Generate DAR

DAR - Deployit Archive - is a new Maven packaging type. It allows to generate a Deployit deployment package with all the necessary deployables (artifacts and middleware resources) that compose the application and to gather all into an archive (.dar) that could be installed in a Maven repository and later imported into Deployit. The following example describes a package that contains:

  • a war file - petclinic - defined as a maven dependency (groupId and artifactId, the version is defined in the dependency node)
  • a war file - petclinic-backend - defined as a maven dependency
  • an archive file - the driver jdbc mysql - defined as a maven dependency
  • a configuration folder - configuration - defined using a location, the location/ is relative to the dar project.
  • a package using a classifier
  • a weblogic datasource - petclinicDS - with common static properties (jndiNames, driverName ...) and environment based properties (username, password}
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <packaging>dar</packaging> <!-- DAR packaging -->
        <name>Dar Format</name>
                    <extensions>true</extensions> <!-- tells maven the plugin contains extensions -->
                                <classifier>package2</classifier>          <!-- you can use a classifier here -->
                <classifier>package2</classifier>      <!-- you can use a classifier here -->