory (string)
    description : STRING
    Text providing details about the JMS resource (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy jee.ResourceSpec >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.Deployable

    null (deployable)

    Public Properties
    AddressList : STRING
    A comma-separated list of message queue addresses that specify the host names (and, optionally, port numbers) of a message broker instance (string)
    ClientId : STRING
    A client ID for a connection factory that will be used by a durable subscriber (string)
    Name : STRING
    The name of the physical destination to which the resource will refer (string)
    Password : STRING
    The password for the connection factory (string)
    UserName : STRING
    The user name for the connection factory (string)
    jndiName : STRING
    Specifies the JNDI name for the resource (string)
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.


    Type Hierarchy jee.War >> udm.BaseDeployableArchiveArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Artifact, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Taggable, udm.ArchiveArtifact, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.Deployable, udm.FileArtifact

    A JEE WAR archive

    Public Properties
    availabilityEnabled : STRING
    Controls whether availability is enabled for web sessions and for stateful session bean (SFSB) checkpointing and potentially passivation (boolean) default(false)
    checksum : STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    contextRoot : STRING
    Path relative to server's base URL. (string)
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this application (string)
    excludeFileNamesRegex : STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri : STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    force : STRING
    Forces redeployment even if this application has already been deployed or already exists. (boolean) default(false)
    keepState : STRING
    Retains web sessions, SFSB instances, and persistently created EJB timers between redeployments (boolean) default(false)
    lbenabled : STRING
    This option controls whether the deployed application is available for load balancing. The default is true (boolean) default(true)
    libraries : STRING
    A comma-separated list of library JAR files. Specify the library JAR files by their relative or absolute paths. (string)
    placeholders : SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    precompileJsp : STRING
    Precompiles JSP pages during deployment. (boolean) default(false)
    scanPlaceholders : BOOLEAN  = false
    Whether to scan this artifact for placeholders when it is imported
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
    verify : STRING
    Verifies the syntax and semantics of the deployment descriptor. Verifier packages must be installed (boolean) default(false)
    Hidden Properties
    textFileNamesRegex : STRING  = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    delimiters : STRING  = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings : MAP_STRING_STRING  = {.+\.properties=ISO-8859-1}
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Type Hierarchy glassfish.Artifact >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployedArtifact >> glassfish.CliManagedDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer, udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.ConfigurationItem

    War with values configured for a deployment

    container : CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
    Public Properties
    availabilityEnabled : BOOLEAN  = false
    Controls whether availability is enabled for web sessions and for stateful session bean (SFSB) checkpointing and potentially passivation
    contextRoot : STRING
    Path relative to server's base URL.
    deployable : CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    description : STRING
    Specifies the description of this application
    force : BOOLEAN  = false
    Forces redeployment even if this application has already been deployed or already exists.
    keepState : BOOLEAN  = false
    Retains web sessions, SFSB instances, and persistently created EJB timers between redeployments
    lbenabled : BOOLEAN  = true
    This option controls whether the deployed application is available for load balancing. The default is true
    libraries : STRING
    A comma-separated list of library JAR files. Specify the library JAR files by their relative or absolute paths.
    placeholders : MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    precompileJsp : BOOLEAN  = false
    Precompiles JSP pages during deployment.
    verify : BOOLEAN  = false
    Verifies the syntax and semantics of the deployment descriptor. Verifier packages must be installed
    Hidden Properties
    containerRestartStrategy : ENUM [NONE, STOP_START, RESTART]  = NONE
    The logical stop/start sequence for the container affected by the deployed. STOP_START : stop container, undeploy, deploy, start container. RESTART : undeploy, deploy, stop container, start container.
    createOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb : STRING  = Deploy
    Create Verb
    destroyOrder : INTEGER  = 30
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb : STRING  = Undeploy
    Destroy Verb
    extension : STRING  = war
    inspectScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    libraryScripts : LIST_OF_STRING  = [glassfish/application/]
    List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script.
    modifyOrder : INTEGER  = 70
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyScript : STRING  = glassfish/application/
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb : STRING  = Update
    Modify Verb
    noopOrder : INTEGER  = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb : STRING  = Modify
    Noop Verb
    The logical stop/start sequence for the deployed. STOP_START : stop, undeploy, deploy, start. STOP: stop, undeploy, deploy. START: undeploy, deploy, start. Please note that the steps will be created only if start/stop scripts are defined for the deployable.
    startOrder : INTEGER  = 90
    The order in which a start step will be executed.
    startVerb : STRING  = Start
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the start operation.
    stopOrder : INTEGER  = 10
    The order in which a stop step will be executed.
    stopVerb : STRING  = Stop
    The word that is used to prefix a step description for the stop operation.
    applyContainerRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the container restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    applyRestartStrategyOnNoop : BOOLEAN  = false
    When true, the deployed restart strategy is applied for a NOOP operation
    enabled : BOOLEAN  = true
    Allows users to access the application.
    noopScript : STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    startScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to start a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource
    stopScript : STRING
    Python script invoked to stop a Java EE artifact or Java EE resource

    Step Reference



    The glassfish-cli step executes a Python script that controls the Oracle GlassFish asadmin command-line interface utility. The script executes on top of a thin Python wrapper library that provides convenient functions for executing adadmin commands, logging, and so on.


    This is an example of a glassfish-cli step that will deploy an application:

        <description expression="true">"Deploying application '%s'" %</description>

    Note: The glassfish/application/ script is provided with the glassfish-plugin.

    This is an example of a glassfish-cli step that will create an application reference using a custom provided script:

        <description expression="true">"Creating reference to application '%s'" % deployed.applicationName</description>
            <name expression="true">deployed.applicationName</name>
            <container expression="true">deployed.container.targetName</container>

    Content of the file:

    logOutput("Creating application reference")
    executeCmd("create-application-ref --target %s %s" %(container, name))

    To create the same steps with a script rule:

        order = 70,
        description = "Deploying application '%s'" %,
        script = "glassfish/application/",
        additional_libraries = ["glassfish/application/"]
        order = 75,
        description = "Creating reference to application '%s'" % deployed.applicationName,
        script = "",
        python_context = {"name": deployed.applicationName, "container": deployed.container.targetName},
        upload_artifacts_in_python_context = False

    Handling artifacts

    Without the glassfish-cli step, scripts must use the uploadFile function to upload a file to the target container. With the glassfish-cli step, all variables of type udm.Artifact are uploaded to the target container host. The file property is updated with a reference to a remote OverthereFile. This allows you to access staged or automatically uploaded artifacts bound to the glassfish-cli Python context.

    For example, the deployed is automatically bound to the Python context. The parameter uploadArtifactsInPythonContext is enabled by default, so the deployed artifact will be uploaded to the target container and deployed.file will be updated with a reference to the remote OverthereFile. If staging was enabled, deployed.file contains a reference to the staged OverthereFile.

    Thus, deployed.file.path will return the path on the target container and not on the filesystem where the XL Deploy server runs.

    To manually control the upload, set uploadArtifactsInPythonContext to false and use uploadFile function.

    Instead of:

    uploadedArtifact = uploadFile(deployed.file, appName)
    executeCmd(buildDeployCommand(deployed, uploadedArtifact.path, 'deploy'))

    You can use use:

    executeCmd(buildDeployCommand(deployed, deployed.file.path, 'deploy'))

    This behaviour is enabled by default and can be disabled via the uploadArtifactsInPythonContext parameter.

    Available functions

    Some of the functions from the wrapper layer are described below. For a full listing of available functions, see the glassfish/library/ and glassfish/library/ files.


    Executes the asadmin command on the target glassfish.Domain and returns the command output as an array.


    • cmd - command to execute
    • exitOnFailure - should the function exit in case of failure (defaults to True)
    • runWithDaemon - should the command run in daemon mode (defaults to True)

    Logs the info message to the step output.


    • msg - message to log

    Logs the error message to the step output.


    • msg - message to log

    Uploads the file to the remote working directory and returns OverthereFile.


    • file - file to upload
    • targetName - target file name in a remote working directory

    Calculated step parameters


    The container parameter of a step is calculated as follows:

    • If the scope is deployed:
    • In other cases, container cannot be automatically calculated and must be specified manually.

    Step Parameters

    Parameter Type Description Required Calculated
    additional-libraries List List of python library scripts that should be automatically loaded when using a Glassfish CLI script. No Yes
    container CliManagedContainer CLI managed container (Cluster, Server or Domain) to execute the python script Yes Yes
    description String Description of this step, as it should appear in generated deployment plans Yes Yes
    order Integer Execution order of the step Yes Yes
    python-context Map Dictionary that represent context available to the python script No Yes
    script String Path to the python script to be executed Yes No
    upload-artifacts-in-python-context Boolean If true, artifacts from the python context will be uploaded to the target host and available to the script as .file (of type OverthereFile). Defaults to true. If set to false it will prevent staging. No No
    Note: For information about how values are calcuated, refer to Use a predefined step in a rule.