What is the purpose of the timestampedVersion attribute ?

When you set timestampedVersion to the true value, the version of the generated package will be completed by a a timestamp. The aim is to keep the pom unmodified while you can perform several deployments without clashes.


How can I specify a custom deployment package version to be used in the manifest ?

Use the packageVersion configuration property

                            <commandLine>echo test</commandLine>


How can I retrieve the generated package version ?

The generated version is available after generate-deployment-package execution to all Reactor projects as ${build.dar.package.version} property.


How can I import a generated dar ?

If you have a pom using dar packaging, use mvn package deployit:import


How can I specify tags on a deployables?

Use the special tags element

                <cmd.Command name="install-tc-command">
                    <commandLine>/bin/sh ${install-tc.sh} ${tomcat.zip}</commandLine>
                        <ci ref="install-tc.sh" />
                        <ci ref="tomcat.zip" />


Does XL Deploy maven plugin support credentials defined in the setting.xml file?

Yes, it does since 3.6.4. Just add your server to the settings.xml and it will be used for XL Deploy authentication. Make sure to use only username and password tags.

The default server id is 'deployit-credentials'. It can be modified using the server tag in the plugin configuration.

Passwords can be encrypted if needed Password Encryption


How to specify a set of CI refs?

To specify a set of CI refs in new format:

                <cmd.Command name="install-tc-command">
                    <commandLine>/bin/sh ${install-tc.sh} ${tomcat.zip}</commandLine>
                        <ci ref="install-tc.sh" />
                        <ci ref="tomcat.zip" />

To specify a set of CI refs in legacy format:

                    <commandLine>/bin/sh ${uninstall-tc.sh}</commandLine>
                            <ci ref="uninstall-tc.sh" />


How to specify tags?

To specify tags in new format:

                <cmd.Command name="install-tc-command">
                    <commandLine>/bin/sh ${install-tc.sh} ${tomcat.zip}</commandLine>
                        <ci ref="install-tc.sh" />
                        <ci ref="tomcat.zip" />

To specify tags in legacy format:

                    <commandLine>/bin/sh ${install-tc.sh} ${tomcat.zip}</commandLine>
                            <ci ref="install-tc.sh" />
                            <ci ref="tomcat.zip" />
